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  中新网7月23日电 据国家食药监局网站消息,近日,食品药品监督管理部门通过保健食品专项监督检查和抽验,在“俏妹牌减肥胶囊”等产品中检出化学药物成分,经核实上述产品为假冒保健食品。

Beijing, July 23 (Reuters) according to the state, the administration's food web news,recently,The food and drug supervision and administration department through the health food special supervision and inspection and the sample,in“Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule”And other products in the check out chemical drug ingredients,Check the above products as the fake health food。


The food and drug administration required all the provinces(area、city)The food and drug administration according to law, strengthen the health food market under the supervision and inspection,Found the above products,Control measures taken according to law;The above products of the production and business operation of the enterprise,Rigorously investigated;The crime,Timely transferred to the public security organ。


The state food and drug administration warned consumers don't buy the above products,Once found illegal products,In time to the local food and drug supervision and administration department reported。Consumers can login state food and drug administration official website inquires the permission of the health food information。

假冒保健食品名单 Fake health food list

序号 Serial number

标示产品名称 Mark product name

被抽样单位名称 By sampling unit name

标示生产单位 Labeled production unit

标示批准文号 Labeled the approval document number of

标示规格 Labeled specifications

检验结果 Inspection results

标示批号 Labeled the batch number

1 1

俏妹牌减肥胶囊(包装上标有“蔬果减肥”) Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule(Says on the packaging“Fruits and vegetables reduce weight”)

集安市新药特药商店 JiAnShi new drug TeYao shop

长春市鸿瑞和生物科技有限责任公司、青海青藏高原天然药用植物科技开发有限公司 Changchun hongrui and biological science and technology limited liability company、Qinghai Tibetan plateau natural medicinal plant science and technology development Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2003 2003)第 )The first0129 0129 number

400mg/ 400 mg / grain

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20100805 20100805

俏妹牌减肥胶囊(包装上标有清脂三天瘦) Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule(Packaging says on the clear fat three days thin)

榆阳区乾益康大药房 Yuyang dry YiKang pharmacy

香港金夫人生物科技集团实业有限公司、青海青藏高原天然药用植物科技开发有限公司 Hong Kong Mrs King biotechnology group industrial Co., LTD、Qinghai Tibetan plateau natural medicinal plant science and technology development Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2003 2003) )0129 0129 number

400mg/ 400 mg / grain

检出酚酞、咖啡因、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、caffeine、sibutramine

20100303 20100303

俏妹牌减肥胶囊 Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule( (包装上为“靶向减肥丸” Packaging for“Targeted weight loss pill”) )

榆林市仁和堂 Yulin city of benevolence and hall of fame

美国(香港)基因生物医学科技有限公司、青海青藏高原天然药用植物科技开发有限公司 The United States(Hong Kong)Gene biomedical technology Co., LTD、Qinghai Tibetan plateau natural medicinal plant science and technology development Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2003 2003) )0129 0129 number

400mg/ 400 mg / grain

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

生产日期 Production date2010.09.16 2010.09.16

俏妹牌减肥胶囊 Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule( (包装上为“靶向减肥丸” Packaging for“Targeted weight loss pill”) )

瑞丽大药房 Ruili pharmacy

青海青藏高原天然药用植物科技开发有限公司 Qinghai Tibetan plateau natural medicinal plant science and technology development Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2003 2003)第 )The first0129 0129 number

400mg/ 400 mg / grain

检出西布曲明 Detection sibutramine

生产日期: Production date:2011.03.16 2011.03.16

俏妹牌减肥胶囊 Qiao sister brand lose weight capsule( (包装上为蜂蜜苹果醋瘦身胶囊 The packaging for honey apple cider vinegar thin body capsule) )

集安市大众药房医药有限责任公司 JiAnShi mass pharmacy pharmaceutical Co., LTD

青海青藏高原天然药用植物科技开发有限公司、美国保罗健康药业国际集团有限公司监制 Qinghai Tibetan plateau natural medicinal plant science and technology development Co., LTD、The United States Paul health pharmaceutical international group Co., LTD. Producer

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2003 2003)第 )The first0129 0129 number

400mg/ 400 mg / grain

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20110302 20110302

2 2

辅美牌洋参芪杞胶囊(干细胞活胰肽) The auxiliary beauty brand CanQi qi capsule(Stem cells live pancreatic peptides)

吉林省珲春市安康大药房一店 HuiChunShi peace and health pharmacy YiDian jilin province

咸阳秦昆生物医学工程有限公司 Xianyang QinKun biomedical engineering Co., LTD

国食健字 Countries food no.534G20090213 G20090213

0.3g/ 0.3 g / grain

检出盐酸苯乙双胍、格列本脲、盐酸吡格列酮 Detection hydrochloric acid benzene b the pill、glyburide、Hydrochloric acid as pioglitazone

20110118 20110118

唐乐胶囊 TangLe capsule

商洛市商州区协和中西药店 Bakeries in shangluo area between Chinese and western union enterprise

陕西济源堂医药科技有限公司 Shaanxi jiyuan hall medical technology Co., LTD

0.3g/ 0.3 g / grain

检出马来酸罗格列酮、格列美脲 For a horse to acid rosiglitazone、Beauty in the glyburide urea

20101008 20101008

4 4

欣力美牌减肥片(包装上标有左旋肉碱嚼嚼瘦) The brand of reducing weight of force(Chew chew on packaging with l-carnitine thin)

榆林百姓大药堂 Yulin people big medicine don

广东广济堂医药保健品有限公司 Guangdong has wide hall health protection products Co., LTD

卫食健字 Health food no.534(2001) (2001) The first0210 0210 number

0.5g/ 0.5 g / Piece of

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20110301 20110301 20110412 20110412

欣力美牌减肥片 The brand of reducing weight of force( (包装上为苹果醋减肥咀嚼片 The packaging for apple vinegar to lose weight chewing flakes) )

温泉百信大药房 The hot spring letters

广州广济堂医药保健品有限公司 Guangzhou wide Jackie hall health protection products Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2001 2001)第 )The first0210 0210 number

1.5g/ 1.5 g / Piece of

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20110202 20110202

5 5

富昕康 Rich xin kangOB OB蛋白素胶囊 Albumen factor capsule

榆林市光明屋 Light house in yulin city,

广州市康葆屋生物科技有限公司 Guangzhou KangBao house biological technology Co., LTD

300mg/ 300 mg / grain

检出西布曲明 Detection sibutramine

11031509 11031509

6 6

雪蓝奇减肥胶囊 Snow LanJi lose weight capsule

河间市信发药房 HeJianShi letter sent the pharmacy

北京华丰制药公司 Beijing huafeng pharmaceutical company

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2000 2000)第 )The first0403 0403 number

0.55g/ 0.55 g / grain

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20100416 20100416

7 7

肽盈美减肥胶囊 Peptide surplus beauty lose weight capsule

烟台华医堂大药房有限责任公司汽车站大药房 Yantai China medical hall pharmacy Co., LTD. The bus stop

西安大久药业有限公司 Xian big long pharmaceutical Co., LTD

卫食健字( Health food no.534(2002 2002)第 )The first0368 0368 number

0.4g/ 0.4 g / grain

检出酚酞、西布曲明 Detection phenolphthalein、sibutramine

20100228 20100228
