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河南聘108位专家组建医学专家库 解决医疗纠纷--亲稳舆论引导监测室


遇医疗纠纷,摇号请108位专家“会诊” Meet medical disputes,Wave number please 108 experts"consultation"


In recent years,Medical disputes increase significantly,The doctor-patient relationship is also obvious tense up,Some patients all know that engage in a lawsuit to solve medical disputes program is complicated,Time-consuming expends force,Some still need to wait for that long and think unjust medical accident appraisal,Thus appeared the so-called"Medical trouble";And that medical accident identification of injustice,Will appeal everywhere,at.


but,In the future I capital is expected to avoid the occurrence of this phenomenon.


yesterday,ShengGaoYuan employ both 108 medical and health experts province court judicial technology expert database,These experts will be to the existing long appraisal/Repeat the phenomenon such as identification,As well as the judge audit major/difficult/Special cases the judicial appraisal conclusion,From the specialized Angle for the judge to provide more authority/Professional consulting,Enhance the judge audit judgment,To make objective and fair trial,Maximum safeguard the party's legitimate rights and interests.


To avoid black case work,Later met medical disputes,Need to experts' opinions,The court will take random wave number, etc from the expert database extraction experts will inspection appraisal.


It is reported,Henan province takes the lead in court invite medical and health department experts participate in henan court established judicial technology expert database,This in the national judicial system or initiative,As deputy director of foreign administrative equipment WuShaoJun said:"This is henan court and a innovation."


 张立勇: ZhangLiYong:

  解决重复鉴定、多头鉴定问题 Solve repeat identification/Bull identification problem

  省高院院长张立勇说,当前的司法鉴定程序 不够规范,特别是部分司法鉴定机构和鉴定层次不够高、服务能力不够强,所出具鉴定文书存在这样那样的问题,造成鉴定结论难以采信,重复鉴定、多头鉴定问题突出等现象依然存在,给法院的依法公正审理案件带来了很多困难。

ShengGaoYuan dean ZhangLiYong said,The current judicial authentication procedure is not standard,In particular, a number of judicial authentication institutions and identification level is not high/Service ability is not good enough,The identification documents issued by exist such problems,Cause appraisal conclusion is difficult to admitted,Repeat identification/Bull identification problems etc. Phenomenon still exists,To hear the case according to law court justice brings a lot of difficulties.


The establishment of the medical expert database,Relevant experts can use professional analysis and advice can effectively help the judge more scientific/objective/Rational judgment,So as to guarantee the need of judicial justice;trial,Invite experts to participate in mediation,To use their professional wisdom of the case to the judicial technical problems to the parties and cohabitancy,Trying to make the parties to eliminate doubts,And then shorten the case-handling period,Save litigation resources,To improve the quality and efficiency of the case;Hiring authority for the experts to review the major/difficult/Special case of judicial authentication to provide more authority/Professional consulting,Enhance the judge's audit judgment,To make objective and fair trial.

  张立勇说,全省法院要高度重视司法技术专家库的建设,大力支持专家们的工作,不断充实、完善专家库。“今天是首批专家的聘任仪式,以后要不断壮大专家队伍,丰富专家类型,争取把涵盖审判工作的全国各领域的优秀专家都吸纳进来。”同时,他希望专家们充分发挥这一平台的作用。(记者 鲁燕)

ZhangLiYong said,The court should attach great importance to the construction of judicial expert database technology,Support the work of experts,Constantly enrich/Perfect expert database."Today is the first expert appointment ceremony,Later want growing team of experts,Rich expert type,Try to cover the judicial work all over the country areas of outstanding experts in absorbing."At the same time,He hope experts give full play to the role of the platform.(Reporter LuYan)
