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陈一冰:其实有点不甘心 想说干脆再来比一场--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Should be a gold medal,But become the silver medal,Chen yibing showed in the Olympic men's rings of the game by the referee“Plot against”,Become a tragedy character。yesterday,Chen yibing invited guest tencent,Also accepted our newspaper《Star reception room》interview。Although no gold medal,But Chen yibing or showed a general manner,Let a person admire。

  有把握,做完动作后等冠军 sure,After finish action such as champions

  比赛结束后,陈一冰都会亲吻吊环,本场比赛也不例外,陈一冰喜欢吊环究竟到了什么地步?对此陈一冰表示:“这是生活的一部分。 ”而至于为什么陈一冰会亲吻吊环,陈一冰说:“虽然是冷冰冰的器械,但是同样投入了全部。我可能只有吊环比较有天赋。而正是这个项目,也给我一个舞台,让我在这个项目上享受了酸甜苦辣,所以觉得它给我带来了很多很多很享受的东西。 ”

After the game,Chen yibing will kiss rings,The game is no exception,Chen yibing like rings what to what point?It said Chen yibing:“This is a part of life。 ”And as to why Chen yibing will kiss rings,Chen yibing said:“Although it is cold instrument,But the same in all。I could only rings more talent。And it is this project,Also, give me a stage,Let me in this project to enjoy the joys and sorrows of life,So I think it brought me a lot of a lot of great things。 ”

  其实陈一冰在做完动作后,对于冠军还是有很大的把握:“因为我第一个出场嘛,一套下来站稳的时候,我当时觉得,说实话80%吧,我觉得挺有把握的,我就在等。我在听音乐,等待对手一个一个地完成。我知道最后一个巴西的选手应该是我的竞争对手,因为从以往来讲,我跟他比过几次,我从来都没输过他,所以我一直都觉得只要自己完成好,就没有什么对手。 ”

Actually Chen yibing in finish after action,For the champions there are still a lot of grasp:“Because I first played well,A set of stand down,I felt,To tell you the truth, 80%,I feel quite certain,I will waiting for。I was listening to music,Wait until your opponent one to complete。I know the last Brazil player should be my rivals,Because from previous terms,I told him more than a few times,I had never lost him,So I always think that as long as own work well,There can be no opponent。 ”

  有风度,几秒钟后祝贺巴西人 Have poise,A few seconds later congratulations on the Brazilian

  但最后的结果让所有人大跌眼镜,陈一冰也承认,那一刻自己有些不知所措:“在他前面做得还可以的情况下,当他下马最后迈一步的时候,我觉得应该是能够拿下,所以当时想的是一会儿怎么庆祝,挺完美的。但是当分打出来的时候,一下空白了,因为怎么想象我都没想到这个结果,所以当时空白了一下。 ”不过陈一冰的风度还是折服了所有人:“但是也就短短几秒钟时间,我就觉得我应该去祝贺冠军。 ”

But the final result that all suffered National People's Congress,Chen yibing also acknowledged that,At that moment his some at a loss:“In front of him do it is,When he dismount the last step time,I think should be able to win,So thought is a moment how to celebrate,Quite perfect。But when points to play out,Once a blank,Because how to imagine I didn't expect the results,So was a blank。 ”But Chen yibing manner or impressed all people:“But also a short span of a few seconds,I think I should go to congratulate champions。 ”

  但说到底,陈一冰最终站在了领奖台上,正如他自己所说:“太多太多是我没有想象过的东西,比如说我站在第二,然后看的颜色是银色的,然后国旗不是最高的。 ”陈一冰说,自己的人生并不遗憾,今天他只是为自己体育的一个目标感到遗憾,不过他输得起:“我真的是能够理解什么叫荣辱不惊这种,我觉得今天我赢得起,而且我也一样能够输得起。 ”

But in the final analysis,Chen yibing finally standing on the podium,Just as he said:“Too much is I did not imagine things,For example I stand in the second,And then see the color is silver,Then the flag not of the highest。 ”Chen yibing said,His life is not regret,Today he just for their sports a goal regret,But he good loser:“I really can understand what is not surprised this honor,I think today I win up,And I also can afford to lose。 ”

  至于陈一冰为什么不去申诉,他解释道“因为规则,只能是申诉自己的动作,比如说我是6.8的难度,他给我算到6.7,或者6.6,你有权利去申诉,但是别人的得分你都是没有权利申诉的,这是规则,不管是谁,都一样。 ”陈一冰已经拿到了自己动作套路里的最高分,但别人因为其他原因比你高,这没有别的办法。

As for Chen yibing showed why not go to appeal,He explained“Because the rules,Is only appeal his action,For example I is the difficulty of 6.8,He gave me calculate to 6.7,Or 6.6,You have the right to appeal,But others score you are have no right of appeal,This is the rule,No matter who,Are all the same。 ”Chen yibing have got their action in the routine points,But others for some other reason is higher than yours,There is no other way。

  有信心,想再坚持四年 Have the confidence,Want to stick to the four years

  只是,想到所有支持他的人,陈一冰还是会觉得有一些不甘心:“我就希望能够卫冕,希望能够完成自己的心愿。所以从这几天来讲,从训练的状态到心态,都是非常好的,觉得特别有信心。说实话,有点不甘心,我觉得对于我来说,其实有点不甘心,确实想坚持四年,或者说干脆再来比一场,真是这种感觉,在领奖的一瞬间,我感觉很多很多都是空白。 ”(范宏基 隋海涛)

just,Think of all support him,Chen yibing will still feel that there are some not voluntarily:“I hope to be able to defending,Hope to be able to complete her wish。So from this several days speaking,From the training state to state of mind,It is all very well,Feel special have the confidence。To tell you the truth,A bit unwilling,I think for me,Actually a little not voluntarily,Really want to stick to the four years,Or simply come again than a field,Is this kind of feeling,In the moment,I feel a lot of a lot of are blank。 ”(FanHongJi SuiHaiTao)
