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癌症专家处理小伤口不当 六年后患癌去世--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


伤口6年后为何成夺命皮肤 Small wound six years later why into killing skin cancer


美华裔癌症专家被小刀划伤癌变去世的消息引发热议,专家表示厨房操刀要当心“海洋分枝杆菌” The Chinese cancer experts was a knife to cut cancerous by news of the death of hot debate,Experts say the kitchen fencing cautiously“Marine mycobacteria”


南京曾有市民30年没愈合的伤口变成烧伤瘢痕癌,专家披露最容易被忽视的5个“夺命”伤患 Nanjing citizens have had 30 years of the healing wounds become didn't burn scar carcinoma,Experts most neglected disclosure of the five“Seizes a life”injury


Accidentally was a knife to cut his hand,Even in six years later became deadly skin cancer。Yesterday the yangtse evening post reported《The Chinese cancer experts fight cancer death surveying failure》Caused many readers of hot debate。According to the report,The Chinese cancer experts ChenChangYou because no handle in time on the wound and getting skin cancer and ultimately the deadly。The hidden trouble of the small wound that is so large?Nanjing experts say,When Fanny kitchen to easily infect Marine mycobacteria。Nanjing also burn patients there have been no handle in time,Finally into skin cancer cases。


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华裔癌症专家因为皮肤癌去世 Chinese cancer experts for skin cancer death


According to the report,The California ShengDieGeShi 49 years old Chinese cancer research experts ChenChangYou in July 19, died suffering from skin cancer。As a devoted his life to delve into cancer experts,The cause of death ChenChangYou let many people are surprised,What he has is the skin cancer because six years ago in the kitchen when Fanny careless home at a small wound and cause。In the past six years,The wound and even been repeated canker symptoms。Until earlier this year,ChenChangYou and his wife went to hospital for tests to see the wound,6 years ago ChenChangYou hands be knife break the small cut,Now has developed for a rare form of skin cancer!


为何小伤口会恶化成癌症? Why small wound will deteriorate into cancer?


厨房操刀时容易感染海洋分枝杆菌 When Fanny kitchen to easily infect Marine mycobacteria


Because no timely processing small cut,Even in six years later transformed into skin cancer。ChenChangYou of the“immodesty”Let many people feel very surprised,The wound not handle in time,Unexpectedly can cause skin cancer?South FuYuan burns, director of the ZhengXingKe aquired NieLanJun said,Because cut open hand and getting skin cancer cases of death is rare,But because burns and into skin cancer is more examples of some。


Southeast university dermatologist affiliated zhongda hospital director WangFei yangtse evening post in an interview with reporters explanation,Be a knife to cut open after the skin infection have different classification,“Common infection,Such as staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus infection,To be processed in more convenient。And another Marine mycobacteria infection is more serious。”The reporter understands,Marine mycobacteria infections are common in killing fish、The case of the poultry。Once they are infected with the seafood stabbed bacteria,The wound will only constantly swelling,Without obvious pain。so,Patients may therefore and despise problem,Condition to delay,WangFei said,In clinics also often received requests in the kitchen when cut his hand and infection mycobacterium ocean of patients。


To report a rare and deadly skin cancer because of the claim,WangFei told reporters,Skin cancer mainly divided into three kinds:Basal cell carcinoma、Squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma。The first two little possibility of cancer cells to metastasize,After surgical resection in basic can be cured。But the third kind of malignant melanoma is more serious,Easy to cause the death。


南京也曾有过类似案例 Nanjing and have had similar cases


三十年没愈合的伤口变成烧伤瘢痕癌 Thirty years since the wound heals into burn scar carcinoma


“I was in outpatient service received a nearly thirty years wound is not healing of the patients。”South FuYuan burns, director of the ZhengXingKe aquired NieLanJun said。And this incredible healing time finally let patients Mr. Zhu(aliases)Knee wound evolved into burn scar carcinoma(A kind of skin cancer)。NieLanJun told reporters,Mr. Chu was sent to the hospital,Decay at the back of the knee has been more serious,Because don't pay much attention to the protection of the wound,In the 30 years,Mr. Chu wound burst are always finish and the scab in again after the state of the damage。“The patient was sent to the hospital,We suspect that is skin cancer,And the patient's pathology report also confirmed our judgment。”


“In the highest incidence of skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma occurs more often in burn scar,So had burned、Burns experience and the scar must be careful of the scar of cancer,Especially when older burns、The burns more attention,Because the scar of preclinical accident carcinoma with burn survivors negatively correlated to the age,older,To become cancerous at intervals of shorter。”NieLanJun remind,Once patients found his burn、Burn scar long-term burst is not more、The wound is food growth pattern、And by the stench purulent cover tumor samples organization surface,Especially in the short term rapid growth、Wound the increase,Should be highly doubt cancerous possibility。Patients should immediately to normal hospital burns received diagnoses treatment。


最易忽视的“夺命”伤患 The most easily ignored“Seizes a life”injury


虫咬伤口处理不慎癌变 Bug bit careless wound care of cancer


Mosquito bites of careless handling left wound infection expand should arise。Many seem incredible cases,What happened in our side。More than 50 years old when I was working in the vegetable leaves,On the leg is not well-known small insect bites,Not only played a bag and also very itchy,It leaves caught some,The skin scratched,The wound soon swell up,Then appear canker,A long time will not。About three years,The leaves become very thin,Go to a hospital checking was shocked to find,On the leg that hasn't been good wound unexpectedly happened cancerous,The cancer cells have been moved to the lungs。


Experts say,Chronic ulcer though is a common frequently-occurring disease,But it is very easy to ignore,“If not treated in time,There will be many complications,Short on seven or eight,Long 78,Can lead to local cell gene mutations,Into cancerous”。


被排气管烫伤引发败血症 Be the exhaust scald caused sepsis


burns、Car accident caused by chronic injury such as skin ulcers if not correct treatment,Can cause systemic sepsis。Xiao wu once sat motorcycle exhaust pipe with burns,On the leg leave a eggs wound。Appear festering wound,Xiao wu listen to friends got some herbal apply is on the wound。A few months down,Xiao wu leg wound kept mouths,A leg was swollen like only“The elephant leg”。After checked to the hospital to know,He on the legs of chronic skin ulcer has caused the sepsis。


口腔溃烂不注意成口腔癌 Oral canker do not pay attention to oral cancer


Not many people will KouChuang too much attention to,They generally feel dull color.gives few days are good。Admittedly born after KouChuang,Most people will only their gingival swelling and pain、Oral ulcer、The tip of the tongue erosion or sore throat and other symptoms,It seems that only a little“fire”,Have what relation?


In the oral cavity ulcer,The most common is trauma ulcers,General drug use for a period of time can heal,Won't recurrence。but,If one or several oral ulcer repeated attacks and even to break out,Unbearable pain or accompanied by other parts of the ulcer(Such as genital ulcers),It must pay close attention to。Because it is likely to be a kind of immunity signs of the disease。and,If ulcer、Fixed in the mouth bottom--a,When ulcer development to bleeding、Cervical lymph node enlargement、Pronunciation is clear,Will be transformed to oral cancer。


so,Have a mouth ulcer don't all contempt,If the therapy is a period of time don't heal,Oral ulcer bottom and the edge appear harden,Should be checked to the hospital in time,Pathologic study when necessary,In order to make clear diagnosis,To do the corresponding treatment,Lest because“Not to face lushan mountain”And the misdiagnosis。


小心黑痣变成恶性黑色素瘤 Be careful a mole become malignant melanoma


Experts remind,Patients with skin cancer men more than women,In malignant tumor in one of the most common malignant melanoma。Yangzi evening news reported that the south remains of girl li Juan aquired contributions is for malignant melanoma died。The same,《Not sincere not faze 2》In the play LiXiangShan also because sun hong2 lei2 boot of a mole on into melanoma and died。A family history of melanoma crowd、A foot or the perineum, and so easy friction parts have the larger a mole crowd,Or existing a mole suddenly appeared to increase、burst、Color changes, etc,To pay special attention to。


吃得太烫容易患上食道癌 Eat too hot prone to the oesophagus


《British medical journal》Published a study found,The love drink hot tea and very hot drinks will increase risk of esophageal。Experts said into the stomach diet,Oral and esophagus is the only road。and“High temperature”Diet contact the digestive tract、Oral cavity mucous membrane will make its epithelial damage、canker、bleeding,If repeated get bad stimulation,It may cause cancer。so,Used to eating hot meals、Drink hot people,oral、Esophageal cancer risk is high。


专家告诫 Experts warn


自行处理伤口容易导致感染和溃烂 Dispose of the wound is easy to cause infection and decay


The director of the hospital dermatological WangFei said,Many patients were sharp objects in cut or insect bites would not choose to go to a doctor,Think to manage their own can solve a problem,But that's actually“Don't bother to go to the hospital”Easy for left。And to dispose of infection and so on a series of problems。


Many patients wound in a start actually not serious,But because of their negligence,And taken the wrong way to handle,Eventually led to the aggravation of the illness。WangFei remind,Be unexplained after mosquito bites,If patients to catch broken the wound,No promptly debridement processing,Very susceptible to expand。And to stick to the wound“A band-aid”The practice is succeeding,The wound will expand the infection,Serious can lead to skin necrosis。Experts say,People were scratched or be animal bites iron,Should be in time to hospital injection tetanus or wild dog vaccine, etc。


If you can't go to a doctor the first time can choose to do so......


High temperature in summer,Be poisonous bite、The exhaust of common burn case,According to the common wound,WangFei to readers the basic methods of payment of the processing:After burns,If not in the first time to the hospital,Can use cold water blunt once,Simple after bandage,Immediately to the hospital received diagnoses。After be bitten by the basic processing method is to use iodine or alcohol should be wiped,And then to hospital。If appear haemorrhage,Can use oppression of bleeding bleeding,And then use iodine or alcohol is wiped,And then to special outpatient clinic hospital treatment。


WangFei special remind,Because the skin cancer and sun exposure、The stimulation such as the radiation,Have burn scar、Mucosal spot、Chronic ulcer、The prolonged fuyu fistula、The disk lupus erythematosus、Ray dermatitis and other skin lesions,More to pay special attention to prevent bask in。In addition,In summer prone to sunburn,WangFei also list the following methods:


Be poisonous bite:Summer if be unexplained insect bites,Don't wait to dizziness and discomfort appeared to hospitals,Should immediately to the hospital specialist out-patient clinic。


Be exhaust pipe burn:More attention on a motorcycle exhaust pipe of the position,At the same time the bare legs to proper protection。

  被太阳晒伤:如出现皮肤的急性损伤,如红肿、起疱、流水等症状,需要及时治疗。而晒后蜕皮则是一种慢性损伤。一旦夏天暴晒后,先用干毛巾擦去汗液,再用凉毛巾冷敷皮肤片刻,这样就能迅速消除皮肤灼热的感觉。(通讯员 何松明 程守勤 记者 杨甜子)

sunburn:If there is an acute injury of the skin,Such as red、Up blister、Symptoms such as water,Need timely treatment。And sunburnt molting is a chronic injury。Once the summer after exposure to the sun,With dry towel first wiped sweat,Garnish with cool towel a cold compress the skin for a while,So that you can quickly eliminate skin burning feeling。(What ChengShouQin reporters SongMing correspondent Yang sweet son)
