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调查称多种食品可致酒驾 漱口水豆腐乳酒劲挺大--亲稳网络舆情监控室
多种食品药品让你“被酒驾” 漱口水、豆腐乳的酒劲都挺大 A variety of food and drug let you“Be drunk driving” mouthwash、The processing of wine are very big strength
交警部门提醒谨食含酒食品药品 The traffic police department and food including wine reminded food and drug
In may this year 1 of the implementation of the new official《Criminal law amendment(eight)》provisions,Who in the road in the future of the motor vehicle driving drunk,Once being tracked down,Face a maximum penalty of criminal detention half a year,The nature of the past administration and evolvement of illegal activities as a criminal offence。
however,Sometimes the driver clearly no drinking,But was convicted for drunk driving,Were wrong。Whether it is why?recently,Happened in jinan's together“The egg yolk sent triggered drunk driving”case,Well pull the question mark。so,In addition to the egg yolk sent away,Citizens with“latent”what“Be drunk driving”Trap??yesterday,Our reporter on the matter at many survey,Trying to unravel the these“Be drunk driving”The real culprit,Let more people aware of the incident。
调查 多种食品成分含酒精 Survey a variety of food ingredients contain alcohol
In addition to the egg yolk sent,People often eat the food,What still contains edible alcohol?With this problem,The reporter interviewed through a number of large supermarket。Reporters in the survey found,Contain the food really a lot of wine。Such as kang teacher wonderful eve、Love is the cake、Good beautiful friend tiramisu paste、Good friends li Q's、Dali garden Swiss roll、Dali garden egg yolk sent...In the food of the packages,Make clear the ingredients contain“Edible alcohol”or“ethanol”。
however,Even if is the same kind of goods,Different manufacturer making ingredients are different,Some contain alcohol some does not contain。Such as chocolate pie,Good horse in the greater bags and card every small package,Make clear the ingredients contain“Edible alcohol”,But the light of brand egg yolk sent is not contain alcohol。but,relatively,Nominal contains alcohol food and many。
In addition to the above cakes besides,Vinasse fish、Processing of、Wine chocolate heart、Rum flavor ice cream,And some mouthwash, etc,The ingredients list are clearly marked contain“Edible alcohol”or“ethanol”。
体验 漱口水的酒劲蛮大 Experience of mouthwash wine was a strength
If had alcohol in the food,In the traffic police check when drunk driving really will be found out?12 noon yesterday when xu 10 points,The reporter comes to the west lake city traffic police brigade three squadron,Select the f horse chocolate pie、The king and processing、Three mouthwash and Dali garden egg yolk pie marked contain“Edible alcohol”or“ethanol”Food and items,And with police experience detection。
Test the result is surprising,Eat a quarter piece of processing,To be able to achieve“Drunk driving”standard。Among them,Chocolate pie alcohol content is the lowest,Rinse your mouth water wine strength is the largest。
"F the horse chocolate pie:Eat 4 drunk driving is not up to standard
Reporters in the finish eat a chocolate pie,After alcohol breath test,The instrument shows an alcohol content of 0 mg / 100 ml;
Finished second chocolate pie,Test results for 8.1 mg / 100 ml;
Continuous eat 4 chocolate pie,Test results for 17.2 mg / 100 ml;
3 test results do not belong to“Drunk driving”。
"The king and processing:Eat a quarter of“Drunk driving”
Reporters take a cake of processing,Eating immediately after a quarter of the test,The results of 128.3 mg / 100 ml。
In a complete piece of test after eating,The results for 312 mg / 100 ml。
Two times all belong to test results“Drunk driving”。
"Dali garden egg yolk pie:Eat three 58.1 mg / 100 ml
The same for the pastry food,And contain“Edible alcohol”,But Dudley garden egg yolk sent the alcohol content of obvious blessing than high horse chocolate pie。
A police even eat three Dali after the egg yolk pie,Test results for 58.1 mg / 100 ml,Belong to“Drunk driving”。
"Three mouthwash:As high as 467.9 mg / 100 ml
then,Journalists poured out about 15 ml mouthwash,Rinse your mouth after 30 seconds spit it out,Test results are shocked。
Alcohol content reaches as high as 467.9 mg / 100 ml,Was drunk driving standards(80 mg / 100 ml)5.8 times more。
说法 不少药品也藏陷阱 Saying many drugs hidden trap
In view of the above test results,The west lake traffic police brigade three squadron of police officers XuYongHua said,People in the process of driving should try to avoid eating、Contain alcohol food or items。In addition to the above including wine and food items besides,And fruit beer、Drunk shrimp、Beer, etc,Also should be careful to eat,In order to avoid driving in the process for such food and eat“men”。
“In fact,And some drugs can also contain alcohol,Also may lead to‘Be drunk driving’。”XuYongHua also told reporters,(pogostemon patchouli water、ZhengGu water、ShiDiShui、Away some traditional Chinese medicines such as cough and asthma syrup in part of also contains alcohol,In the traffic police check when drunk driving,Also is easy to detect“Drunk driving”。In addition,Some injection also contains ethanol,Such as hydrocortisone injection、Nimodipine injection、Thrombosis the injection、MaiJiao Lin, injection、Many west he ", etc。
提醒 抽血化验可还清白 Remind blood tests can also innocence
“If did not drink alcohol,Was found‘Drunk driving’,That is not very grievance?”this,XuYongHua said,If in the test when drunk driving,Citizens reflect his own consumption or drink contains alcohol food or medicine,May every few minutes and then tested,General test to the third shall prevail。
“如果第三次结果仍显示‘酒驾’或‘醉驾’,市民还可以抽血化验,精确检测血液中的酒精含量。究竟是不是‘被酒驾’,一化验便可知晓。”徐永华说。(江南都市报 文/图 记者石鹏 实习生李航远)
“If the third results are still display‘Drunk driving’or‘Drunk driving’,People can also blood tests,Accurate testing a blood alcohol level。whether‘Be drunk driving’,A laboratory will know。”XuYongHua said。(Jiangnan metropolis daily text/figure reporter ShiPeng interns jieying far)
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