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中国使馆对德国在无确凿证据下渲染毒草莓事件表示不满 Chinese embassy in no conclusive evidence to Germany next render poison strawberry event expressed dissatisfaction


According to the sound of China[News aspect]reports,Recently the outbreak of Germany in the history of the large-scale campus food poisoning events,Culprit was likely is from China's frozen strawberries?Although there are no hard evidence,A lot of external medium 8 has been in a hurry will suspected the object aimed at the China.The day,German authorities will this monitors the other partners,And recovered all Chinese frozen strawberries,To open further analysis and testing.


this,The Chinese embassy in the German embassy staff said,Under the condition of in is uncertain,The Chinese side to the German media highly publicized expressed dissatisfaction.


From the end of September began to,Berlin, as with the eastern Germany area more than 10000 pupils and preschool students in the school canteen food poisoning accidents have occurred after meals.According to the German federal consumer protection department released the latest news,A local institute has imported from China to 700 strawberry samples are tested,In a pack of strawberry and found the virus can cause acute gastroenteritis,But strawberry carry viruses,China is from the origin/Or in the transport process caused by the improper due to storage,At present,German official has not officially released the results of the survey.


German media response also differ.Germany[bild]wrote:"Don't come from China with virus strawberries!"But Germany consumer rights and interests protection organization"Food observation"Spokesman said:"If simple because of poor health conditions caused by the disease,So doesn't matter the food come from and where,Whether made in China,Produced from west Africa or come from Germany local,May be a problem."A German media reporter XueChengJun said,Most of the German people can more objective view occurrences.


XueChengJun:I pay special attention to the German each big website net friend message,Most of the German or rational treat this problem.German so-called hit-and-run food company said,To compensate for each victim a 50 euro this area loyalty card,By this can buy other drinks and food.Step back and speak,Even if is really pathogens from strawberry,Also can't judge whether it and origin have relations.Strawberry in the transport process,Will have the possibility of contamination,Even can't rule out after into Germany of polluted.Media reports in Germany,There is a:Pathogenic germ resistance to cold not resistant to high temperature,Just heating can kill germs.In other words,Related to the dining room in the food processing and not in accordance with the regulations will be strawberry heating,This and strawberry and strawberry origin itself and no relationship.


So frozen strawberries in the source of the problem? Chances?Qingdao a specialized in food export company staff told reporters,Frozen food export procedure strictly,The risk of problems is very small.


staff:Use frozen container,A temperature of minus ten octaves below,Ship company will strictly control the temperature of the container.If strawberry metamorphic,Receiving party will find.If the transport process has a problem,That is the ship company's problem.


In Beijing time this morning,Reporters once again with the Chinese embassy in Germany contact the embassy,The staff of the embassy said,The Chinese side to Germany in no conclusive evidence is the premise of highly publicized poison strawberry event expressed dissatisfaction.

  中国驻德国大使馆工作人员:使馆已经及时与德联邦的食品、农业和消费者保护部门进行了沟通,了解了最新情况。我们对德方尚未查明疫情确切原因之前就报道和渲染病毒是来自中国的草莓感到不解和不满,已经要求德方及时向中方提供调查结果。德方说,有关机构已经确认冰冻草莓是疫情的来源,但是目前还不确定问题出现在哪个环节,有关机构还在就爆发原因做进一步调查。目前就我们了解,德国的相关组织正在准备就该案向中国国家质检总局、农业部等做出书面通报,并且承诺尽快向中方提供事件的相关报告,使馆方面也会密切关注进展。(记者 马闯)

The Chinese embassy in the German embassy staff:The embassy has promptly with German federal food/Agriculture and consumer protection department for the communication,To understand the latest situation.We find out the exact causes epidemic situation has not yet been Germany before the reports and render the virus is from China's strawberry felt puzzled and dissatisfaction,Have asked Germany timely provide the results of the survey.Germany said,The relevant authorities have confirmed that frozen strawberry is the source of the outbreak,But it is not sure if the problem in which link,The relevant authorities also are outbreak reason for further investigation.Now we know,Germany's related organization is ready to have the case to the state quality inspection administration/The ministry of agriculture, etc to make a written report,And commitment to the Chinese side as soon as possible to provide the related report events,The embassy will also pay close attention to progress.(Reporter MaChuang)
