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客厅楼板有开口无人提示 男子看房跌入地下室(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Happy to see the apartment now,45 years old Mr. Li unexpectedly fell into lumbar fracture - not in the way,But in his intention to purchase new room.


13 when yesterday,Mr Li and lover came to the muddy south newly west road a building looking at the houses.entered,Mr. Li in the sitting room window a foot empty,Fall into three meters deep basement.In the cement ground lie nearly an hour later,Mr. Li is fire fighters carried up.And before,Sales clerk didn't tell him,Of the sitting room floor there is a open,There is not the stair,No hint.


看楼坠“坑” See floor fall"pit"


The accident yesterday,Let Mr. Li's lover liu so sad.


"Sales clerk said a the first floor of the house is very good,Take the basement and the garden door model,We will follow went to see."Open the door after door,Sales clerk went all the way to the sitting room walked southwest corner window,Mr. Li look up and down the house,Also walked to the window,With her husband in behind."I was looking at the houses?,Listen to my wife flop,disappeared."


Liu scared,She immediately ran to the window,It found that,Husband unexpectedly fell into"pit"In the,the"pit",Is the basement.


"Sales clerk said before,We which know the basement openings there ah,Also have nothing to block."


The sitting room near the south window on the ground,There is a 3.5 meters long/Width 1 m rectangular openings,Leads to the basement,But is not among the stairs.


消防施救 Fire rescue


The basement is stiff cement,3 meters high.Mr. Li, lying on his back on the ground,Pang let he couldn't move.Liu squat down in the above cry out,Can the husband can only be gasping for air side shouted as painful,Expression is very painful.


Liu said,In her hurry to lose one's head when the,Sales clerk just remind once,"Why don't you call 120 it."Liu this remembered that call emergency telephone.


More than 20 minutes,120 emergency personnel rushed to the scene,But in the face of the basement of Mr. Li,They also can't will he removed.Worried of liu and make a 119 call.After a few firefighters arrived,Down to the basement,Will Mr. Li translation to stretcher fixed,Then in the stretcher to both sides on the rope,Pulled him up.At this time,Mr. Li already in the basement lie nearly an hour.then,Ambulance will he sent to shenyang military district general hospital.


腰椎骨折 Lumbar fracture


Colour to exceed/ct/X-ray...The hospital to Mr. Lee conducted a series of inspection.Yesterday when 15,ct indoor,In order to put Mr. Li from the stretcher to the operation,The doctor and family members took a great deal of trouble.They were in order to Mr. Li any part of the body,But as long as a little bit move,Mr. Li is screaming in pain,Don't let people move.


"This is really an unexpected affliction or adversity ah,Who can think of looking at the houses can out of it."Liu said,Her husband was sent to hospital,Sales offices and developers are no one to come.And her husband to the hospital inspection,Developers a customer service staff just hurried to the hospital.


Yesterday afternoon,The man who claims to name off staff said,About liability or compensation problem he is not clear,Mr. Li of the cost of treatment need to be bear.


The project development company northeast China pr a staff said,Just heard about this matter,Don't know much about,"But belongs to us within the scope of responsibility,We won't evade".


And when,Test results came out,Liu heartache:Her husband two fractures.In addition to the right foot heel fracture,Lumbar is also a fracture.

  “医生说至少要躺4个月,目前还在等医生会诊,有可能要做手术。”刘女士说,爱人是做生意的,他的意外受伤,将对生意影响很大。他们当天所看的房子,总价200万元左右。(记者 张萍 摄影记者 沈生)

"The doctor said at least 4 months to lie,At present waiting for the doctor consultation,May need an operation."Liu said,Love is the business,His injury,For business will be affected.They see the house,Total price 2 million yuan.(Reporter zhang ping photographers ShenSheng)
