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中药材市场乱象:价格飙涨 假货频出 名称混乱--亲稳舆论引导监测室


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On one side is rising prices,On one side is ShiJia doped、shoddy,Frequent problems of Chinese medicinal materials market seems to“disease”Not light。


Chinese herbal medicine market“ailing”Why can't cure the repeatedly?The deep“cause”is?How to get a“prescription”To ensure the healthy development?The reporter has come to known as“medicine”said、The nation's largest Chinese herbal medicine professional market research interview school located in hebei province。


The state food and drug supervision bureau recently issued a notice,Requires all further strengthen Chinese herbal medicine professional market oversight,Increase investigation dynamics,To crack down on counterfeit、Illegal processing Chinese medicine yinpian、Call a ticket business、Artificial dyeing illegal activities such as weight gain。


From the national regulatory a ordered,To the mess of Chinese medicinal materials market constantly out serious warning。Here is the deal can be cured the disease was medicine,But now their own but with persistent ailment,To be a strategy paper。


多重“症状”—— multiple“symptoms”--


价格飙涨 假货频出 名称混乱 Prices rocketing fake PinChu name chaos


Reporter in hebei school of medicine market survey found:Since last year,Chinese herbal medicine price sound one。


“Now the largest increase prices may be the codonopsis pilosula......,Six or seven dollars before a kilo,Now sells for 40 yuan。”Traditional Chinese medicine school of wholesalers RenQiong said。


“Known as the rare Chinese herbal medicine sanqi (panax notoginseng),In 2009, less than 60 yuan per kilogram,Now has soared to 600 yuan per kilogram!”Complain about the drug。the“Garlic you malicious”、“Sugar the emperor”、“Ginger you army”after,Chinese herbal medicine and be they nicknamed the“Medicine your life”。


Not only is the ordinary Chinese traditional medicine,Rare traditional Chinese medicinal materials have also jumped the astounding。


In recent years, with“Caterpillar fungus hot”Swept across the country,Not only cause in qinghai、Tibet area of the mining and trading activities,The price of Chinese caterpillar fungus is climbing。Guangdong puning Chinese herbal medicine market caterpillar fungus operators said Mr Qin:“Cordyceps in around 2004 twenty-five thousand or so per kilogram,Now more than 20 to ten thousand yuan,Eight years has jumped ten times!”


Not only prices soared,shoddy、The real ones and the quality problems that common people more anxious。


AnGuoShi Chinese herbal medicine specialized market in hebei province during the inspection found,Some illegal merchants to escape from regulatory secretly“Underground trade”and“over-the-counter”,In the trade lobby put stall in true medicine,But in the hall outside the warehouse storage、The sale of fake drugs is large。


“At present,Our country each big Chinese herbal medicine market still exist individual illegal merchants to selfish interests,For Chinese herbal medicine dyed、Artificial weight increase、Doping ShiJia behavior。”Hebei AnGuoShi vice mayor GuXiongJun said。


“Traditional Chinese medicine authenticity identification of quality is a professional strong discipline,Need to have the relevant basic knowledge,As the botanical、Mineral taxonomy、Pharmaceutical botany, etc,Still need long time to identify the accumulation of experience。”Hebei province food and drug inspection, director of the ZhongYaoShi SunBaoHui said。


The reporter understands,Medicinal materials by the quality germplasm、origin、Planting technology、Recovery processing、processing、Storage conditions and the influence of various factors,Even if is engaged in the work of Chinese medicine identification of professionals,Sometimes it is difficult to identify authenticity,For ordinary consumers,Is not easy to identify。


Common people in use and shoddy Chinese medicine yinpian,Light person no treatment function,Delay disease treatment,The person that weigh may bring harm to health。


Reporter in medicinal materials center the trading floor also saw,Chinese herbal medicine named chaos of the problem there are also different degree。Drug companies have direct will have effect reducing weight with Chinese traditional medicine“Medicine reducing weight”label。


“So that you can?”The reporter consulted。


“It's not standard。”SunBaoHui said。Casual name,Will certainly bring trouble to buy drugs。


According to introducing,serious“made”,With the traditional Chinese medicinal materials in drug habits have relations。


Habit is a drug in the same phenomenon of foreign bodies,namely:Have approximately the same effect of the materials of different sources。For example,Yam this drug is dry, d. d. plant roots,And in hunan、Guangxi provinces,Yam is subtropical plants and the potato diosgenin rhizome dry。The existence of the drug habit area for illegal drug made by many produce fake Chinese herbal medicine of opportunities,Consumers may be due to the ingestion of with some kind of generics risk their health。


According to the statistics,China pharmacopoeia of Chinese medicinal materials posted 539 varieties,There are nearly 30% of the existing varieties in drug habit。


复杂“病因”—— complex“cause”--


游资炒作 监管缺位 标准缺失 Hot money hype regulatory absence lack standard


Chinese herbal medicine market have prices rocketing、The decline in the quality of the persistent ailment, etc“cause”What on earth?


In view of the current up prices for traditional Chinese medicine,Reporters asked the special city, the secretary for the food and drug administration XuShunTong,He thinks that in addition to natural disasters unbalanced supply and demand of the prices,Part of the hot money hoarding is Chinese herbal medicine prices one big reason。


A survey revealed that,Chinese herbal medicine plant have regional,Hot money often in a variety of herbs in a buyout,Hoarding some time,For this drug because of shortages and rising prices,Sell high,Up profits。Wait for rare Chinese caterpillar fungus often in this way is hype。


And the channel of the disorder to cause the Chinese herbal medicine purchase quality is guaranteed。


Chinese herbal medicine market from all over the country of purchase to Chinese traditional medicine,Of agricultural and sideline products,As a raw material processing enterprise and pharmaceutical factory by slices after purchase,After inspection、processing,Can be used for Chinese medicine yinpian sales to drug use unit。


“And now the situation is,Buy medicines because the unit of Chinese herbal medicine market price is lower,Directly from market purchase,Not from yinpian processing enterprise legal channels were purchased,Cause yinpian unable to safeguard the quality,Also can't achieve can be traceable,To produce the fake Chinese herbal medicine drug dealer provide space。”GuXiongJun analysis。


According to the reporter survey found,At present Chinese herbal medicine market has the small scale of the operation、Employees more than the number of professional quality and lower phenomenon,Plus the related law that fake drugs are unsound、Pharmacopoeial standards such as different reasons,Traditional Chinese medicine market supervision to bring some difficulty。And supervision is not in place,Can make the fake horizontal line。


At present,The cognizance of the fake drugs are based on《The pharmaceutical administration law》Article 48,Mainly is aims at the chemical composition of drugs for discrimination。But because of the special characteristics of Chinese herbal medicine,So far most Chinese herbal medicine effective component is not clear,This will give false identification of medicinal materials difficult。


practice,A false to Chinese traditional medicine,The pharmaceutical inspection department issue inspection report can't write the composition,Can indicate the organization structure。But the public security departments that,This conclusion can be used as the inspection of the fake qualitative basis,This makes the drug agency that JiaYaoAn typical,The public security department shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility but can't,Law enforcement and sell at a discount greatly。


In addition,Chinese herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine yinpian there are defined standards。


The market of Chinese medicinal materials sales,Should be made without the cut。But a number of medicinal materials in origin did while fresh slice of dry vegerable,Otherwise it will rot。To this kind of product is prepared or medicine,Explanations all over,The market supervision is not easy to grasp。If press yinpian management will into yinpian factory processing production,But many medicinal herbs production in the deep mountains、Remote areas,There are many difficult objectively factory;If press management and easy to cause the medicinal materials market of traditional Chinese medicines into ready-to-use forms the mess。


探求“处方”—— To search“prescription”--


统一标准 提高门槛 严加惩处 Unified standards improve clamping down on the threshold


in“disease”Has now,“cause”After known,Heal the Chinese herbal medicine market“Persistent ailment”Of this prescription need more flavor“Good medicine”。


Contain Chinese herbal medicine has appeared quality landslide,The first to have unified clear the quality evaluation criteria。


“Suggestions to the relevant departments of the state for the quality of the Chinese herbal medicine as soon as possible cultivation standard,In order to guide peasants cultivation,Also make the market according to the regulation in,To get to carry forward the fine varieties,Bad varieties have been eliminated。”GuXiongJun said,Should also revised timely and pharmacopoeia of the drug habit in heavy of Chinese medicinal materials varieties,In case of fake。


Reporters in the survey found,At present Chinese herbal medicine supervision's professional quality still is not high,Even happen that wrong、Admit the phenomenon of the drug。


“There are many Chinese school of market because of the name of the mistake that fake Chinese herbal medicine phenomenon,For example will shut cortex phellodendri call into golden cypress,Richard jujube kernel will call zi,The mistletoe call into mistletoe,The small TongCao call into TongCao, etc。”GuXiongJun said。


For this,Hebei province to increase the Chinese traditional medicine、Chinese medicine yinpian senior identify division of training,It held a 16 phase of the project,A total of 10778 people took part in the training,There are 7498 people through the training examinations made Chinese herbal medicine Chinese medicine yinpian senior identify qualification。


now,Regulators quality、ability、The gradual improvement of the level,To regulate the market has played a very important role,Fake Chinese traditional medicine which is greatly reduced。


Remove enhancing personnel professional quality outside,Supervision department of ShouJiaZhe counterfeiting of punishment in strengthening also。


June 14,,The administration's AnGuoShi AnGuoShi dealt with constant profit medicinal materials do sell inferior drugs red flowers,Confiscated all of its inferior drugs,Impose a fine of RMB 500 yuan。


The reporter found in research,Anything like the other 11 up and JiaLie drug cases involving production management enterprise and personal information,Be AnGuoShi medicinal materials trading publicize in the hall before a small,According to AnGuoShi food and drug supervision bureau chief LiYaXin introduced,This was the kingdom for carrying out“blacklist”system。


“Since April this year,Every week we to blacklist GongShiLan updates,To buy drug the enterprise and the consumer caution。”The food and drug administration AnGuoShi market supervision of families HanShiKai said。


The reporter understands,Before the behavior of the individual unit sales fake drugs,Only by the economic penalties,Touches the fundamental interests。now,Selling fake drugs unit and individual will be fair show on the network、The trade lobby GongShiLan square、Electronic rolling screen,Many consumers will be questioned the quality reputation,No longer happen with business relations。That punishment is,Compared with the pure fines,More stringent,And more effective。


and“blacklist”Parallel and strict system of record access rules。


According to《The people's government AnGuoShi Chinese herbal medicine market access system(trial)》Provisions of the,All this year after May 1 apply to the trade lobby of medicinal center management merchant,Have to talk to the registration and management of Chinese herbal medicine storage place unit、Warehouse and inventory quantity of Chinese information,The food and drug administration bureau signed after acceptance《Chinese herbal medicine management quality guarantee》,To get YaoCheng permit issued by the administration for industry and commerce and the booth from the department of the business license。

  “在日常监管中,如果发现与备案不符的经营行为,就可以依法规查处,增强了监管执法的针对性。”李亚欣说。(富子梅 邹雅筠)

“In the daily supervision,If found and the business activities of the record is not,In accordance with the laws and regulations can be investigated,To enhance the supervision of the law enforcement targeted。”LiYaXin said。(FuZiMei ZouYaJun)
