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This morning in a deepening medical health system reform news conference,Municipal development and reform commission officials said,Chaoyang hospital on September 1, start pilot medicine apart,"This is the second home pilot。


According to the friendship hospital director liu is introduced,Hospital takes the lead in pilot“Medicine separate”More than a month,Hospital smooth operation,Social repercussions good。Separated medicine,Clinic patients second all medical expenses from 439.80 yuan down to 427.11 yuan,Reduce the 12.69 yuan;All expenses for medicine clinic patients time from 309.77 yuan down to 250.65 yuan,Reduce the 59.12 yuan;Since medical insurance patients pay part from 175.78 yuan down to 105.51 yuan,Reduce the 70.27 yuan(39.98%)。At the same time,Hospital yields significantly improve,Medical staff enthusiasm enhanced,Patient satisfaction ascension。Hospital from“Sell medicine”into“Sell service”,Compensation mechanism transformation;DaChuFang、Excessive medication effectively control;Medical service charge play price leverage,Patients go to a doctor habits change,ZhuanGuHao good hanged。


The relevant person in charge of municipal development and reform commission (NDRC) HanXiaoFang is introduced,The propulsion of public hospital reform is a comprehensive reform,The first selection of friendship、chaoyang、colleagues、Ji shui tan、Children 5 hospitals can be divided into three groups to carry out the pilot reform,At present five pilot hospital reform goes well。


Corporate governance mechanism in the friendship hospital、Chaoyang hospital and children's hospital pilot,At present the friendship hospital and chaoyang hospital are established council,Produce the new dean executive team。The next step was will establish the board of supervisors,To the hospital accredited supervisors,Appointed hospital chief accountant,Form the hospital corporate governance structure。


Medical insurance pay adjustment mechanism in friendship、chaoyang、Ji shui tan、Tongren hospital pilot,The total including advance and press disease to pay packet。At present the pilot work has achieved initial results,In the first half of this year,The total advance pilot hospital outpatient service second all expenses 3.8% year-on-year drop、15 yuan(Other tertiary hospital up 1.8%、7.5 yuan),Hospitalization time cost were 8.3% year-on-year drop、1384 yuan(Other tertiary hospital up 2.9%、552 yuan)。


Financial price compensation regulation mechanism reform pilot work in five pilot hospital at the same time promote。The next step,Continue to promote drug、Material circulation field reform,Explore a joint bidding and price negotiation mechanism,Efforts to squeeze out the unreasonable price moisture,At the same time, through the development of modern logistics and distribution,Further compression circulation costs,Lower drug prices and consumables。


In the innovation service pattern,Will explore set up treatment、rehabilitation、Nursing orderly cohesion service system,Reduce the average day in hospital,Ease the large hospital difficult。

  三问医院理事会 Three ask the hospital council

  朝阳医院和友谊医院率先设立理事会 Chaoyang hospital and the friendship hospital set up a board of trustees

  医院理事会是干啥的? Hospital council is stem what of?


Since last month,Chaoyang hospital and friendship hospital in the city has set up the board of directors,"This is the deepening of the reform of public hospitals are important measures - public hospital corporate governance structure reform pilot。hospital“decide”Is not the President,But council;hospital“work”To executive director of;In addition,And the board of supervisors to supervise。

  理事都是什么人? Directors are what person?


This year on July 5,,Chaoyang hospital in the city council takes the lead in form。July 16,,Friendship hospital council formally established。The reporter understands,Directors are not“by”,Also has digital external directors。Two hospitals internal directors are the chairman、Executive director of、Worker delegate、Experts on behalf of, etc,External directors by the different types of service object representatives。Number of how many,The hospital authority according to hospital development needs and hospitals recommend director candidate situation to determine。At present chaoyang hospital council 7 people,The four internal directors and three external directors composition;Friendship hospital board 9 people,The five internal directors and four external directors composition。


Chaoyang hospital four internal directors including chairman seal kingdom was born,Executive director Chen yong,Experts YangXinChun representative,And worker delegate,The appointment LiangMing will、ZhengXueQian、XingPingFang three external directors。Their career respectively is university professor、Lawyers and community worker。XingPingFang is HuGuLou street working committee secretary,Chaoyang hospital and patients,Last year once in chaoyang hospital for surgery。


Friendship hospital internal directors including chairman、Executive director of、Vice President、Union officials and experts on behalf of five people;External directors by the community resident representative、Management scholars、lawyer、Media reporters of four people。

  外部理事拿多少钱? External directors take how much money?


These external director a month can earn much money?this,City hospital authority chief party to the said,External directors as the service object representative,“Zero salary resumption。”Party to the said,Implement zero salary is mainly want to do everything possible to keep the external director of relatively independent,Prevent for take salary weaken independence,Thus forming hospital internal closed control situation。External directors from different fields and different levels reflect public opinion,Not only actively resumption to participate in the council decision,And stand in the citizen people perspective and supervision and hospital management operation,"Seriously,The hospital is to promote the coordinated development of the external power。

  理事会到底干些啥? The council exactly stem what?


City hospital authority chief party to the introduction,chaoyang、Friendship two hospitals established since the operation,Preliminary achieve the expected goal,The hospital decision-making mechanism is undergoing three transformation:


One is the change of main body of the decision-making,The relative single to multiple structure,Is more outstanding democratic。Whether internal directors or external directors,Reflect the multiple this feature,Broke the past of decision-making for the hospital leadership single structure。The second is the change of decision model,The relative closed to active open,Is more outstanding coordination。The third is the change of position decision,By focusing on the hospital development,To comprehensive consideration of the government、masses、hospital、Medical personnel and so on various aspects interests,Is more outstanding public。

  听听他们怎么说 Listen to what they say

  理事长、外部理事、执行院长…… chairman、External directors、Executive director of...

  医院“新人”怎么做? hospital“new”How to do?


Chaoyang hospital and friendship hospital after the establishment of the council,chairman、External directors、Executive director of a hospital“new”。In their new identity have what understand?How will the new performance of duties?

  理事长说—— Chairman said --

  更多考虑医院公益性 More consideration to public hospital


Chaoyang hospital director seal kingdom was born:Public hospital corporate governance structure bearing is given by the government commonweal mission,To balance the government、The doctor、Patients in the interests of the tripartite relationship,More consider public hospital。


Friendship hospital director liu:To give full play to the external director for the whole decision-making process and execution supervision and evaluation function。To plan and partial worker social public external directors contact information。

  外部理事说—— External directors said --

  广泛听取意见建议 Widely listen to opinions suggest


Friendship hospital external director of the strong:I am 63 years old,Is the retired worker,Friendship hospital is a slow patients。The future will be widely listen to the social from all walks of life to hospital development opinions and Suggestions,Timely feedback to the hospital council,Build hospital and the social from all walks of life's bridge of the communication。

  执行院长说—— Executive director said --

  更强调执行能力办事能力 More emphasis on ability to execute the power to do


Chaoyang hospital executive director Chen yong:And before the reform is a significant change of the three:From the past a both tube and tube execution decision into to participate in making decisions、Focuses on execution。2 it is not like they did in the past, only consider the hospital development and interest,Must give attention to two or morethings good hospital、Medical staff and social、The patient and the interests of all parties。The third is the director of the past and compared,Under the corporate governance of hospital executive director of the management consciousness and capacity have higher requirements。


Friendship hospital executive director of symplectic has clear:Will grasp the executive director of positioning,Strengthening organization executive power。Under the leadership of the council,The resolution of the executive board,The hospital is responsible for the daily operation management。JiaXiaoHong
