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中新网7月18日电 卫生部、国家食药监局和国家中医药管理局近日组织制定了《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》,卫生部今日在其官方网站上全文刊发,《规范》要求,医师应规范行医,严格遵循临床诊疗和技术规范,使用适宜诊疗技术和药物,因病施治,合理医疗,不隐瞒、误导或夸大病情,不过度医疗。全文如下:
Beijing July 18, the health ministry、National food regulators and the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine recently organizations to develop《Medical institutions employees behaviour》,Today the health ministry on their official website published the full text,《standard》requirements,Physicians should be standard practice medicine,Strictly follow the clinical diagnosis and treatment and technical standard,Use appropriate diagnosis and treatment technology and medicine,Due to illness treats,Reasonable medical,Don't hide、Misleading or exaggerated illness,Is not excessive medical。The following is the text:
医疗机构从业人员行为规范 Medical institutions employees behaviour
第一章 总 则 The first chapter is always
第一条 为规范医疗机构从业人员行为,根据医疗卫生有关法律法规、规章制度,结合医疗机构实际,制定本规范。
Article 1 in order to regulate the medical institutions employees behavior,According to the medical and health related laws and regulations、regulations,Combined with the actual medical institutions,This regulation is enacted。
第二条 本规范适用于各级各类医疗机构内所有从业人员,包括:
Article 2: this regulation is applicable to all kinds of medical institutions at various levels in all the employees,including:
(a)Management personnel。Refers to the medical institution and its set in each department、Department engaged in the plan、organization、coordination、control、Policy decision management work of the staff。
(two)physicians。Refers to practicing doctors obtained according to law、For the qualifications of assistant medical practitioners,Registered in a medical institution engaged in medical care、prevention、Health care and other work of the staff。
(three)The nurse。Refers to practice as a certified nurse made by practice certificate,According to law, in a medical institution engaged in nursing work of the staff。
(four)Pharmaceutical technical personnel。Refers to legally qualified,In the medical institutions engaged in the pharmacy pharmacists and technical personnel。
(five)technician。Refers to the medical institution in other than physicians、The nurse、Pharmaceutical technical personnel engaged in other technical services outside health professional and technical personnel。
(six)Other researchers。In addition to the above five kinds of personnel to outside,In the medical institutions of other personnel employed,Mainly includes material、General affairs、equipment、Scientific research、teaching、information、statistics、financial、Basic construction、Logistics department and staff。
第三条 医疗机构从业人员,既要遵守本文件所列基本行为规范,又要遵守与职业相对应的分类行为规范。
Article 3 the medical institutions employees,As well as to the listed in this document basic behaviour,And to abide by and professional corresponding classification behaviour。
第二章 医疗机构从业人员基本行为规范 The second chapter medical institutions employees basic behaviour
第四条 以人为本,践行宗旨。坚持救死扶伤、防病治病的宗旨,发扬大医精诚理念和人道主义精神,以病人为中心,全心全意为人民健康服务。
Article 4 the people foremost,Practice aim。Insist on saving、The aim of preventing and treating illnesses,Carry forward the big medical sincere idea and humanitarian spirit,With the patient as the center,The health service wholeheartedly for the people。
第五条 遵纪守法,依法执业。自觉遵守国家法律法规,遵守医疗卫生行业规章和纪律,严格执行所在医疗机构各项制度规定。
Article 5 the law,Lawful practice。To abide by national laws and regulations,Abide by the medical industry rules and disciplines,Strictly carry out the system rules in medical institutions。
第六条 尊重患者,关爱生命。遵守医学伦理道德,尊重患者的知情同意权和隐私权,为患者保守医疗秘密和健康隐私,维护患者合法权益;尊重患者被救治的权利,不因种族、宗教、地域、贫富、地位、残疾、疾病等歧视患者。
Article 6 patients with respect,Loving the life。Abide by the medical ethics,Respect the right of informed consent patients and privacy,For patients with medical secret and health conservative privacy,Patients with maintaining legal rights and interests;Respect the rights of patients were treated,Not because of race、religious、regional、Rich and poor、status、disability、Disease patients with discrimination。
第七条 优质服务,医患和谐。言语文明,举止端庄,认真践行医疗服务承诺,加强与患者的交流与沟通,积极带头控烟,自觉维护行业形象。
Article 7 the high quality service,Harmonious doctor-patient。Words civilization,behaved,Practice of medical service commitments seriously,Strengthen the communication with the patient,Actively lead the tobacco control,And maintain the industry image。
第八条 廉洁自律,恪守医德。弘扬高尚医德,严格自律,不索取和非法收受患者财物,不利用执业之便谋取不正当利益;不收受医疗器械、药品、试剂等生产、经营企业或人员以各种名义、形式给予的回扣、提成,不参加其安排、组织或支付费用的营业性娱乐活动;不骗取、套取基本医疗保障资金或为他人骗取、套取提供便利;不违规参与医疗广告宣传和药品医疗器械促销,不倒卖号源。
Article 8 incorrupt and self-discipline,Abide by the medical ethics。Carry forward the noble medical ethics,Strict self-discipline,Don't ask for and illegally accept the patients' property,Don't use practice and seek illegitimate interests;Don't receive medical equipment、drug、Reagent production、Business enterprise or personnel in various name、Form give rebates、commission,Don't participate in its arrangement、Organizations or to pay expenses commercial entertainment activities;Do not defraud the、Show the basic medical insurance fund or for others cheating、Show the convenience;Don't violate compasses participate in medical advertising and drug medical equipment sales promotion,Don't sell, source。
第九条 严谨求实,精益求精。热爱学习,钻研业务,努力提高专业素养,诚实守信,抵制学术不端行为。
Article 9 the rigorous,excellence。Love study,Studying business,Efforts to improve the professional quality,Honest and trustworthy,Boycott of academic misconduct。
第十条 爱岗敬业,团结协作。忠诚职业,尽职尽责,正确处理同行同事间关系,互相尊重,互相配合,和谐共事。
Article 10 love their work,Unity cooperation。Loyalty professional,conscientious,Correctly handle the relationship between the colleague counterparts,Respect each other,Cooperate with each other,Harmonious work with。
第十一条 乐于奉献,热心公益。积极参加上级安排的指令性医疗任务和社会公益性的扶贫、义诊、助残、支农、援外等活动,主动开展公众健康教育。
Article 11 dedicated,Warm-hearted public welfare。Take an active part in the arrangement of the mandatory medical task of poverty alleviation and social and public welfare、yizhen、ZhuCan、support、Foreign aid and other activities,The initiative in public health education。
第三章 管理人员行为规范 In the third chapter management behavior
第十二条 牢固树立科学的发展观和正确的业绩观,加强制度建设和文化建设,与时俱进,创新进取,努力提升医疗质量、保障医疗安全、提高服务水平。
Article 12 the firmly establish scientific development outlook and accurate achievement view,Strengthening the system construction and cultural construction,Keep pace with The Times,Innovation aggressive,Efforts to raise the quality of medical care、To protect the safety of medical treatment、Improve service levels。
第十三条 认真履行管理职责,努力提高管理能力,依法承担管理责任,不断改进工作作风,切实服务临床一线。
Article 13 the earnestly perform their duty of management,To improve the management ability,Management shall bear responsibility,Continuously improve work style,Practical service clinical a line。
第十四条 坚持依法、科学、民主决策,正确行使权力,遵守决策程序,充分发挥职工代表大会作用,推进院务公开,自觉接受监督,尊重员工民主权利。
Article 14 shall adhere to、science、Democratic decision,Correct exercise power,Abide by the decision making process,Give full play to the role of the staff and workers' congress,Promote open up,Consciously accept the supervision and,To respect employees democratic rights。
第十五条 遵循公平、公正、公开原则,严格人事招录、评审、聘任制度,不在人事工作中谋取不正当利益。
Article 15 the fairness、justice、Public principle,Strictly personnel ZhaoLu、review、Employment system,Not in the personnel work seek illegitimate interests。
第十六条 严格落实医疗机构各项内控制度,加强财物管理,合理调配资源,遵守国家采购政策,不违反规定干预和插手药品、医疗器械采购和基本建设等工作。
Article 16 medical institutions shall strictly implement the internal control system,Strengthen property management,Reasonable allocate resources,Abide by national procurement policy,Don't violate the regulations intervention and meddling in the drug、Medical equipment procurement and basic construction, etc。
第十七条 加强医疗、护理质量管理,建立健全医疗风险管理机制。
Article 17 to strengthen the health、Nursing quality management,Set up and perfect the medical risk management mechanism。
第十八条 尊重人才,鼓励公平竞争和学术创新,建立完善科学的人员考核、激励、惩戒制度,不从事或包庇学术造假等违规违纪行为。
Article 18 for ability,Encourage fair competition and academic innovation,Set up perfect scientific personnel assessment、incentive、Disciplinary system,Not engaged in or harboured such as academic misconducts illegal indiscipline。
第十九条 恪尽职守,勤勉高效,严格自律,发挥表率作用。
Article 19 fulfill his duties,Diligent efficiency,Strict self-discipline,Play a role model。
第四章 医师行为规范 The fourth chapter physician behavior
第二十条 遵循医学科学规律,不断更新医学理念和知识,保证医疗技术应用的科学性、合理性。
Article 20 the following medical science rule,Updated medical concept and knowledge,Ensure medical technology application of scientific、rationality。
第二十一条 规范行医,严格遵循临床诊疗和技术规范,使用适宜诊疗技术和药物,因病施治,合理医疗,不隐瞒、误导或夸大病情,不过度医疗。
Article 21 the standard to practice medicine,Strictly follow the clinical diagnosis and treatment and technical standard,Use appropriate diagnosis and treatment technology and medicine,Due to illness treats,Reasonable medical,Don't hide、Misleading or exaggerated illness,Is not excessive medical。
第二十二条 学习掌握人文医学知识,提高人文素质,对患者实行人文关怀,真诚、耐心与患者沟通。
Article 22 learn human medical knowledge,Improve humanities quality,The patients in humanistic care,sincere、Patients with patience and communication。
第二十三条 认真执行医疗文书书写与管理制度,规范书写、妥善保存病历材料,不隐匿、伪造或违规涂改、销毁医学文书及有关资料,不违规签署医学证明文件。
Article 23 seriously implement the medical documents writing and management system,Standard writing、Keep medical record,Don't hide、Forged or altered violations、Destroy medical documents and relevant materials,Don't violate compasses sign medical proof document。
第二十四条 依法履行医疗质量安全事件、传染病疫情、药品不良反应、食源性疾病和涉嫌伤害事件或非正常死亡等法定报告职责。
Article 24 shall perform their medical quality security events、The epidemic situation of infectious diseases、Adverse drug reaction、Food-borne diseases and injuries or suspected of abnormal death duties and legal report。
第二十五条 认真履行医师职责,积极救治,尽职尽责为患者服务,增强责任安全意识,努力防范和控制医疗责任差错事件。
Article 25 the earnestly perform their duties physicians,Positive treatment,Conscientious service for patients,To strengthen responsibility safety consciousness,Efforts to prevent and control the medical liability mistakes events。
第二十六条 严格遵守医疗技术临床应用管理规范和单位内部规定的医师执业等级权限,不违规临床应用新的医疗技术。
Article 26 the strictly abide by the medical technology clinical application management standard and unit of doctors to practice medicine internal regulations level permissions,Don't violate compasses clinical application of new medical technology。
第二十七条 严格遵守药物和医疗技术临床试验有关规定,进行实验性临床医疗,应充分保障患者本人或其家属的知情同意权。
Article 27 strictly comply with drugs and medical technology relevant provisions of the clinical trials,Experimental clinical medical treatment,Should fully guarantee the patients themselves or their family members informed consent of the right。
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