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网传药枕使用不当变毒枕 专家:滋生细菌引发疾病--亲稳网络舆情监测室




网上传言:药枕使用不当会变成毒枕。 Rumors online:YaoZhen misuse may become poison pillow。

  记者求证:传言属实,保健药枕易吸水霉变,从而引发各类呼吸道或皮肤疾病 Reporter confirmed:Rumours true,Health care YaoZhen easy bibulous mildew,And cause all kinds of respiratory tract or skin diseases。


YaoZhen with pure natural drugs do padding,Many people think that can improve sleeping,however,Recent net friend said,YaoZhen and no businessman claimed in so magical,If use undeserved,It will become poison pillow,In fact YaoZhen in drug is has expiration,Do not pay attention to replace clean,Can induce asthma or skin infections。Experts said,Market all health care pillow is playing concept,And no treatment of diseases function,Especially some YaoZhen,The filler more for plants,Easy absorption,bacteria-infested,Happen mildew,And cause all kinds of respiratory tract or skin diseases。

  □金陵晚报记者 高洁

-jinling evening news reporter jie


 微博:药枕易藏污纳垢 Micro bo:YaoZhen shelter evil people and practices easily


The concept of the summer to do more and more pillow,YaoZhen is one of them,That YaoZhen help sleep with business results,But not many people know,YaoZhen various kinds,Unable to discern YaoZhen quality stand or fall,The drug YaoZhen is actually has expiration,Do not pay attention to replace clean shelter evil people and practices,Can induce asthma or skin infections。yesterday,Netizens in micro blog reflect,Have health care function YaoZhen to choose carefully,It's likely it will become poison pillow。


The network of sales YaoZhen diverse forms,Many businessmen YaoZhen implants that natural herbal medicine,Have for the treatment of cervical syndrome、Effect such as insomnia,Even some YaoZhen can improve cardiovascular disease。These health care whether it is YaoZhen that effect?In the use of these health care YaoZhen and to pay attention to some???????To solve these problems,The reporter was studied。


 探访:记忆棉药枕价格高 visit:Memory YaoZhen cotton prices high


Yesterday the reporter also visited nanjing several large supermarkets and stores,In the bedding area,The reporter saw at a glance the health care pillow,A low-cost sales health care pillow as long as 9.9 yuan。This is a mat pillow,Pull zipper,It is a medicine package padding,There is a small bag medicine labels,Instructions for bamboo leaves padding。On the side of the sales staff told reporters,This kind of bamboo leaves with health care pillow tranquilize effect,Help to improve the quality of sleep,Recently in the promotion,The consumers purchase was still more。


In health care pillow sales area,Here the pillow wide variety,Have definitely buckwheat pillow、Lavender pillow、Chrysanthemum health care pillow、Soybean fiber pillow, etc,The corresponding effect is different,And it is the same for the crowd,For example,Definitely buckwheat pillow,Has the clear health preservation heat antihypertensive effect,Suitable for headache dizzy、Insomnia cervical spondylosis crowd;Chrysanthemum pillow has functions、Bright eye、detoxification、The effect of lower blood pressure,Suitable for the head easy sweating。Most YaoZhen that should not be washed,Suggest air basks in,Keep drug dry。


The design of the look from the pillow,Some is simply a drug pillow core,Some in the pillow core coated with a layer of mat above,More complex is in cotton pillow attach a medicine bags。YaoZhen price is also the gap of comparison,The cheapest 9.9 yuan,Expensive to is controlled yuan,Reporters noticed that,Cotton pillow and drug package of combining the higher price point pillow,Most of the one hundred yuan of above。


Sales of health of the pillow staff introduced,High prices of pillow core not only contain drugs health care function,And higher comfort,These health care pillow not only consider drug interactions,Also consider the human body shoulder neck structure,More accord with human body design。The salesman took a YaoZhen introduces to the reporter,“You look at the middle part of the net,This is definitely,The other part of the pillow with cotton is memory,This material can and hold the neck,Will not oppress shoulder neck,Especially suitable for a person of cervical spondylosis。”


In many YaoZhen,Reporter didn't find a pillow indicate the guarantee,this,Sales staff said health care pillow is really not indicate shelf life,She said:“Generally a pillow of use fixed number of year is 1-2 years,Time long,Pillow can deformation,Also not fit to use。”But for the quality of the pillow,The salesman said consumers could trust to purchase,She said:“Our company produces the product is a quality authentication,Have certificate,Withstand test。”


 专家:保健枕其实不保健 experts:Health care pillow don't really care


These health care pillow have the effect of the publicity?Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment HuiSheng hall, director of the center SunZhaoSheng said,Market all sorts of health care pillow actually are in play concept,Don not a curative effect,Some health care pillow so-called can for the treatment of cervical syndrome、Problems such as insomnia,Inside pillow core medicine package to send out the smell have health care efficacy,Actually these little effect,And in a short time can't cure the disease。


He introduced, director of the,Ordinary sponge pillow is will be enough,Not necessary choice has called the health care function memory pillow、YaoZhen,So instead of the pillow goes against human body health。


“Now more popular is memory pillow,This is to use a slow rebound material made of pillow,Have the business will publicize the pillow has to protect the function of the cervical spine,In fact the opposite,Because the human body lie low,Neck and shoulders will have a radian,Like a bridge,If use memory pillow,Sponge will shoulder the neck and hold a,Just lay down when go up,There will be comfortable feeling,But the long-term use of,Against intravascular blood flow,Instead affects shoulder neck health。”Samson said, director of the,Ordinary pillow can let neck shoulder with a gap,Let blood flow smoothly,So that the human body each place strength to average。


And to some YaoZhen,Director of the sun that use undeserved,Do trigger some diseases。He introduced, director of the,The most common YaoZhen filler has silkworm sand、definitely、Tea and,These implants YaoZhen made with cool feeling,Suitable for use in the summer,However the summer is easy sweating,These implants and has the absorbent,It is easy to metamorphic mildew,Also easy to bacterium,If not disinfects processing,May lead to the skin disease,To the human body the respiratory system may also be affected,Especially with some of pollen padding,The patients of pollen allergy can't use this kind of YaoZhen。


Sun director remind,Use YaoZhen must figured out his own system,Especially have allergy history of the patients,The proposal does not use YaoZhen。For like YaoZhen use of friends,We must keep pillow core dry,Often air basks in,Prevent filler mildew,When not in use YaoZhen,To prevent effective component volatile,Should be wrapped in plastic bags,General 1-2 years will need to change a pillow in drugs。
