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夏季莫怪孩子脾气坏 气温高在作怪--亲稳舆论引导监测室


案例1 Case 1

  乖娃怒摔砸两个杯子 Good Eva anger cast hit two cups


The 7 years old in peace in shapingba district,At ordinary times character is like his name,Personality quiet good shun。however,16,In peace a action let parents startled。8 o 'clock that night,Some cold in peace sitting on the sofa watching TV,Father Mr. Zhang took the cup and medicine let him eat,Even shouted several times,Didn't promise in peace,Still straight at the TV。Mr. Zhang suddenly some fly off the handle,Angry the cup on the table,Forced off the TV。


Which know,In peace twist overdo to look black,Have ceng rose up and went to,Picked up the cup on the table suddenly fell down on the ground。In Mr. Zhang couple haven't had come against god,In peace and go to the dining table,Picked up another cup ruthlessly hit on the ground,And then walks into the bedroom bang to shut the door。


案例2 Case 2

  6岁小家伙暴躁爱打架 Six little irritable love fighting


similarly,Living in YuBeiOu six games also let parents very so concerned。Willing is a little overweight,Looking dignified and strong appearance very recruit companion like。however,Recent more than ten days,The community after friends saw him,Far away from all。


The original,Powerful recently anomaly irritable,In the play with the children,Because the toys,May begin hitting。According to the powerful mother is introduced,Because of the powerful old love fighting,The couple have to the neighbor parents with a lot of not。now,They are afraid of powerful riots,Can't let willing and children play,Worry appeared physiological lesions,Only to the doctor for help。


案例3 Case 3

  张扬的女孩沉默少语 Make public girl silent little language


yesterday,In the children's hospital psychological division,A fourth grade girl is mother to before experts。Mother HuMou says,10 year old daughter had relatively open character,Belong to the individual character make public children。But in recent period of time,Daughter character big change,Silent little language,To feel what things are not interested in。Daughter used to love to go shopping to buy beautiful clothes,But recently even the door have a love,Even if mom and dad put clothes buy back will be handed over to the front of her,She was not happy,Let parents come unceasingly。


男孩爱运动多出汗 The boy love sports much sweat

  情绪中暑发生率比女孩高 Emotional heat stroke incidence high than girls


“May parents don't know,The three children belong to the typical emotional heatstroke,If parents do not understand,And even violence with violence teach children,May give children the second damage。”Chongqing medical university psychology professor、The children's hospital of director of division of psychological MeiJiXia is introduced,High temperature weather recently,It became nearly every day four or five cases of similar serious emotional heat stroke patients,Many parents think that children have what hidden physiological disease。


yesterday,Children's hospital out-patient department director bear Wan professor also confirmed that says,This summer,Children sense irritable crying in a hospital is very much。


MeiJiXia introduced,When the temperature more than 35 ℃、Sunshine more than 12 hours、Humidity is higher than 80%,This kind of weather conditions on human hypothalamic emotion regulation central impact is obvious enhancement,People will be emotional、State of mind and behavior abnormalities,Continuous high temperature still can cause dizziness, such as the lack body unwell,Easy mood out of control,Frequent friction or conflict phenomenon,Call emotional heatstroke。In normal,About 16% of the people in the summer will be emotional heatstroke。


If a child for no reason at all love firing、Temper big、dysphoria,Coolness or crying、Too depressing,No appetite、Suddenly their favorite things aren't interested in、Pessimistic, etc,Can all be emotional heatstroke。


In the clinical,Because the boy active,The body sweat quantity generally more than girls,The boy high temperature emotional heat stroke incidence rate is much higher than girls。


防孩子情绪中暑 Prevent children emotional heatstroke

  家庭氛围要和谐 Family atmosphere to harmony


MeiJiXia director remind parents,Prevent children emotional heatstroke,From their diet live line attention, etc。


1、Cultivate the habit of drinking water by children:High temperature water day badly,Temperature rises quickly,Blood circulation slow down,People can fidget。The children wake up,Should drink a cup of plain boiled water,Every two hours or so drink drink throat。In addition,To pay attention to diet light。


2、Comfortable environment:Have cool living environment,Also avoid the child to high temperature emotional effective measures to heat stroke。


3、The harmonizing atmosphere of a family:Parents and children should be timely communication,A good mood is to avoid emotional heatstroke effective fortress。


4、Security plenty of sleep:Emotional heat stroke is the human body hypothalamic emotional regulating center work condition,Plenty of sleep,Let the brain effectively break,Also can effectively avoid emotional heatstroke。Children should be at night to go to bed at nine,The morning get up at 7。Parents must let children listen to soothing music。

  5、做适量运动:夏季孩子活动提高抵抗力也十分关键。每天早上9点前、下午4点后,不妨让孩子做适量运动。(记者 黎奎)

5、Do moderate exercise:Children summer activities to improve resistance is also very key。Every day before 9 o 'clock in the morning、After 4 PM,Might as well let children do moderate exercise。(Reporter LiKui)
