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杭州半数白领周一焦虑提前 工作认真易“忧虑”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

杭州半数白领周一焦虑提前 工作认真易“忧虑”


英国媒体报道,上班族的忧虑周日16时13分始 British media reports,An office worker concerns since Sunday 13 points from the beginning


本报调查发现,半数杭州白领“星期一综合征”提前爆发,专家分析—— The survey found,Half hangzhou white-collar“Monday syndrome”Outbreak in advance,Expert analysis --


工作认真的人,容易提前“忧虑” The work is earnest person,Easy to advance“anxiety”


企业主管建议,做好工作计划可缓解焦虑 Enterprise competent advice,Do a good job plan can alleviate anxiety


The world's most famous cat, Garfield,Once said:“People invented Monday,Then ruthlessly hate it。”


“Monday syndrome”As for an office worker,Don't be a strange nouns。Every Monday to see white-collar workers a day three changes QQ signature,Can find all kinds of negative emotions:headache、Limbs weakness、Raised blood pressure。


however,According to the British《Daily mail》reports,Investigation shows that,An office worker worries from Sunday when actually 16 13 points began,A lot of people from the start on Sunday“hate”The haven't coming Monday。


yesterday,Is a typical Sunday,“16 13 points”Anxiety disorder really exist?From the afternoon 4 PM,Our reporter through the network、telephone、Random block visit methods such as survey of more than 400 workers,The conclusion is not so absolute and precision,But there is about 50% of workers from Sunday began to worry,Especially after dinner period of time,The mood more will fall to the bottom。


动脑多的岗位,更容易周日“焦虑” More's the post,Easier to Sunday“anxiety”


in《Daily mail》reported,40% of people admitted Sunday had anxiety and associated with fear,This kind of depression and anxiety usually from Sunday afternoon began,Continue until the evening。The survey of chief clair hager said,Most people on Sunday then considering things,From the afternoon 16 when start 13 points,They often feel fear。


In reporter survey found,Half of the white-collar will start from Sunday anxiety,In fact many people said,16 when compared with 13 points,Dinner time is more like a mood of the watershed。In the interview results after classification,Reporter found that easy to Sunday“anxiety”Post occurs in:design、project、marketing、Public relations、Administrative, etc,These industries have some common features:Need to move the brain,Job objective and process“polytropic”,No invariable mode。For example XuBing,He went from Sunday start to worry about Monday would be super busy。


XuBing network company is a public relations,Work two years,He said:“My work cell phone XiuXiTian shutdown。From the start on Sunday afternoon,As long as the thought of the next day there will be a lot of case waiting for me,Began to head big,Especially after the thought of boot,There are numerous missed calls to return,I was sad。”


To such as Mr. Li。His anxiety problems and XuBing a little different,He is at a loss,Don't know what to do on Monday。


Mr. Li do sales 3 years。“Sales to keep to visit customers,And then to get orders,I'm afraid to run to the office on Monday after played CARDS,Found that have nothing to do。Every Sunday,I began to think,Where to go to find more customers resources?”


心理学家分析:太敏感或太认真,都会提前“忧虑” psychologists:Too sensitive or too seriously,Will advance“anxiety”


“Hate Sunday is Monday syndrome should be a continuation of,For the unknown is a kind of anxiety、The psychological state of the out of control,There will be some serious insomnia、Raised blood pressure、The heart beat faster such physiological reaction。”Professional for the employees eliminate psychological problems of psychological consultants shen Mo said,A lot of people sleep the worst time is Sunday night。


The mechanism of Monday syndrome,Considered the pavlovian theory“Dynamic stereotype”- the old dynamic stereotype is destroyed and the new dynamic stereotype is difficult to was set up“chaos”,Shen Mo further explanation,“Some people from Monday began to show this kind of confusion,But more sensitive or worry heavier people,This kind of chaos will advance on Sunday。”He thinks,Some work is very serious,Will advance“anxiety”。


Shen Mo suggestion is very simple:“Arrange work plan,In psychological on working hours and rest time to distinguish is very important,The rest should have a good rest,If mind really have a lot of work concerns,As, stepped out of the sweat,Then a good sleep。”


杭州企业出招,要求员工周五做好工作计划 Hangzhou enterprise recruit,On Friday for employees to work plan


How to deal with the“Hate Sunday”psychological,《Daily mail》The report is such a suggestion:If you want to have a good time on Sunday,Best method is to advance to arrange plans for the weekend,Let Sunday become the most popular day to look forward to。


But hangzhou white-collar natural with Chinese characteristics,Hangzhou has enterprise noticed this problem,for“do”This proposition,They gave the two ideas --


In a foreign capital enterprise do human resources director Mr. Put that,Work habits is the solution to the problem of tips:“We usually require employees every Friday are written a job summary,And next week's work plan,A began to a lot of people feel vexed,But, I thought in another Angle,On Sunday you will know what to do next week,Then don't have to worry about the unknown。”

  而在杭州华炬科技主管人力资源的秦月葆先生,则会在星期一早上为员工们开一个放松的例会,在聊天里让大家都清楚这个星期该做些什么,“我会在会议室找个放松的位置,比如大家在长沙发上并排坐着,或者呈直角坐着,喝喝茶聊聊天,缓解星期一综合征的发作。”(记者 黄莺 本报实习生 宣琪菁/文 林焱挺/制图)

And in hangzhou HuaJu science and technology human resources director of the qin month Mr Remains,Will be in on Monday morning for employees to open a relaxed meeting,In the chatting let everyone know this week what to do,“I will in the conference room to find a relaxed position,For example you sit side by side on the couch,A square or sit,Drink tea chat,Ease Monday syndrome attack。”(Reporter songbirds our interns XuanQiJing/text LinYanTing/drawing)
