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妻子为何变得冷冰冰(性爱提示) His wife why become cold(Sex tips)


美国研究发现,1/4女性会在性不满足时有此表现 The study found that,1/4 women in sexual not satisfied when the performance


If you find wife suddenly become as cold as ice,Aloof and proud and hard to get,Most of the problems of psychological factors rather than physical discomfort.The United States indiana university established Kinsey sexology research institute recently drew this conclusion,At the same time,This research report,About a quarter of women in a month of a certain stage,Will experience sexual frustration.


The United States brown university psychiatry and human behavior clinical assistant professor Scott harz mann said,When a woman feel satisfied with,Rarely through the single way reflected,The following are some of the common performance,Can help befuddled men find the root of the problem.


1. Distance children.She may not as usual will take care of the child,this,Harz mann professor explained,She wants to let you notice she demands aren't met,Her behavior is to want to let you active and her dialogue.


2. Credit card is maxed.Writer bonnie eaker · will think,Some women will be discontent out on the shopping,To fill the empty inside.


3. Weight gain.Women in the lack of sexual satisfaction,May also turn to food,Eat more and more to compensating the shortage of the life.


4. Big workload than drinking.You can't satisfy her requirements,She might be working and drinking to avoid you,Tried to distance ourselves from you and punishment of you.


5. Unusual words.Columbia University professor of clinical psychology, kali Judy's base said,When a woman with,Will try to put the signal transfer to you,sometimes,She will be in front of your friends published unusual opinions or no marginal view,To get your attention.


6. Masturbation increase.Professor will think,If you find mates began to masturbate,Or frequent masturbation,This means that you not fully satisfy her sexuality.The need to communicate in time,If she is shy,Just tell her:You care about her,And will try to do better,Let her year more.


7. Indulge in interest supplies.When she suggested you use appeal supplies,Or want to and you watch erotic for one hour,Harz mann professor thinks,This could mean she thinks he has enough to attract you completely.


8. Don't actively cooperate with.When in sex,If she doesn't fit well,As a board,Almost fixed,Also for what you have done no reaction,Explain your sex life problems,The only solution is to communicate.


9. Performance more sexy.When you see her wearing more than usual when sexy,Is she sent you a clear and strong message:She needs sex.She thought it would make you put more attention,Inspire you more desire.

  10.对你吹毛求疵。你发现她最近总爱数落你,动不动就因为小事苛责你,这可能说明你对她关心不够,没有给她足够的关注。女人的满足感来源于被爱、被尊重、被欣赏以及你对她身体和情感上的双重渴求。因此,留意她的举止,读懂她的心声,在让她获得满足的同时,你也会收到同样的回馈。(梁 静)

10. The you nibble.You find her recent always love you grumble,On every occasion for small cavil you,This may explain you do not pay enough attention to her,Don't give her enough attention.A woman's sense of satisfaction from being loved/respected/Be appreciated and you to her body and emotional double desire.therefore,Pay attention to her manners,Read her heart,In let her get satisfied at the same time,You will also receive the same feedback.(Beam static)
