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卫生部发布《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》(全文) 2012-07-18

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第五章 护士行为规范 Chapter 5 nurse behaviour

  第二十八条 不断更新知识,提高专业技术能力和综合素质,尊重关心爱护患者,保护患者的隐私,注重沟通,体现人文关怀,维护患者的健康权益。

Article 28 constantly update their knowledge,Improve the professional technical ability and comprehensive quality,Respect take care of patients,To protect the privacy of patient,Pay attention to communication,Embodied humanistic care,Maintain the health of patients' rights。

  第二十九条 严格落实各项规章制度,正确执行临床护理实践和护理技术规范,全面履行医学照顾、病情观察、协助诊疗、心理支持、健康教育和康复指导等护理职责,为患者提供安全优质的护理服务。

Article 29 shall strictly implement the rules and regulations,Implemented correctly clinical nursing practice and nursing technical specifications,Fully fulfill their medical care、observation、Assist diagnosis and treatment、Psychological support、Health education and rehabilitation guidance for nursing duties,For patients with high quality nursing service provide security。

  第三十条 工作严谨、慎独,对执业行为负责。发现患者病情危急,应立即通知医师;在紧急情况下为抢救垂危患者生命,应及时实施必要的紧急救护。

Article 30 the work rigorous、self-supervision,Practice of behavior。Found with a critical,Shall immediately notify the doctor;In an emergency rescue for dying patient life,Should be timely implementation of the necessary emergency aid。

  第三十一条 严格执行医嘱,发现医嘱违反法律、法规、规章或者临床诊疗技术规范,应及时与医师沟通或按规定报告。

Article 31 the strict implementation of the doctor's advice,The doctor's advice that against the law、regulations、Rules or clinical diagnosis and treatment and technical standard,Should be timely communication with doctors or by the regulation report。

  第三十二条 按照要求及时准确、完整规范书写病历,认真管理,不伪造、隐匿或违规涂改、销毁病历。

Article 32 in accordance with the requirements in a timely and accurate、Complete standard medical writing,Serious management,Don't fake、Hidden or irregularities altered、Destroyed medical records。


第六章 药学技术人员行为规范 Chapter 6 pharmaceutical technical personnel behaviour

  第三十三条 严格执行药品管理法律法规,科学指导合理用药,保障用药安全、有效。

Article 33 the strict implementation of the pharmaceutical administration law and regulations,Scientific guiding rational drug use,Guarantee safe drug use、effective。

  第三十四条 认真履行处方调剂职责,坚持查对制度,按照操作规程调剂处方药品,不对处方所列药品擅自更改或代用。

Article 34 earnestly perform their duties prescription dispensing,Check system to,According to operation procedure adjust prescription drugs,No prescription the drugs change without permission or alternative。

  第三十五条 严格履行处方合法性和用药适宜性审核职责。对用药不适宜的处方,及时告知处方医师确认或者重新开具;对严重不合理用药或者用药错误的,拒绝调剂。

Article 35 strictly fulfill the prescription legitimacy and drug use suitability examination functions。Not suitable for use of prescription,Inform the prescription physicians to confirm or open;For serious is not rational drug use or medication errors,Refused to adjust。

  第三十六条 协同医师做好药物使用遴选和患者用药适应症、使用禁忌、不良反应、注意事项和使用方法的解释说明,详尽解答用药疑问。

Article 36 the collaborative doctors do drugs for treating patients use the selection and indications、taboo、Adverse reaction、Cautions and usage of explanation,Detailed answer questions drug use。

  第三十七条 严格执行药品采购、验收、保管、供应等各项制度规定,不私自销售、使用非正常途径采购的药品,不违规为商业目的统方。

Article 37 the strict implementation of drug procurement、acceptance、custody、Supply the system rules,Don't secretly sales、Use the drug purchasing abnormal way,Don't violate compasses for commercial purpose all parties。

  第三十八条 加强药品不良反应监测,自觉执行药品不良反应报告制度。

Article 38 strengthen adverse drug reaction monitoring,Aware execution adverse drug reaction reporting system。


第七章 医技人员行为规范 Chapter 7 technician behaviour

  第三十九条 认真履行职责,积极配合临床诊疗,实施人文关怀,尊重患者,保护患者隐私。

Article 39 earnestly perform their duties,Cooperate with the clinical diagnosis and treatment,Implementing humanistic care,Respect patients,Patient privacy protection。

  第四十条 爱护仪器设备,遵守各类操作规范,发现患者的检查项目不符合医学常规的,应及时与医师沟通。

Article 40 the care instruments and equipment,Comply with all kinds of operation norm,The inspection found patients do not conform to the medical routine,Should be timely communication with doctors。

  第四十一条 正确运用医学术语,及时、准确出具检查、检验报告,提高准确率,不谎报数据,不伪造报告。发现检查检验结果达到危急值时,应及时提示医师注意。

Article 41 the correct use of medical terminology,timely、Accurate inspection certificate issued by、Inspection report,Improve accuracy,Don't lie about data,Don't forge report。Inspection results found to critical value,Should be timely tips doctors note。

  第四十二条 指导和帮助患者配合检查,耐心帮助患者查询结果,对接触传染性物质或放射性物质的相关人员,进行告知并给予必要的防护。

Article 42 patients with guidance and help with the check,Patient help patients search results,To contact infectious matter or radioactive materials related personnel,To inform and give necessary protection。

  第四十三条 合理采集、使用、保护、处置标本,不违规买卖标本,谋取不正当利益。

Article 43 the reasonable acquisition、use、protection、Disposal specimens,Don't violate compasses business specimens,Seek illegitimate interests。


第八章 其他人员行为规范 Chapter 8 other personnel behaviour

  第四十四条 热爱本职工作,认真履行岗位职责,增强为临床服务的意识,保障医疗机构正常运营。

Article 44 the love of his job,Strictly implement responsibility of the position,Enhance the consciousness for clinical services,Ensure the normal operation of medical institutions。

  第四十五条 刻苦学习,钻研技术,熟练掌握本职业务技能,认真执行各项具体工作制度和技术操作常规。

Article 45 the study hard,Study technology,Master class business skills,Implement the specific work system and technology operating the routine。

  第四十六条 严格执行财务、物资、采购等管理制度,认真做好设备和物资的计划、采购、保管、报废等工作,廉洁奉公,不谋私利。

Article 46 the strict implementation of financial、materials、Purchasing management system,Do the equipment and material plan、purchasing、custody、Scrap, etc,Clean and honest,unselfish。

  第四十七条 严格执行临床教学、科研有关管理规定,保证患者医疗安全和合法权益,指导实习及进修人员严格遵守服务范围,不越权越级行医。

Article 47 the strict implementation of clinical teaching、Scientific research relevant management regulations,Ensure medical safety and patients with legal rights and interests,Guiding practice and further staff strictly abide by the service scope,Don't YueJi overreaching to practice medicine。

  第四十八条 严格执行医疗废物处理规定,不随意丢弃、倾倒、堆放、使用、买卖医疗废物。

Article 48 the strict implementation of the medical waste treatment provisions,Don't throw them away、dump、Pile up、use、Buying and selling medical waste。

  第四十九条 严格执行信息安全和医疗数据保密制度,加强医院信息系统药品、高值耗材统计功能管理,不随意泄露、买卖医学信息。

Article 49 the strict implementation of information security and medical data security system,Strengthen the hospital information system drugs、High value consumables statistics function management,Don't random leak、Buying and selling medical information。

  第五十条 勤俭节约,爱护公物,落实安全生产管理措施,保持医疗机构环境卫生,为患者提供安全整洁、舒适便捷、秩序良好的就医环境。

Article 50 to save money,Took good care of public property,Implement safety production management measures,Keep medical institutions environmental health,For patients with safety clean and tidy、Comfortable and convenient、Order of good medical environment。


第九章 实施与监督 Chapter 9 implementation and supervision

  第五十一条 医疗机构行政领导班子负责本规范的贯彻实施。主要责任人要以身作则,模范遵守本规范,同时抓好本单位的贯彻实施。

Article 51 administrative leadership of the medical institution shall be responsible for the implementation of standard。Main responsibility person should set an example,The model observes this code,At the same time pay special attention to the implementation of this unit。

  第五十二条 医疗机构相关职能部门协助行政领导班子抓好本规范的落实,纪检监察纠风部门负责对实施情况进行监督检查。

Article 52 the medical institutions related functional departments assist executive leadership pays special attention to this standard to carry out,Discipline inspection report of unit is responsible for enforcement supervision and inspection。

  第五十三条 各级卫生行政部门要加强对辖区内各级各类医疗机构及其从业人员贯彻执行本规范的监督检查。

Article 53 the health administrative departments at all levels should strengthen within the jurisdiction of of all kinds of medical institutions at various levels and their employees carried out of the specification supervision and inspection。

  第五十四条 医疗卫生有关行业组织应结合自身职责,配合卫生行政部门做好本规范的贯彻实施,加强行业自律性管理。

Article 54 the medical and health related industry organization should combine their own responsibilities,Cooperate with public health administrative department to do the implementation of this code,Strengthen trade self-regulating administration。

  第五十五条 医疗机构及其从业人员实施和执行本规范的情况,应列入医疗机构校验管理和医务人员年度考核、医德考评和医师定期考核的重要内容,作为医疗机构等级评审、医务人员职称晋升、评先评优的重要依据。

Article 55 the medical institutions and their employees implementation and enforcement of this standard,Should be included in the medical institutions calibration management and medical personnel the year inspection、Medical ethics examination and the doctors regular check the important content,As a medical institution level review、Medical personnel title evaluation、PingXian rating is an important basis。

  第五十六条 医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,由所在单位视情节轻重,给予批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格或低聘、缓聘、解职待聘、解聘。其中需要追究党纪、政纪责任的,由有关纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理;需要给予行政处罚的,由有关卫生行政部门依法给予相应处罚;涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理。

Article 56 the medical institutions from personnel of the code,By place unit seriousness,Giving critical education、criticized、Cancel that year as the author qualification or low hire、HuanPin、Fired DaiPin、dismissal。Which need to be investigated for the party discipline、ZhengJi responsibility,The relevant discipline inspection and supervision department in accordance with the party discipline ZhengJi case investigation and handling of the procedure;Need to give administrative punishments,The relevant administrative departments of public health shall be given the corresponding punishment;Suspected of a crime,The judicial authorities shall be dealt with according to law。


第十章 附则 The first chapter ten remarks

  第五十七条 本规范适用于经注册在村级医疗卫生机构从业的乡村医生。

Article 57 the standard is applicable to the registration in the village of medical and health institutions from rural doctors。

  第五十八条 医疗机构内的实习人员、进修人员、签订劳动合同但尚未进行执业注册的人员和外包服务人员等,根据其在医疗机构内从事的工作性质和职业类别,参照相应人员分类执行本规范。

Article 58 the medical agency within the trainee、Education personnel、But has yet to sign labor contract with practice registration of personnel and outsourcing service personnel, etc,According to the medical institutions engaged in inside in the nature of work and professional category,With reference to the relevant personnel to carry out the classification standard。

  第五十九条 本规范由卫生部、国家中医药管理局、国家食品药品监督管理局负责解释。

Article 59 the standard by the ministry of public health、The state administration of traditional Chinese medicine、The food and drug administration shall be responsible for the explanation。

  第六十条 本规范自公布之日起施行。

Article 60 the standard on the day of its promulgation。

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