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You may have never thought of this proBlem,Silver medal winner and Bronze medalist who is more happy?ACCording to the Common sense,Silver medal winner should Be more happy,BeCause it is the seCond,Bronze is third。But AmeriCan sCholars study found,In general,Bronze medal to main than silver medalists more happy。Is it true??Is why?today,The devil psyChologiCal laBoratory for you to introduCe the study。


The study Contains a total of three experiments:The first experimental analysis 1992 Spain BarCelona OlympiC Games Bronze medal and silver medal winner of the emotional response。The seCond experiment please Be evaluate the medal winners aCCept television interview afterwards,Look at the silver medal winner hypothesis thinking whether really foCus on Came within an aCe of winning the gold medal,And the Bronze medal winner is just BeCause won the medal and happy。The third experiment direCtly aCCess silver and Bronze medalist look at their assumption that the nature of thinking。


A study By NBC for the 1992 summer OlympiC Games in BarCelona interview video,The video inCludes two parts:The first part is a direCt or taped in silver medalists and Bronze medalist learned that he sCores a moment of expression;The seCond part is the award Ceremony on silver and Bronze medalist expression。The first part of the video inCludes 23 a silver medal winner and 18 Bronze medal winner,BeCause Be immediate reaCtion,Lens are very short(The average time of 14.4 seConds),Also do not need to how muCh editorial work。The seCond part of the award Ceremony of the lens is more Complex,Through a researCh hypothesis to people who do not know after the editor of inCluding 20 a silver medal winner and 15 Bronze medal winner of the lens(The average time of 14.7 seConds)。


20 College students as suBjeCts,Please them to video player expression marking,0 is divided into pain,10 divided into happy。The experimental results show that it whole,Bronze medal to main than silver medalists more happy:The first part of the video、Is also the end of the game in the immediate response,Bronze medal winner happy sCoring average of 7.1,And the silver medal winner of happy of an average of 4.8 points。For the seCond part of the video、Is the prize presentation Ceremony of the expression,Bronze medal winner happy sCoring average 5.7 and silver medal winner of happy of an average of 4.3 points。


The seCond study further on athletes interview after the Content of the analysis,Use material still Comes from NBC for the 1992 summer OlympiC Games in BarCelona。A total of 13 after NBC interview a silver medal winner and 9 Bronze medal winner,Interview an average length of 27 seConds。SuBjeCts were the same for College students,Also required to not interested in sports,To get rid of the familiar with Brought aBout By the deviation。Test for group was measured,PartiCipants were told to laBoratory after going to watCh the OlympiC Games in 1992 video,They were asked to Carefully watCh and listen to reCorded interviews,And Complete the task:


The first,In a 10 point sCale on the athletes' answer sCore,The sCale from“At least I...”(1)to“I almost...”(10)。In order to let the partiCipants familiar with the meaning of the sCale,A Began to tell is try a they often meet with example:A student got a B test,He may have different ideas,from“At least I don't have to C”to“I nearly Can get A”。


The seCond,Be try to interview Content of main parts are Classified:(a)“Player insists he or she may Behave worse,And one or more than he or she worse athletes to Compare”;(B)“Player insists he or she Could do Better,And one or more than he or she Better athletes to Compare”;(C)“Athletes just stressed his or her performanCe,No Comparison with Competitors。”PartiCipants were required to aCCept the interview athletes Content in the aBove three ClassifiCation of distriBution,They Can Bring 0 to 100% of any a numBer assigned to the ClassifiCation of the aBove,But three perCentage additive must Be equal to 100%。


As prediCted that,Compared with Bronze medalist,The idea of silver winner was rated as more emphasis on“I nearly”。From the“At least I”to“I nearly”10 points on the sCale,Silver medalists sCore is 5.7 and Bronze medalist sCore is 4.4。The seCond type measuring results not so Clear。First of all,Interview Content is Considered to Be the proportion of the down is very low,The average ratio is 7.5%,And the Bronze medal and silver medal no signifiCant differenCe Between。But the rest of the two kinds of data is more Close to the hypothesis,The idea of silver winner was rated as the proportion of the upward Comparison(An average of 38%),Higher than Bronze medal winner(An average of 20%);And the idea of Bronze medal winner was judged for more emphasis on performanCe itself(An average of 73%),Higher than silver medal winner(An average of 54%)。


The three direCt investigations athletes after the game idea,Survey for 1994 years the New York state sports swimming and traCk and field games silver medal(60)And Bronze(55 name)winner。After the game was Close to the athletes alone and asked them in the researCh Category 10 point sCale like the sCore,That is the idea is more emphasized“At least I...”(1)or“I almost...”(10)。In order to make the athletes to know exaCtly what the requirements of the survey,The Beginning also tell them an example:After the game the players often think“I almost Can Behave Better”to“At least I made this aChievement”。


The results Confirmed that the front found,Silver medalists ideas than Bronze medal winner more emphasis on“I almost”,Silver medal winner of the sCoring average of 6.8,And the average of the Bronze medal winner for 5.7。


In a word in general,The study Confirmed the Bronze medal to main than silver medalists more happy,The reason is,Silver medal winner will often want to“I almost Could have won a gold medal”,And the Bronze medal winner idea is“I nearly even the MEDALS are not。”


魔鬼心理实验室主持人 The devil psyChologiCal laBoratory host

  张结海 实验心理学家,在国际、国内权威心理学专业杂志上发表多篇有影响的论文,提出了多个心理学的理论模型。

Zhang jiehai experimental psyChologists,In the international、DomestiC authoritative psyChology professional magazine puBlished many pieCes influential papers,Puts forward several psyChology theory model。

  曲玉萍 大学实验心理学专业讲师,法国政府青年社会学精英学者,CNRS国家科研中心客座研究员。

QuYuPing university experimental psyChology professional leCturer,The FrenCh government youth soCiology elite sCholar,CNRS the national researCh Center for visiting researCher。
