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20岁女孩手术切除腰椎处异常血管 白发恢复黑色--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

20岁女孩手术切除腰椎处异常血管 白发恢复黑色


20岁女孩“少白头” 一次手术后变黑了 20 year old girl“ShaoBaiTou” A surgery become black


奇妙的经历,让她和主刀医生都惊讶不已 Wonderful experiences,Let her and the surgeon all surprise


奇遇背后有什么科学道理?神经、皮肤、心理、中医四大学科专家各有说法 What is behind his adventure scientific reason?neural、skin、psychological、Traditional Chinese medicine four course expert each have claim


Operation cut off the bottom of the lumbar spinal deformity of 3 cm small blood vessels and the size of a fingernail hemangioma,Xiao li's“ShaoBaiTou”The unexpected become black,Wonderful experiences,Let her and the doctor all surprise。


postoperative,20 years old from the small beautiful jinhua came to zhejiang province with German hospital made review。The surgeon gold heart feel strange:“How those white hair is gone?!”Gold heart told reporters,He clearly remember,Small beautiful just visit,She spread out long hair,White hair particularly evident。


the,Gold heart carefully pulled out a small li's a hair,Indeed as expected from the hair root began,Shiny black,But after 12 cm,But sometimes visible is silvery white。


One side of small beautiful mother said:“Very strange,Almost two months after the operation of appearance,We go out shopping,Take the bus I sat behind her。With nothing to do,I will play her hair,The results found that:White hair gone?”


Small beautiful and mother more than them,Very curious,Ask the doctor:“His recent nothing changes,The only special,The last time is done the nerve surgery。Don't let a hair black is surgery?”


Folk have“Night hoary head”that,But the hair suddenly can become black,Really rare。


In order to confirm the adventures of the science behind period,Reporters yesterday consulted the skin、psychological、neurologist、Four of the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine experts,Please them from their respective discipline Angle,Interpretation of the operation and the relationship between the hair black。


头痛——查出血管瘤——手术切除 A headache-find out hemangioma-removed surgically


神经外科医生:因为神经营养改善了 Neurosurgery doctor:Because neural nutrition improve


yesterday,Reporters on the small beautiful phone,She said,His ShaoBaiTou from elementary school start with......。But her parents are not so,That is,She has no family history of ShaoBaiTou。


Neurosurgery director of small beautiful heart of gold is most impressive:In march this year,Small beautiful because of the headache intolerable to the hospital,Do wear waist check of time,Medical researchers found that,Her hair in,White hair special conspicuous。


“Just when key is not here。”Gold heart said,Because small beautiful the pain was too much,Even the painkillers can work;Inspection found,Should have clear water of blood composition of cerebrospinal fluid,And the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid close to normal person of more than two times,“We worry about brain aneurysm or spinal tumors,Hurriedly give her do the check。”


The results found that,Small beautiful of the lower lumbar spine、Sacral near a abnormalities,Doubt is broken hemangioma。The backbone nerve,Dipped all the way,Are no exception。Until near the nerve,Gold heart found one tiny abnormal blood vessels:It is like a string of small grape,One connected to a knot in one's heart,All the way up to the end of the size of a little finger hemangioma。This is due to small beautiful headache unbearable culprit:It will provide should have to spinal cord blood,Guide the wrong way。surgery,Cut the long about 3 centimeters small blood vessels。


Anesthesia after waking,Small beautiful surprised to find:Head to indolence。2 days,Small beautiful can walk the earth。


In the gold heart seems,Operation was successful。but,Why will be attached to the“White hair blackens”The by-product?


Gold heart interpretation:Because the operation made the blood supply to the spinal nerve improved,nerve“nutrition”good,For the scalp has certain nourish effect。


Suggested ordinary people:To XiangTou black,Best to protect the scalp。The sui dynasty medical nest yuan in his party《The cause of syndrome》that,White hair is the root cause of the weak malnutrition。Diligently comb my hair,Can increase the circulation of the blood、Increase the nutrition of wool tit,To prevent a hair to bleach effect。


手术恢复血供——黑色素赖以生存的赖氨酸酶增多了 The operation restore blood supply to the survival of melanin, lysine enzyme increased


皮肤科专家:因为毛囊黑色素合成多了 dermatologist:Because hair follicle melanin synthesis


头发的颜色到底由什么决定? The color of the hair exactly by what decide?


With provincial hospital of doctor's dermatologist WangYiFeng said,Has dark hair because hair contains a melanin;melanin,In wool bursa rely on lysine enzymatic synthesis;The human body has no unified the glands secretes melanin;Melanin in each hair respectively in production;So the hair is always an one root become white。


Generally speaking after the age of 40,The synthesis of melanin ability become weak,White hair will;And after the age of 60,Hair follicle less,Hair thin。


As a dermatologist,WangYiFeng met many“ShaoBaiTou”patients,The smallest,To grade 1,“ShaoBaiTou,Generally speaking,Runs in the family;A few because malnutrition,Or suffer from endocrine diseases,Or is reduced weight too fast。These people through the supplement、Chinese traditional medicine recuperates the,Can get better,But not all black。”


WangYiFeng interpretation:Small beautiful because spinal cord by inhibition of tumor,Not enough blood supply to the rich,After surgery,Nutrition recovery,Hair follicles of lysine enzyme also increased,Melanin synthesis,The hair is black。


Suggested ordinary people:Don't blindly lose weight,To ensure adequate nutrition,Make hair、The scalp get more nourishing。


脊椎肿瘤——督脉不通——手术后打通了 Spinal cancer--du meridian impassability-surgery got through


中医博士:因为发为精血之余,与肾有密切关系 Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine:Because the hair is more than the JingXie,And there is a close relationship between the kidney


Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, dr ChenGuoZhong heard about this,Specially came to see small beautiful。


ChenGuoZhong said,Western medicine said spinal cord,In fact in TCM sees it,Du meridian is,It has two branches and kidney is same,For kidney conveying nutrition;If this path has blood clot,Blocks nutrition transportation,Get the nutrition long-term renal problems will emerge;Performance in appearance,Is easy to drop、Even black hair turned white。


Traditional Chinese medicine suggested that,Elderly white hair,Is often because storage“essence”of“reservoir”Water dry cause,Restore water is not easy;And small beautiful such patients,This may be because“waterway”deposition,Once the dredge“waterway”,To gain the hair nutrition,Nature also to glow the dark and bright。


Small beautiful pleasantly surprised to say:this,Some truth。She said,He is oily hair,Often 2 days to wash a head;but,From 1 years ago began to,The hair is somehow become dry,10 days no hair don't think it is fat。And after the surgery,She went back to the 2 days wash a head of frequency,Because the hair of oily,back。The hair also increased。


ChenGuoZhong interpretation:Small beautiful experience,The results of the famous traditional Chinese medicine theory:For more than JingXie hair,And there is a close relationship between the kidney。


Suggested ordinary people:Actively improve the health status,Otherwise you will“Du meridian impassability”,Long tired cause hair loss。


病好了——心情舒畅了 Disease-in a relaxed mood


心理博士:愁可以白头,愉悦也会让头发生辉 Psychological doctor:Sorrow can hoary head,Cheerful also can let a hair unripe brightness


Wu zixu a zhao shut,Night white head story sorrow by people from today。


The modern medical science thinks,Sorrow is hushed into excessive、panic、Shock and mental fatigue and so on the condition,Can make supply hair nutrition vasospasm,Make the function occur secretes melanin obstacles,Leading to produce white hair。For instance in people life,Will meet this kind of situation:When the career is not suitable、Or family died、Or encounter when a serious illness,In a short time will grow many white hair,Even in the short time all hair turned white。


Dr psychology, xue loyal think,It shows more than,The mood is grief、anxiety,Will show on the hair。He sees patients from found,The height of the 2 weeks or more stress,Indeed may cause hair is turning gray。


So small beautiful is may in turn。


Xue loyal interpretation:Small beautiful because of the pain disappeared,Psychological pressure to reduce,Hair from white also turn dark。Because of the endocrine disorder caused by pressure,Will cause melanin cell apoptosis;The same,Good state of mind、Benign endocrine operation,Also can reduce melanin cell apoptosis。

  建议普通人:为了一头漂亮的黑发,请保持好心情!(记者 林丹 通讯员 楼建丽/文 林焱挺/制图)

Suggested ordinary people:In order to a beautiful head of black hair,Please keep good mood!(Reporter LouJianLi/wen LinYanTing Lin Dan correspondent/drawings)
