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婴幼儿配方食品禁添牛初乳 4个月牛初乳销量跌90%--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Young mothers should pay attention to the:On September 1,,Baby formula food may not add colostrum and bovine colostrums as raw material to produce the dairy products。


The ministry of health officials say,Colostrum in infants and young children is not traditional food,Food is not necessary。


The doctor advised,Colostrum products are can not replace the position of milk in the feeding,Within half years old advice edible breast milk。


禁令 ban

  下月起,婴幼儿配方食品 Next month,Infant formula

  拒绝牛初乳 Refused to bovine colostrums


Bovine colostrums is dairy litters within 7 days after the milk,And common milk different,Its protein content is higher,And the fat and sugar content is low,Rich in a large number of immune factors and growth factor,Has been regarded as“The 21st century health food”。


Since April,In the domestic popular 10 years of bovine colostrums industry was almost fatal impact。


April,The ministry of health in response to reply state quality inspection administration related problems,clear“Baby formula food may not add colostrum and bovine colostrums as raw material to produce dairy products”。


While at the same time emphasizing the,This requirement will since 2012 on September 1,But according to the relevant provisions after the production or import products still can continue to sales within the warranty period。


Baby formula food why not add colostrum and with bovine colostrums as raw material to produce dairy products?


The ministry of health explanation is,Colostrum belong to physiological abnormal milk,The physical properties、Composition and often milk difference is very big,Low yield of,Industrialization collect more difficult,Quality is not stable,Should not be used for the processing of infant formula。


Our baby formula food raw materials adopt strict safety assessment system,Included in the infant formula related standard rear allowed to use。


The ministry of health advice is,Make baby formula food standard first principle is safety,Colostrum in infants and young children is not traditional food,Food is not necessary。Long-term edible colostrum in infants and young children health effects of domestic and foreign scientific research less,Lack of bovine colostrums as baby formula food raw materials safety material。


News issued,Many dairy dealers and citizens mistake,Colostrum milk powder series later can't be eaten。A lot of sales YunYing goods merchants will colostrum milk powder series next frame。


On August 13,,The ministry of health in a news conference,The ministry of health specially emphasize infant formula、Larger babies and infant formula、Special medical use infant formula,These three categories of food may not add colostrum。Other foods can add use colostrum。

  市场 market

  4个月来,牛初乳相关产品销量同比下滑90% Four months,Colostrum related products sales fell 90% year-on-year


The ministry of health to a paper next,Bovine colostrums industry market encountered unprecedented“Cold snap”。


The henan business reporter visited the market last week to know,Ban influence by,Nearly four months since,Bovine colostrums industry related products sales decline of 90%。


A bovine colostrums agents said,To restore before impact sales,Need more than a year's time。


Last week,Reporters to visit zhengzhou east three street near several YunYing shop,Several shelves of milk powder have no marked colostrum components of milk powder。


A sales staff told reporters,Since April,Contains the dairy colostrum milk powder are the next frame。


In group to do a chain store YunYing road,The reporter sees only two brands of dairy colostrum products on sale,The price is in 250 yuan/barrel ~ 300 yuan/barrel。


“Before a lot of customers buy dairy colostrum,But the news out,Many parents fear the child ate harmful influence,Are not bought。”Salesman said。


“Baby online”YunYing chain of a person in charge ShenZhiGang said,The store sells before colostrum products are nearly ten brand,Now only retains the two。


and,They in zhengzhou ten chain stores,Four months ago sell immune products(Colostrum accounts for most)Total sales accounted for 25% ~ 30%,Four months later fell to 2%。


The ministry of health after the confirmation again,He felt colostrum pure powder can still sales,In addition to the middle-aged and old edible colostrum products can also be sold。


Some brand New Zealand dairy colostrum products henan agents WangHongLei said,Nearly four months to sales dropped 90% year-on-year。Before their monthly to baby online for 100000 yuan of cargo,Now less than 10000 yuan a month。


消费者 consumers

  半数妈妈对新规不知情 Half of the mother to the new gauge not informed


yesterday,Reporters examined the dozens of mothers,Mother found half about the new gauge is not informed。but,Bovine colostrums can also give the child to eat?Mother is still a doubt,Some think colostrum still have effect。


Ms. Li's son,One year old this year and a half,Ever tried colostrum,“Should be effective,On children's resistance have help。And every day to eat the quantity also very few,A tank can eat a small half a year。”Ms. Li said。


Optimal optimal mama said,She 1 years old baby to eat during the colostrum constitution is really good。She thinks colostrum ban not a bit。


zhengzhou“Home of the one they called bean”General manager ChaiChaoJie is think,Colostrum exist so long,Must have its own value,Can't“A bonzi killed”。


Mr. Zhang citizens have doubts,Health drink hand colostrum useful?


The ministry of health is the answer,Other foods can add use colostrum。


The first people's hospital of zhengzhou city digestive pediatric director ChengYanBo feel,Colostrum on fitness faint of heart,Have efficacy,The same didn't see related literature。


but,Foreign media reports say,This provision is only for infant formula,As the weak,In immunity more bad of the time,Eat dairy colostrum effect is obvious,But you have to be careful not to eat too much,According to the physical condition take right amount,Overdose may produce side effects。


 疑问 doubt

  牛初乳配方奶粉是“假洋鬼子”? Colostrum formula milk powder is“False foreign devil”?

  业内人士:真正进口的牛初乳 The personage inside course of:The real import of bovine colostrums

  多不以配方奶粉形式存在 Many don't exist in formula milk powder


Countries in infant formula forbidden to add dairy colostrum said in a statement,The international also not allow colostrum added to the baby formula food。Our country is imported cattle colostrum mainly comes from Australia and New Zealand。Australia will colostrum as supplementary drugs management,New Zealand provisions add colostrum dietary supplements foods shall not be used for 0 ~ 4 months baby。


See the news,Ms zhao citizens have doubts,Now domestic milk powder market is not so booming,The country has issued this policy,Is there to protect state-owned milk enterprise too?


this,WangHongLei think,Countries do not may have the intention,Colostrum in import dairy products in the proportion of is too small。


For example,A child a week consumed a tank 900 grams of milk powder,He only needed to supplement 7 grams(One day just 1 g)Colostrum of。


In his view,Countries do not let formula milk powder add colostrum,Is because, from the technical conditions on said no science。Bovine colostrums is the active ingredients,If add dairy colostrum milk powder,After opening,Only the first three days can guarantee that contain the bovine colostrums has active ingredient,Then can't guarantee。So they imported colostrum are small package(Once a pack of independent packaging),Maximize its active ingredient。


Ms zhao and doubt,Since colostrum in New Zealand、Australia management so strict,Why a lot of bovine colostrums formula milk powder imports to the mainland。Is this is tailored to China?

  王宏雷的看法是,国外是把牛初乳当做保健品来销售的,世界上90%的国家都没有把牛初乳添加进婴幼儿配方食品中,也很少让小孩子吃。“国外有真正的进口牛初乳,但不是以配方奶粉的形式存在的。”他的看法是,只要是自称原装进口的含有牛初乳的配方奶粉,基本就能确定是针对中国市场生产的“假洋鬼子”。(河南商报记者王艳艳 卢艳艳 实习生孙科)

WangHongLei view is that,The foreign colostrum as health care products to sales,90% of the world's countries have no the bovine colostrums add into baby formula food,Rarely let the children to eat。“Abroad have the real import dairy colostrum,But not in formula milk powder form of existence。”His opinion is,As long as it is a claim to the original import of colostrum contains the formula,Basic can be determined according to the Chinese market is the production of“False foreign devil”。(The henan business WangYanYan LuYanYan intern reporter sun fo)
