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非法性别鉴定屡禁不止 专家担心男女比例失衡--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"From fetus gender identification to the induced labor‘one-stop’service""Involved in anhui/Jiangsu and henan provinces hundreds of maternal"...Not long ago the relevant departments in anhui province in case reflects the illegal sex identification and induced labor issues,Cause the social attention.
The xinhua news agency"Xinhua viewpoint"Reporters from hefei to understand political authority,Such cases occur in many places all has.The personage inside course of study to worry about,Such illegal sex identification and the spread of induced labor,May result in men and women imbalance.
中介频频“拉客”,女婴黯然“消失” Intermediary frequently"soliciting",Baby girl dim"disappear"
Live in the anhui ShuChengXian WangXiaYou an 11 year old daughter,Because of the daughter in poor health,Her application to two foetuses index.In October 2011,Pregnant when more than four months,WangXia subject and her husband do B to exceed fetus gender identification,That is after the baby,They come to hefei,Spent 5000 yuan to find a underground clinic surgical termination of pregnancy.
And WangXia"situation"Similar maternal and many.Reporters learned,Because in most of the underground clinic abortion,They are often difficult to provide normal operation cases,These practices caused or departments and the public security organs of the alert.
According to introducing,"In our done such cases,Most be abortion fell a baby girl.Because of the traditional ideas and other reasons,Many in the maternal family pressure to give up the fetus,Some even often carry out the operation."Hefei city public security bureau relevant controller introduces,The case pull out grey interests chain a clear division of work,In the line type operating under,Some girls dim"disappear".
Intermediary is the first link:Part of the medical institutions including underground clinic salesman serves as a middleman,Such as hefei a anorectal hospital salesman zhang had introduced tourists,From 5000 yuan in 4100 yuan induced labor fee share"rebate".In the high referral fee to attract next,There are seven members of a civilian battalion hospital salesman involved.In addition,Some underground clinic and the individual also all around"soliciting".
The second link is gender identification,Case suspect carry portable B ultrasonic machine,In the car/Private clinics and even the door for maternal for gender of a fetus without medical needs appraisal.
after,Case suspect in accordance with the needs of pregnant and parturient women have to the fetus gender,Take them some position remote underground clinic,Implementing illegal induced labor operation.Also some maternal I lied that body unwell/Accidental drug, etc,Go to normal hospital implementation induced labor operation.
Reporter investigation understands,Hefei public security organs have arrested 25 suspects involved,Through them to implement gender identification and induced labor operation maternal of hundreds of people,In many cities and counties in anhui and jiangsu/Henan and other provinces and cities,Directly led to the 23 girls and one boy death induced labor.
“男性偏好”是根源,“三马分肥”结团伙 "Male preference"Is root,"SanMa divide booty""Gang
Gender of a fetus without medical needs appraisal/Non medical need to abort a pregnancy,Also called"Two not"behavior,Is forbidden by the state laws,China's population and family planning management department to conduct has always been strict investigation.
Since 2011,The national population family planning and so on six departments organized a special improvement action,Successively and"Two not"The case of more than 15000 pieces,Deal with all kinds of relevant responsible persons of nearly 13000 people.Although the keep high pressure situation,But such underground transactions repeatedly endures more than.
"The reason is,Mainly some families‘Boys and girls’‘And store up grains against famine’Concept is still in affect fertility behavior."People's university of China society and population, dean of the college of ZhaiZhen WuShui,The reality of men than women in material and spiritual benefits more big,If can inheritance incense,Or agricultural labor important labor, etc.
Experts say,Different with other illegal activities,This kind of case is often the victims"beneficiary",Many maternal is actively looking for the middleman,This undoubtedly let some middleman given a chance to produce virtually anything.
The reporter understands,Some of the suspects involved in order to BaoTuan"development",Formulated the"SanMa divide booty"rules:Each case of successful induced labor operation charge after about 3000 yuan to 5000 yuan,Referee to obtain 1500 yuan to 2000 yuan of referral deposits,Do sex identification of the fetus collect 300 yuan to 600 yuan B super appraisal cost,The rest by induced labor operation for people.
So professional and liquidity commit crime,Lead to"Double not"The operation location and the way concealed,To the relevant departments investigate and collect evidence great difficulty.Anhui huoqiu county population family planning a BianXing person in charge said,They found that in the basic unit law enforcement,Ago are mostly rural doctors sporadic commit crime,And at present syndicates trend obvious,Many people cross area to flee hither and thither commit crime.
Experts point out that,Illegal fetus gender identification and LvJinBuJue induced labor,Is lead to birth population sex ratio(Each was born 100 baby girls corresponding to the number of baby boy)One of the important reasons for sustained on the high side,In the long run,Our country is male and female other proportion imbalance.
加强整治力度,保障女性权益 Strengthen improvement efforts,Security women's rights
Since the 1980 s,Our country birth population sex ratio has been higher than the 103 to 107 normal range,In 2008 reached 120.56,In 2011 dropped to 117.78,Still at high level.The anhui province is still high sex ratio,Some places even more than 130.
The experts said to reporters,Population sex ratio caused by the long-term high social problems have begun to show,Which results in a marriage squeeze/On the abduction of women and other social problems should not be ignored.therefore,It is imperative to curb the trend of the high sex ratio unbalance continue.
Population in anhui province, deputy director of the state family planning commission GaoJunWen said,First to strengthen the supervision of the hospital staff,The second thing is to strengthen the management and let YunQing monitoring,A national networking"Two not"Case information system,Across provinces formed/Cross functional protecting system.
ZhaiZhenWu think,China's criminal law has yet to"Two not"Behavior explicitly sentencing.According to the regulation,To do not have the doctor qualification of sex identification of the implementation,Shall impose a fine/Confiscation of B ultrasonic machine and so on administrative penalty,But generally not shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility,It is not enough to play a vital role.therefore,To strengthen the punishment dynamics,will"Two not"Behavior into the punishment,In order to improve the illegal cost.
安徽大学人口研究所教授黄鹂呼吁,从长远来看,需要加强女性权益保障,从经济、政治、社会保障等方面全面提高女性的社会地位。惟其如此,才能从根源上摈弃性别选择,扭转性别比失衡的趋势。(文中王霞为化名)(刘美子 鲍晓菁 姜刚)
Anhui university population research institute professor oriole call for,In the long run,We need to strengthen the women's rights guarantee,From the economic/political/Social security aspects of improving the social position of women.As such,From the source to abandon sex selection,Reverse the trend of the sex raltions imbalance.(This paper WangXia for alias)(LiuMeiZi BaoXiaoJing JiangGang)
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