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13 years old boy was DuChuanWang shandong will be the correct injured into the anus,The afternoon had,Flourishing in an angel mother biographies of under the help of the fund,By 120 connected to the Beijing children's hospital of bayi treatment。


yesterday,Angel mother fund said,The hospital party said excess from already of biographies of intensie care unit into the common ward,At present already out of danger。


Angel mother fund is responsible for aid workers biographies of popular action xu tendril introduced,The hospital said biographies of eve after admission for excess temperature in 39 ℃ above,Have gastrointestinal bleeding activity。Routine blood test 30000 white blood cells,Blood coagulation time extended,Urea nitrogen rising,jaundice,Preliminary assessment exist liver and kidney function is not complete and infection and electrolytes disturbance and acidosis。


Yesterday at about 14,Angel mother by the release of the latest biographies of bo flourishing of the illness,Say has been flourishing biographies of head and sinus CT,Chest X-ray,Kidney and liver function examination。Nose badly infected,All necrosis。After 20 hours before the treatment,Gastrointestinal bleeding stops,Acidosis and electrolytes disturbance correct。The blog is still sticking out of the hospital in excess of biographies of photos,From the photograph can see,Profile of flourishing in the nose in a tube,Right nostril exposed。Right face a massive collapse。


Xu tendril says,Yesterday afternoon,Excess of biographies moved to the common ward,Meet the family,The doctor also to excess dad introduces the biographies of illness。Xu tendril said,Eve has to deal with the biographies of popular admitted to hospital formalities,Yesterday morning,Made twenty thousand yuan to the hospital hospital bills。Profile of the popular treatment have comprehensive evaluation to determine the check after。


■ 回应 S response


被质疑掌控捐款卡,天使妈妈基金会回应 Be questioned control donation card,Angel mother foundation response


将公布传旺治疗费用明细 Will be announced by the popular treatment cost of detail


Besides the news of the popular treatment caused concern,Also caused many users questioned。yesterday,A to“My anger whole body shiver”The beginning of the Po in heavily online,The question for angel mother excess bank card donation to the foundation,After proves to be a“False information”。


On that day,Angel mother foundation micro bo respond to the question,Saying will be duly published details of biographies of flourishing expenses。


不实信息网上风传 False information online heavily


yesterday,A to“My anger whole body shiver”The beginning of the Po in heavily online。Micro bo the author“Port over sasha”Post says,“DuChuanWang family from yesterday afternoon to Beijing hasn't seen children,Also didn't see any of the foundation。”Saying the original published account bank card is not du dad family hand,“But for the foundation”;Micro bo also mentioned“Du dad is mental disabilities”。then,“Port over sasha”Also post and DuChuanWang family together of the photo。


this,Profile of flourishing family says,And they do not know the man took a photo,What he said was retarded the prosperous father not true。In addition,The popular DongYuLiang uncle introduced,Bank card has been in family hands,And foundation no relationship。Angel mother foundation also in its micro blog says“This is rumor。”


The popular DongJiLu said second cousin once removed,There is no turn courtyard ideas。


Last night,The reporter found that the micro bo has been labeling“tip:This small bo as a false news,Has already been processed”content。And has more than alone article comments,Have net friend said,The most important thing now is to save the child,A forwarding didn't confirmed news,Will only make really want to help children have the concerns。Have net friend Suggestions,“For protecting the public environment for people,Should someone to dispel the facts。”


救助余款会保留半年 Aid the balance will be kept for half a year


Yesterday at about 17,Angel mother funds through the micro Po and Internet users in two hours of the interview,Response to question。


For net friend the concerns of the treatment cost of detail problem,Angel mother fund is introduced,The child was leaving the hospital have cost schedules,In published on our website。If there is the balance,As usual processing:For children keep half a year,After half a year if the children can't use,Just to other children of the same disease。


1 为何选择八一儿童医院? 1 why do you choose to bayi children's hospital?


与八一医院合作多年 And bayi hospital cooperation for many years


Why do you choose to net friend of bayi children's hospital in question,Angel mother ShenLi reply says,We are all children of help,Many medical resources are pediatrics。We have cooperation and children's hospital of bayi for many years,Biographies of flourishing 13 years old,In the use of antibiotics and also has the very big difference between adults。and,We in the children's hospital of bayi has had a very successful treatment case。


ShenLi said,So I hear of biographies of popular have intestinal infection,The first thought of bayi children's hospital。Meet biographies of popular before I came to Beijing,We from local county hospital is going to be a lot of excess biographies of disease information,To the children's hospital of bayi expert see,Experts to determine meet later,We just contact biographies of bayi hospital to treat to excess,At that time the biographies of flourishing family agreed。In fact, our every child's treatment of go is such procedures。


2 为何不直接公布小传旺家人的个人账户? 2 why not directly biographies of the family announced excess individual account?


怕网友爱心被人利用 Afraid of netizens love to exploitation


Queried about,“Why not suggest donations to the flourishing of the individual account of biographies of family?”this,Angel mother ShenLi said,When we see personal bank account in a tiny bo online traffic,We were afraid of some ax-grinders see forwards the information,Fabricate facts will,Forged account,Use the Internet love,And net friend of true and false of the failure to account。


3 是不是在拿孩子炒作? 3 is in take the child hype?


救传旺就像救别的孩子 Ortv prosperous like save other children

  对于网友“你们是不是在拿孩子炒作”的质疑,天使妈妈基金官方微博回复称,事实上,我们救助这个孩子就像平日里救助其他孩子一样,完全不知会引起这么大的轰动。可以翻看“天使妈妈基金”微博里的其他孩子救助,你就清楚了。(记者 范春旭)

For the“If you take the child in the hype”Questioning of the,Angel mother fund official micro bo reply says,In fact,We assist the child is like other children on aid,Completely what will cause so much a sensation。Can flipping through the“Angel mother fund”The bo of the other children in the rescue,You know。(Reporter FanChunXu)
