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抗菌药物“限令”实施半月 上有政策下有对策--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


相关报道: Related reports:儿童是抗菌药滥用“重灾区” 不发烧最好不吃药

Child abuse is antibiotic“hard-hit” A fever had better not take medicine


史上最严抗菌药物“限令” 实施半月能管住过度用药吗? History's most severe antibacterial drugs“asked” Implement and half months can take control excessive medication?


本报记者探访发现,正规大医院有所节制,但药店执行时多有“变通” Our reporter found that visit,Normal big hospital somewhat abstemious,But more than the execution of the drugstore“flexible”


August 1,,Promulgated by the ministry《Measures for the administration of antimicrobial drugs for clinical use》(Hereinafter referred to as《way》)Formally implementing。This is called the most heavily in history“Limit resistance to”of《way》provisions,The doctor must according to the patient's symptoms、Signs and blood、Routine urine and laboratory results,A primary diagnosis of bacterial infections,To antibiotics,Or will be limited、ChuFangQuan cancel,Even suspended practice。


now,“Limit resistance to”Implement nearly half a month,Nanjing each big hospital pharmacy and the execution of the situation how, exactly?yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporter about this visit。


药店 执行很宽松,有办法变通 Enterprise executive is more relaxed,A flexible way to


“Limit resistance to”Promulgated after,Whether the drugstore abided by the requirements?Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter came to nanjing new street several nearby home a pharmacy,Was surprised to find that the“Policy XiaYouDuiCe”

  一家药店:买头孢 没处方也能刷卡买

A drugstore:Buy cephalosporins prescription can also buy card no


“Cephalosporins have”(A common antibiotic)??Yangzi evening news reporter asked。The clerk reply very concise,“Brush card or medical expenses?”


What is the difference between this?In the sense of the shop assistant,The reporter just understand,The original“Unspoken rules”is:At one's own expenses to pay cash can instantly bought the cephalosporins,Brush card with a prescription to buy is need。“If no prescription,The system is to brush card will not go in。”The clerk specifically expressed a。


Yangzi evening news reporters just want to charge don't want to pay in cash,But drugstore clerk are still unwilling to give up the“business”。“You want to buy a few box?If buy two or three boxes,We can help you to operate it,You can still buy credit card。”Hear reporters reply only buy a box,Shop assistant immediately give reporters opened the payment receipt,“Just a box of,nothing,You can also buy credit card。”


另一药店:买金霉素眼膏 店里就能给开处方 Another drugstore:Buy them aureomycin can give the store a prescription


In another larger drugstore,Reporter requirements buy a aureomycin them。导购员 comment,According to the regulation is them aureomycin require a doctor's approval,If no prescription cannot be bought。


In the reporters ready to turn and walk away,The clerk says also have flexible mode:“Our store has resident doctor,You can store the doctor here in check,Can buy the。”


The clerk told reporters,Require a prescription to buy antibiotic is strict rules according to health care providers to execute,“Must leave prescription records,If no prescription records and was found here,We will be punished。”


医院 一开抗菌药,电脑会“预警” Hospital a open antibiotic,Computer will“warning”


for“Limit resistance to”,Nanjing hospital executed how?then,Yangzi evening news reporter came to nanjing a 3 armour hospital,“onlookers”The doctor to prescribe medicine by all the process。The reporter understands,If not necessary,Normal big hospital doctors don't offer patients prescribed antibiotics,But if patients insist that this medicine,Is likely to open。But doctors as long as uncle opened,The computer can issue“Warning remind”。


患者坚持要抗生素,医生还是给开的 Patients insist on antibiotics,The doctor or to open


“It gave me some cephalosporins,So good faster,Not really takes work。”A bad cold of the patients straightforward requests the doctor。The attending doctor repeatedly made clear the harm and antibiotics“Limit resistance to”after,The patient is said“I'm an adult,A year is occasionally eat so a two fine。”The reporter sees,But under the doctor has prescribed by hand。


But when the doctor will prescription to the assistant aside computer search,The patients registered prescriptions in all the information,Cephalosporins set was also pull“recorded”。


Such prescriptions flow in 3 armour hospital has got generally of execution,The doctor prescribed drugs will all at once“warehousing”,Of course also include all kinds of antimicrobial drugs。“Use the computer system to prescribe medicine can also give us immediately‘warning’,Every day according to different people to open the prescription,A bit not careful, you will make mistakes,In one thousand the collocation of the drug problem taboo,The system will automatically a dialog box to remind,Cause the attention of doctors。”The doctor told reporters on duty yangtse evening post。


For the use of antibacterial drugs,The doctor and not too much taboo,“The doctor also won't be excessive open cephalosporins or other drugs,But sometimes the patient to also let us some difficult。”


“Even hang water are a lot of people to hang。Many people eat some traditional Chinese medicines against the cold will do,But they still insist hanging water,Thought it would be good faster。”An anonymous doctor told reporters。


一感冒就吃头孢,这种想法不对 Catch a cold, eat cephalosporins,This wrong


Jiangsu province HuXiKe hospital ShiSuo of doctor of fang told reporters,“Use cephalosporins good faster”Understanding itself is a mistake。


“A cold also have to distinguish types,The common cold is a virus infection,Should use antiviral drugs;And antibiotic resistance is bacterial infections。The most common cephalosporin drugs also have one to four generations。”At the same time history director added,If need to use antibiotics,Use of the drug should be added a generation、penicillin、erythromycin、Levofloxacin, etc。


“Catch a cold, choose the practice of cefazolin obviously does not meet the requirements。”ShiSuo fang make it clear。


儿科和手术室,是抗生素的“重灾区” Pediatrics and the operating room,Is antibiotics“hard-hit”


“The child's constitution are weak,Always cold,But every time the doctor to give her hang cephalosporins,I can try so hard the。”yesterday,In a hospital of the pediatric clinic before,Nanjing citizens ms. Li told reporters yangtse evening post。


The reporter understands,Pediatric is the use of cephalosporins“hard-hit”。Although the execution“Limit resistance to”,But in nanjing a few small hospital,Antibiotics are still in use。


Experts told reporters,In fact most of children is a cold virus infection,Should not use antibiotic protects the。If a cough or a low grade fever and other symptoms,Or should be symptomatic treatment。Only the tonsils and purulent bacterial infection symptoms,Just can use antibiotic。


now,Antimicrobial drug use more another place is the operating room。Yangzi evening news reporter understanding to,When the operation in,Antibacterial drugs are widely used to resist bacteria infections。“Before the operation in half an hour or one hour,We will give patients pushing a needle in the operating cephalosporins person is more,Prevent bacterial infections or a must。”An orthopaedic surgeons told reporters。


如何监督? 省市卫生厅局都会定期监察 How to supervise? Health TingJu regularly monitor provinces and cities


Yangzi evening news reporter understanding to,in《Measures for the administration of antimicrobial drugs for clinical use》Began to implement previous,Nanjing each big 3 armour hospital antimicrobial drugs for the use of a clear restrictions。The doctor's prescription“warehousing”after,According to the hospital“Information database”Prescribing information in the spot。And health TingJu will also regularly provinces and cities to the hospital sent antibiotic use for monitoring,If excessive use of the case is that will deal with them。


“No doctor wants to make money by additional antibiotic,The implementation of the hospital according to certain standards,but‘Patients command the doctor’Confusion may be‘Limit resistance to’In the process, it is necessary to strengthen and improve place。”A person familiar with the deal said。


揭秘 Reveal the


医生自己感冒,怎么处理呢? The doctor himself cold,How to deal with it?


“If I catch a cold,First will drink large amounts of water,Don't overwork,Rest to the cold therapy is the most important。”HuXiKe zhongda hospital director Lin yong said。And experts suggest,A fever to 38 degrees or so,Patients feel very worried,Might as well to the hospital for an examination routine blood,Look at the blood bacteria infections。“To find out what kind of bacteria infection,again‘Suit the remedy to the case’Is a good choice。”Southeast university HuXiKe affiliated zhongda hospital director Lin yong told reporters。


医生家的“小药箱”都有些啥药? The doctor home“Small medicine”Are some what medicine?

  呼吸科医生的家里都会准备哪些药物?林勇告诉记者,自己家中不会准备头孢类药物。“常备的还是一些感冒药、止疼药,像百服宁等等。同时还有一些创可贴。头孢一定要在一定的条件下才能使用,一感冒就用头孢的做法显然不行。”而省中医院呼吸科史锁芳主任医师家中的“小药箱”也和林勇如出一辙。同时史锁芳还建议,适当的中药治疗也是不错的选择。(记者 杨甜子)

HuXiKe doctor's home will prepare what drugs?Lin yong told reporters,Your home will not prepare cephalosporin drugs。“Stock or some cold medicine、Painkillers weren,Like bufferin and so on。And there is some band-aid。Cephalosporins must be in certain conditions to use,Catch a cold, with the practice of cefazolin apparently not。”And HuXiKe ShiSuo fang, director of the provincial hospital doctors of the home“Small medicine”Lin yong also and prosperity。At the same time ShiSuo fang also suggested,Appropriate treatment of traditional Chinese medicine also is right choice。(Reporter Yang sweet son)
