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IT白领疯狂午餐连吃24天火锅 专家称无异于自杀--亲稳舆论引导监测室


IT白领疯狂午餐 IT white-collar crazy lunch


24天,天天火锅 24 days,Everyday hot pot


“life,A hot pot is countless,Iron and ironing,Repeated over,Need to heart。Hope you in later life long,Always full of fight,Go on。24 days of hot pot action,Let us to know yourself。”This passage from a《Martyr card》,yesterday,Clear temple on an IT company manager,The certificate awarded to the part of the employees,Reward them satisfactory completion of the fire action。


This is what activities,Actually do some what?yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporters arrived at universal square of this company, 29 / f,beitou。


连续吃24天火锅 Continuous 24 days eat hot pot


At noon yesterday at 11 50 points,Chongqing evening news reporter came to the company,Just meet fire action group set。The company DingRan director of operations、Investment promotion ZhuTangZong operating managers、Customer service center staff DengXiaoJie a line of nine people,Mighty came to the company a hotpot restaurant opposite--originally,Fire action is hot pot。


“The hot pot is no ordinary people eat of hey。”Activities brought by natural said,They began last month 26 eat hot pot action,Request from Monday to Friday,Lunch time has been insisting to eat。“Not by the can exit,But persist employees,Everyone will get a company homemade《Martyr card》,And please hotpot restaurant boss seal。”


DingRan said,By yesterday,This activity has insisted on the whole 23 days。Fire action today officially ended,Of 24 days。Hotpot restaurant in,Chongqing evening news reporter discovery,Although have the 23 days,The staff morale remains high。Parsley cow meatball、Duck intestines、Old meat、potatoes、Mushroom......More than 10 food served at one end,Was soon all fall into the pot。Less than a minute,A pair of chopsticks and stretch into a few out of food。


鼓励下属冲业绩 Encourage the subordinate blunt performance


Every day to eat hot pot,What in the world for what?The company staff said Mr Summer-autumn cultivation,The company needs to attract a large service providers,To encourage the subordinate blunt performance,Early may this year,DingRan in the department,As long as a service provider to solicit success,He will please the other party a meal hot pot。


Didn't expect,The staff success to solicit hundreds of services,One by one to cash commitment is not very realistic。“Anyway, every day for lunch,As everyone AA system,The eat hot pot to the end。”DingRan said,He's the idea,Immediately got many employees in response。


“Across the company the hotpot restaurant,Just two months ago to decorate,Not many people at noon,Just 5 minutes on foot,Once was the chosen,As a base。”ZhuTangZong says,The per capita consumption of ten yuan,And eat starch almost,And central air conditioning。“You sit together for a chat,Afternoon have more power to work。”


身体会不会垮 The body will be won't fall


DingRan tell chongqing evening news reporter,Participate in the actions of the fire has staff of nearly one hundred people。“Started just four departments、Five little scope for dinner,Then the whole company all know it,Force is huge,Much of the time is nearly 20 people,Gather together the whole two table。”DingRan said,Last week,The same building other company workers joined the army eat hot pot。


The company a from the northeast of 23 years old Chen employees,Joined the fire is action,Even eat two days later but serious fire,Mouth sparkling,Have to quit it;Another of the WangHuiJuan employees from hubei,Adhere to the four days later also didn't continue:“Too greasy,Eat all day on the water,The stomach irritablely painful,Can't stand。”


DingRan said,24 days eat hot pot,To the final after only four people。“I、ZhuTangZong、DengXiaoJie and the other one is called the name of the Chen colleagues。Most of the rest of the people is served three days,Two day sun nets。”


“I think they are too crazy。”This hotpot restaurant competent 23 Chen j said,His hot pot industry in eight years,Never seen such a diner。“They eat is always red soup burn spicy,Everyone is concerned about,This how to eat,The body will be down to eat?”


点菜公式 Order formula


菜品数量=(人数×2)-1 Food quantity =(Number x 2)-1


DingRan said,They each eat hot pot in the cost of the basic keep 1056 yuan per capita。They also developed a formula to order:Food quantity =(Number x 2)-1,Volunteers of 40%,Vegetarian dishes 60%,“This order,Which can ensure full,And won't leftovers。”


For fire problems,Adhere to the four people down chorus said:Don't think that the body have any different。ZhuTangZong says,Dinner he will eat for pasta、porridge、Light food fruit, etc。Chen is recognized name heavy taste,“If the friend dinner invitation the hot pot,I am as eat not by accident。The only girl DengXiaoJie skin white,Claim to eat more than 20 days even hot pot a blain blain didn't long。


The company other employees said,The four members all have a common features:Fond of sports。DingRan and Chen name ride their bikes to work every day,ZhuTangZong at least 1000 m swimming every night,DengXiaoJie after work will also go to the gym jump hold。


In addition,Four people also told reporters chongqing evening news a secret:Finish eat hot pot after,Drink a box of ice yogurt under fire。


医学专家异口同声 Medical experts together


“这种吃法无异于自杀” “This kind eats a law to suicide”


24 days eat hot pot,The body will be down to eat?yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter asked the heavy medical FuEr in court、Xinqiao hospital in the city, many hospitals each department experts。this,Experts said almost chorused:“This kind eats a law to suicide。”


Experts say,Most of disease is a quantitative change to the qualitative change of long process,At present it cannot be said that their body has become the issue。If they have a reaction acid、hiccups、Stomach ache,,Voiding symptoms such as pain stabbed,May is a disease find upper body。


消化科 XiaoHuaKe


辛辣刺激导致口腔食道溃疡 Spicy to stimulate oral esophageal ulcers


高脂肪高蛋白导致胰腺炎、胆结石 High fat high protein cause pancreatitis、gallstones


堵塞胆总管危及生命 Jam bravery manager life threatening


FengXiaoXia professor said,So eat hot pot,First of all the worse is the esophagus、Stomach the digestive system。Repeated by high temperature、Spicy stimulation,Cause oral cavity、Esophageal ulcers、Chronic gastritis,And then the stomach、duodenal、ulcer、erosion,Last may develop into the esophagus、The stomach and intestinal cancer disease。In addition,Long-term excessive fat and protein intake,Greatly increase the burden of the pancreas,Trigger a high mortality rate of pancreatitis,May also cause high blood fat、Gallstones chronic disease。


泌尿科 urology


辣椒+大蒜导致器官充血 Chili + garlic leads to organ and congestion


前列腺长期充血致前列腺炎 The prostatitis prostate long-term congestion


喝太多饮料导致肾功能损伤 Drinking too much drink cause kidney damage


Professor song said,This how to eat,Will let these young people suffering from diseases such as not too early to urinate。After knowing the professor says,The our city of young people in their 20 s,Micturition abnormal disease also more and more,The high incidence of a disease and people love to eat hot pot closely related。


Hot pot the pepper in the、scallions、garlic、Pepper and alcohol etc excitant food can cause blood vessels to spicy expansion and organs and congestion。Prostate continuous vessel expansion will make for a prostate congestive state,Cause prostatitis。


Eat hot pot to drink beer fruit juice drinks too much,Will add to the kidney burden the diuresis,So serious long-term damage renal function,May cause nephritis、Uremia, etc。


妇产科 Gynecology and obstetrics


又吃辣又吃冰导致月经不调 And eat spicy food and eat ice cause menstruation to be not moved


吃没烫熟的肉易致流产 Don't eat very hot cooked meat easy to abortion


大量摄入肝脏导致胎儿缺陷 A higher intake of liver result in fetal defects


ZhangYuan said,Women long hot pot,There is a huge health hazard。Hot pot in the base of prickly ash、Chili peppers and other hot item is a female menstrual period decor。Period too much hot pot,Will lead to dysmenorrhea、Hemorrhage, etc。Eat hot pot often contact when cold food,Extremely easy cause menstruation to be not moved,Leucorrhea abnormal symptoms。


Zhang director says,The flock of toxoplasma gondii infection rate is about 61.4%,Hot hot pot when the lamb burned because if it didn't,Will increase pregnant women toxoplasma gondii virus infection risk,Affect fetal brain development,Still can cause abortion、stillbirth、freak。In addition,The liver is rich in vitamin A,Pregnant women too much vitamin A intake will increase birth defect risk。


肝胆科 GanDanKe


高脂肪、高蛋白 High fat、High protein


脂肪肝、肝硬化、肝癌 Fatty liver、cirrhosis、Liver cancer

  张大志教授称,这群人如果不想及早地患上脂肪肝,必须立即停止这种对身体不负责任的行为。火锅中富含高脂肪、高蛋白,大量吃增加肝脏分解负担,轻而易举患上脂肪肝。而脂肪肝是肝硬化、肝癌等疾病的基础疾病。张教授警告,临床上肝病患者年轻化趋势很严重,这种不良饮食习惯是一大诱因。(重庆晚报记者 杨馨 黎奎 实习生 阳丽 首席记者 冉文)

ZhangDaZhi professor says,This group of people if you don't want to develop early fatty liver,Must be an immediate halt to the body irresponsible behavior。Hot pot rich in high fat、High protein,Plenty to eat liver decomposition increased burden,Easy have fatty liver。And fatty liver is liver cirrhosis、The basic diseases such as liver disease。Professor zhang warning,Clinical liver disease patients younger trend is very serious,This kind of bad eating habits is a big incentive。(Chongqing evening news reporter YangXin LiKui interns YangLi chief reporter RanWen)
