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海南“鼠尿儿”获特殊奶粉补助 尿液带有鼠尿味--亲稳舆论引导监测室


 尿液带有鼠尿味 海南“鼠尿儿”获特殊奶粉补助 Urine with rat urine taste hainan"Rat urine son"The special milk powder subsidies


Domestic first"phenylketonuria disease"Treatment of children with the project benefit hainan,Our province incidence is 11000,So far has 15 cases diagnosed


我省“鼠尿儿”获特殊奶粉补助 Our province"Rat urine son"The special milk powder subsidies


Skin color is light/Hair fine yellow,Looks like a beautiful angel,Many parents think children just look like white doll,Did not know the child may be rare"phenylketonuria disease"(PKU)children,Also is common"Rat urine son".for"Rat urine son"for,Normal person eat chicken/duck/Meat delicacies may damage the brain,They can only eat special configuration of the no(low)phenylalanine milk powder, etc.Special milk powder can be expensive,many"Rat urine son"The family had incurred,With low intelligence,Become mentally disabled,Even death.


特殊奶粉每月要花两千元 Special milk powder to spend two thousand yuan a month


"The child was born more than a month to do screening when he found suffering from phenylketonuria the disease,We were all shocked!"Sanya ms wu said,Her son murry(alias)Three and half years old this year,Born accept the government free PKU screening.Wait until after more than a month,When the hospital notice they say murry is rare PKU children,Also is common"Rat urine son"when,The whole family can't believe it...later,She took his son to guangzhou review after the diagnosis,To bravely face the reality.


Because found early,Murry don't need to take medicine,But to diet control.But with other infant is not the same,Normal person eat breast milk/rice/chicken/duck/Meat food such as,Murry cannot eat,He must eat special configuration of the no(low)phenylalanine milk powder/flour/potatoes(Sweet potatoes)/Part such as fruit and vegetable.And the special configuration of milk powder to 400/500 yuan a tank,Sometimes a month will eat a few tank.


Over the past few years,Murry mother wang street to buy vegetables or go to the supermarket shopping,Has been used to take a steelyard and a notebook,Because murry eat,Not what to eat or how much to eat is strictly control,Otherwise once overweight,May affect on the brain."Now give children shopping is used as the table."Ms. Wang said,In order not to let the child propiophenone intake more,As long as there is taboo composition,She can't buy.Let ms wu is more painful,The child's diet is to lifelong control,A bowl of ordinary rice can let intake exceeds bid.


Due to maintain murry special milk powder and normal diet,Spend at least 2000 yuan a month.Such as murry drink before the protein powder a tank will be 670 yuan,Basic monthly to consumption two tank,And the couple are ordinary wage earners,Only on two people 4000 yuan a month wages support is very difficult.Ms wu communication with doctors know that,The children in our province PKU receive free special milk powder,And the successful application.


Because found early,Control well,Murry intelligence is normal,But after pee or have rat urine taste.Ms. Wang regrets ground say:"Special milk powder help to murry this kind of special crowd is a great help,In many places the patients because can't afford the high cost to give up the child,Helplessly looking at a normal child from normal to the disorder."


当年确诊海南患儿可申请补助 The children in hainan can apply for subsidy


Hainan neonatal screening center director wang jie said,Our province neonatal screening center is 2007 years of opening,So far already screened 354000 newborns,Screening out of the PKU children is 11 cases,Incidence of a disease is about 11000,Add 4 cases were diagnosed in our province outside flow to children,Children were diagnosed in our province is 15 cases,There are 10 cases of observation is in,Don't need treatment.At present our province only 6 people get the government's rescue,Since 2011,Neonatal PKU/Horsebean disease and hearing impairment screening bill by the government.


Wang jie said,By the ministry of public health/The maternal and child health monitoring office and MeiZanChen company launched cooperation"Propiophenone enuresis children special milk powder subsidy project"Has covered to hainan,And free to the countryside to provide MeiZanChen PKU children without phenylalanine formula powder subsidies,This is the first domestic PKU children programs.The project for 5 years,Our province have two children free the MeiZanChen special milk powder subsidies.In addition,Hainan province health department/Charity federation and provincial maternal and children health care centers of the launch"Educational engineering"Also salvage two PKU children.


so,Obtain the special milk powder subsidies specific what requirement to need?Wang jie said,As long as it is the diagnosed PKU children,A rural poverty certificate or urban residents proof of census register of hainan children are to the provincial neonatal screening center to apply for special milk powder subsidy project.


PKU属常见染色体隐性遗传病 PKU belong to common chromosome recessive genetic disease


"PKU is a common amino acid metabolism disorder is one of the disease,but‘Rat urine son’Not hopeless."Wang jie pointed out that,PKU belong to common chromosome recessive genetic disease,Can be divided into typical phenylketonuria disorder and atypical phenylketonuria disorder.Typical patient intrahepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase lack of that phenylalanine can't be transformed into tyrosine,phenylalanine accumulation in the body up,Which affect the brain and nervous system development,The serious influence intelligence development,Eventually lead to low intelligence serious.but,It is more than three thousand kinds of genetic metabolic disease in the prevention and control of a few can.


患儿尿液和汗液带有“鼠尿”味 Children with urine and sweat"Rat urine"taste


PKU children were born without any exception,The clinical manifestations of PKU directly or indirectly with the body phenylalanine accumulation concentration relevant.Children may be in the three months to six months after appearance is quite frequent vomiting,Skin appear eczema(Milk tinea),Hair gradually turn yellow,The skin and iris color is light,Urine and sweat are a special kind of smell - like mouse urine taste.At the same time the development of children intelligence behind the symptoms also beginning to reflect:If not looked up,Lack of concentration, etc;After six months of children will have"soft"performance,For example won't climb,To hold the stand when it"Soft grovel"down,Nearly half of the children were and have epilepsy attack.


When PKU children body phenylalanine accumulation concentration increased,Prone to be agitated/Sleep instability,Even with hard banging your head against a brick wall, etc,In order to alleviate the pain of the head.At the same time,The vast majority of children will have depression/hyperactivity/Autism orientation spirit abnormal behavior.


These children,If not promptly/Continuous treatment,Or the final cause moderate extremely severe mental retardation,Become mentally disabled,Cannot independent living,May even death.


3个月之内是最佳治疗时期 Three months is the best period of treatment


Wang jie pointed out that,"Rat urine son"The key is to protect brain development as far as possible not damaged,And treatment time of the most exquisite node.Medical research report says,Three months before the PKU children the best treatment period.Children treated in one month,Don't have mental damage;Half years old start treatment,Intelligence quotient (IQ) can be close to normal;1 years later start treatment,Intelligence quotient (IQ) often under 50.The early children no typical symptoms difficult to cause the attention of the parents,But for neonatal screening disease can be found in time,And treatment.


PKU children,Generally USES no(low)phenylalanine diet therapy,If you have epilepsy complications related to take drugs.For these for children,Normal person eat chicken/duck/Meat delicacies such as,Breast milk and ordinary food may damage the brain,They can only eat special configuration of the no(low)phenylalanine milk powder/flour/potatoes(Sweet potatoes),Part such as fruit and vegetable.and,The parents to the child's diet variety/quantity/Blood phenylalanine(phe)Concentration inspection result to have the detailed record,In return for the doctor reference.


患儿父母再生育一定要产检 Parents of children to have must produce inspection

  PKU给患儿、家庭带来的影响是终身的,如何更好地预防呢?王洁表示,PKU是隐性遗传病,父母都是携带者,每次生育的孩子是PKU患者的概率为1/4,是携带者的则为1/2。如果已有PKU患儿的家庭要再次生育,一定要进行产前诊断,即在怀孕早期或中期抽取胎儿绒毛或羊水,通过基因诊断,判断胎儿是否患儿,据此作出继续妊娠或终止妊娠的决定。千万别以为自己健康,则认为孩子也是健康的。(南国都市报 记者 陈新)

PKU children to/The impact of family life,How to better prevention?Wang jie said,PKU is recessive genetic disease,Parents are all carriers,Each birth child is the probability of PKU patients for 1/4,Was a carrier is 1/2.If there are children of PKU family to birth again,Must for prenatal diagnosis,That in early pregnancy or middle extraction fetal nap or amniotic fluid,Through the gene diagnosis,Judge whether the fetus children,We made continue to pregnancy or the decision of the termination of pregnancy.Don't think you health,Is that children are healthy.(Southern metropolis daily reporter, Chen xin)
