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中国心血管病人患病率持续上升 年轻化趋势明显--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网南京9月23日电(程守勤 吴叶青)23日,第十届心脏血运重建暨急性冠脉综合征诊治进展研讨会在南京召开。东南大学附属中大医院著名心脏介入专家马根山教授说,心脏血运重建暨急性冠脉综合征诊治进展研讨会已经连续举办了10届,10年间,见证了国内心血管疾病尤其是冠心病的发病和诊疗水平的巨大变化。
Nanjing local fars news agency reported on September 23 (Reuters)(ChengShouQin WuYeQing)23,The 10th heart reascularization and acute coronary syndrome diagnosis and treatment progress seminars held in nanjing.Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital heart intervention MaGenShan famous expert professor said,Heart reascularization and acute coronary syndrome diagnosis and treatment have been continuous progress seminars held the 10,10 years,Witness the domestic cardiovascular disease especially the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease and diagnosis and treatment level of great change.
变化之一:冠心病发病持续增多,且年轻化趋势明显 Change of:Coronary heart disease comes on continued increase,And younger trend obvious
MaGenShan introduced,The latest data show,Chinese cardiovascular patient morbidity in continuous rise phase,Total number of sick now has 230 million,Every five adults have 1 people suffer from heart disease.The national annual deaths from the disease of cardiovascular disease with 3.5 million.
In recent years,Young people the heart of sudden death of frequent accidents,Especially some celebrity's sudden death,Let people to coronary heart disease a trend of getting younger over the deep misgivings about said.
MaGenShan pointed out that,Acute coronary syndrome is in coronary heart disease (CHD) is a kind of serious,Including unstable angina pectoris/Acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death,Is generally recognized as an international acute cardiovascular disease,High case fatality ratio.The young man happened such as myocardial infarction acute coronary syndrome in 10 years ago is relatively rare,But in recent years has increased significantly.Clinical often meet 40 years old young man burst the heart emergency,And in the most serious form out,Even cause sudden death.
变化之二:国内冠心病人增长快,澳大利亚等国发病稳定 Second change:Domestic coronary heart disease increased fast,Countries such as Australia the stability
China increased incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) continued,Abroad?Four times successively invited to China to attend the heart reascularization and acute coronary syndrome diagnosis and treatment progress seminars of Australian famous heart intervention experts/University of Melbourne heart center RonDick professor pointed out,Through the Australia and China disease diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease and intervention of comparison,China's rapid growth of coronary artery disease,Surgery patients quantity are also increasing,Perhaps the main cause and Chinese smokers/Lipid metabolism disorder and diabetes onset huge crowd about.At present in Australia,Coronary heart disease infection situation overall relatively stable,In recent years,The surgical every year little change,This is mainly Australia in the prevention of heart disease has done a lot of fruitful work,Pay special attention to quit smoking,The government to carry out work to give up smoking,So people smoking less and less.
变化之三:诊疗技术进步快,绝大多数介入可“搞掂” Third change:Diagnosis and treatment technology progress fast,The vast majority of intervention can"fix"
MaGenShan said,For the treatment of coronary heart disease the most traumatic surgery way,And in the face of some complicated situation,For example, many vascular diseases/Coronary artery occlusion problem, etc,The original is not too good to solve the problems.But after ten years of development,Cardiovascular interventional experts continuously explore,And actively and experts at home and abroad cooperation and exchanges,Medical equipment level also in improving,Basically, most of the coronary heart disease can through the minimally invasive interventional therapy to solve.
变化之四:公众认知度大幅度提高,但对吸烟、糖尿病危害认识不足 Change of the four:Public awareness increased significantly,But on smoking/Diabetes hazard, inadequate understanding
Southeast university cardiovascular disease research institute manager LiuNaiFeng pointed out,Ten years ago,A lot of people to coronary heart disease serious lack of understanding,Leading to patients can't get the most timely and effective intervention and treatment.Although now the public understanding of the cardiovascular disease has been greatly raised.but,Scientific prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease,Still is a long process,Need to various jointly promote and hard work.
LiuNaiFeng special remind said,smoking/diabetes/hypertension/obesity/High blood fat and so on all is currently accepted cardiovascular risk factors,Especially smoking problem should attach great importance to,Because smoking is an important pathogenic factor of cardiovascular disease,Are young people myocardial infarction is the most important risk factors,Compared with the old,Young smokers myocardial infarction was 400% increased risk.On the other hand,Now the latest view,Had diabetes is to have coronary heart disease,Diabetes metabolic abnormalities can also cause coronary heart disease.therefore,People should develop a good way of life,Who has bad way of life,Should hurry up action change bad habits,Regular inspection blood sugar/Blood pressure and blood fat,Once appear, chest pain/Bosom is frowsty especially in overworked/After the movement of the increase,To timely seek medical advice.Every day to ensure the movement more than half an hour,Can prevent hypertension/Coronary heart disease;Away from the high fat/High salt diet,With delicate diet,Under the direction of a doctor to give up smoking,Maximum avoid angina pectoris and even myocardial infarction and heart crisis events.(finish)
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