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中国尝试在医生中推广控烟教育 冀摆脱禁烟难尴尬--亲稳网络舆情监控室
In zhejiang university medical hospital,Without a hint of smoke,Seems to also can not find ashtrays, smoking set。
Such a smoke-free environment is not only in order to coordinate shortly before the end of the just here“The national medical colleges and universities smoke control ability construction of the meeting”,But the zhejiang university school of medicine in smoke control course results。
At present,Die each year from smoking-related diseases as high as one million the number of people。Smoke control organization says,The situation if not controlled,This number may reach 2025 in 2 million,There will be 2050。
“Smoking is harmful to health concept has been accepted widely,But then what should we smoke control?”Zhejiang university faculty of medicine smoke control research center director YangTingZhong make such questions。
In march of 2010,Zhejiang university in hangzhou issued a smoking ban,But more than a year down,Effect co., LTD.,。Other domestic some implementation of the city to ban smoking,Most also had such awkward results。
For many years,Many hospital has opened outpatient service to give up smoking,However there are few smokers to visit。Beijing quit smoking outpatient service started in 1996,At that time in the hospital in the city opened and home。Because few patients have close down,The year 2007 with only three。
“The smoke control,Not only requires the cooperation policy,Also need to have a professional smoke control member,That's what the doctor to cooperate。”YangTingZhong said,“The doctor is in the community health problems opinion leaders,General as long as a line the doctor to take the lead don't smoke,And advice or help to give up smoking,Surrounding including patients in group could follow him。”
YangTingZhong provides a world health organization of data,The common clinical diagnosis and treatment,As long as the doctor provides within 3 minutes to ask advice and help, etc,Can make 30% of the people to give up smoking;Time in 3 to 10 minutes,Can make 60% of the people to give up smoking。
In YangTingZhong seems,The doctor should undertake smoke control policy advocacy actuation、Mass education and provide technical support to give up smoking for the task。But now the hospital doctors lack“Quit smoking ability”,The root is that they did not pass smoke control theory and skills system study。
At present there are 183 college recruit medical undergraduate students,Covers public health、Medical and nursing, and other professional,Each year about 100000 graduates。YangTingZhong think,For medical students in school course system in tobacco control teaching,Will be able to improve the national tobacco control level。
YangTingZhong led by zhejiang university faculty of medicine smoke control research center team,Since 2007 has been devoted to the medical colleges and universities smoke control capacity study。And in the national,There are 31 with public health professional university complete the smoke control theory teaching,And in the local disease control center under the cooperation“Smokefree campus”construction。
“The national medical colleges and universities smoke control ability construction of the meeting”Will the school already exploring mode to clinical and nursing, and other professional promotion,By the national 60 university、The local disease control department and hospital implementation of cooperation。so,Participate in smoke control ability construction of the university will account for half of the national medical university。
From zhejiang university at present for medical students open《Public health smoke control tutorial》and《Clinical medicine smoke control tutorial》The two door on professional course,Can see the content including smoke control how to blend in government and school goals、Analysis of the types of smoking、How to deal with the commonly used to give up smoking pretext, etc.。
In order to make the smoke control achieved the desired results,YangTingZhong proposal would smoke control and quit smoking content as university medical education required content。In addition,In the national examination of doctors' qualifications in content,Should contain smoke control and quit smoking content。(LinJiaJia、LiYaBiao)
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