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  中新网10月19日电 中国政府网19日公布《卫生事业发展“十二五”规划》,规划明确“十二五”期间卫生事业发展目标,即到2015年,初步建立覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度,基本实现全体人民病有所医,人均预期寿命在2010年基础上提高1岁。

Beijing on October 19, the Chinese government announced and 19[Health development"1025"planning],The plan explicitly"1025"Period health development goals,That is 2015 years,Preliminary covering both urban and rural residents to establish the basic medical and health system,Basic realize all the people's BingYouSuoYi,Life expectancy in 2010 to improve on the basis of 1 year old.


Planning has been clear about the"1025"Health development period of the basic principles,Specific as follows:


- adhere to the overall consideration.Overall public health/Medical service/Medical security/A system for ensuring drug supply four system,Accelerate basic medical and health system construction;Balance urban and rural/Regional health career development,The shrinking between population health services utilization and health level difference.Insist on both traditional Chinese and western medicine,Give full play to advantages of Chinese medicine characteristics.


, adhere to the scientific development.Balance local interests and overall interests/The current interests and long-term interests,To promote health development mode from attention to disease treatment to pay attention to health promotion transformation,From a focus on individual service to pay attention to the family and social group service transformation;Optimize allocation of resources,Focus on the development of public health/Grassroots health and other weak areas and medical model change requirements of the new field,To realize medical and health work passes forward and center of gravity of subsidence.


- adhere to the guidance of the government/The whole society to participate.Strengthening the government guarantee basic medical and health services of the dominant position,Put more efforts;Widely mobilize social forces to participate in,Speed up the formation of diversified do medical pattern;To mobilize the enthusiasm of the medical staff,Give full play to its reform main force action;Through the health education and so on many kinds of ways to actively guide the masses forming healthy way of life,To promote health industry development.


- insist on strengthening the construction of ability.In medicine and health talent team and information construction as the strategic emphasis,Strengthen the talent resources are the first resource concept,To speed up the implementation of talent strategy of qiang wei,Reform the personnel training and the use of system mechanism,Priority to cultivate high quality health personnel;Vigorously strengthen information construction,Improve medical and health service ability and the management level.


Plans to put forward,By 2015,Preliminary covering both urban and rural residents to establish the basic medical and health system,To make the residents everyone will have access to basic medical security,Everyone will have access to basic public health services,Medical and health services accessibility/Service quality/Service efficiency and improve the degree of satisfaction,Personal medical expense burden improved obviously,Regional health resources allocation and the crowd health differences between shrinking,Basic realize all the people's BingYouSuoYi,Life expectancy in 2010 to improve on the basis of 1 year old.Specific for:


- a clear division of labor in/Information communication/Resources sharing/Coordinated interaction public health service system basic establishment,To promote the urban and rural residents shall enjoy the equal access to basic public health services.


- an orderly/Reasonable structure/The medical services covering both urban and rural areas have a basic system,For the masses to provide security/effective/convenient/Cheap basic medical service.


- in basic medical insurance as the main body/A variety of other form supplementary medical insurance and commercial health insurance for the supplement/Covering both urban and rural residents of multi-level medical security system basic establishment,Personal medical expense burden further reduce.


- in the national essential medicine system based medicine equipment supply security system further standardize,To ensure that the basic drug is safe and effective/Fair can and/Reasonable use.


- support health comprehensive/coordination/The system for the sustainable development of the system more perfect,The effective protection of medical health system standard operation.

专栏1 “十二五”时期卫生事业发展指标 Column 1"1025"Period health development index 类别 category

指  标 Refers to mark

2015年 In 2015,

主 要 指 标 The Lord will refer to mark

健康 health
人均预期寿命(岁) Life expectancy(Years old) 在2010年基础上提高1岁 In 2010 to improve on the basis of 1 year old 婴儿死亡率(‰) Infant mortality(‰) ≤12 Acuities 12 5岁以下儿童死亡率(‰) Mortality of children under five years old(‰) ≤14 Acuities 14 孕产妇死亡率(/10万) The maternal mortality rate(/ 100000) ≤22 Acuities 22

工 作 指 标 Job refers to mark

疾病 disease
法定传染病报告率(%) The legal infectious disease report rate(%) ≥95 Or 95 存活的艾滋病病毒感染者和病人数(人) Survival of the AIDS virus infection and the third(people) 120万左右 Around 1.2 million 全人群乙型肝炎表面抗原携带率(%) The whole crowd hepatitis b surface antigen carrying rate(%) ≤6.5 Acuities were 6.5 以乡(镇)为单位适龄儿童免疫规划疫苗接种率(%) A township(town)As the unit school-age children immune planning the rate of vaccine(%) ≥90 Or 90 重点慢性病防治核心信息人群知晓率(%) Focus on the prevention and control of chronic diseases core information among the crowd(%) ≥50 50 or 高血压和糖尿病患者规范化管理率(%) High blood pressure and diabetes patients GuanLiLv standardization(%) ≥40 Was 40 妇幼 Maternity and child

3岁以下儿童系统管理率(%) Children under the age of 3 GuanLiLv system(%) ≥80 Or 80 孕产妇系统管理率(%) GuanLiLv maternal system(%) ≥85 Or 85 孕产妇住院分娩率(%) Results the maternal hospitalization(%) ≥98 Or 98 卫生 health
日供水1000立方米以上的集中式供水单位卫生监督覆盖率(%) Daily supply above of 1000 stere centralized water supply unit health supervision coverage(%) ≥90 Or 90 医疗 medical
城乡三项基本医疗保险参保率(%) Urban and rural three basic medical insurance participating insurance rate(%) 在2010年基础上提高3个百分点 Based on 2010 increased by 3% 政策范围内住院费用医保基金支付比例(%) Policy range charge of be in hospital medical insurance fund payment proportion(%) 75左右 Around 75 卫生 health
每千人口执业(助理)医师数(人) Per thousand population practice(assistant)Physician number(people) 1.88 1.88 每千人口注册护士数(人) Per thousand population number of registered nurses(people) 2.07 2.07 每千人口医疗机构床位数(张) Per thousand population bedspace medical institutions(zhang) 4 4 医疗 medical
二级以上综合医院平均住院日(天) The second class above general hospital average day in hospital(day) ≤9 Acuities 9 入出院诊断符合率(%) Into the discharge diagnosis coincidence rate(%) ≥95 Or 95 卫生 health
个人卫生支出占卫生总费用的比重(%) Personal health spending accounts for the proportion of total health expenses(%) ≤30 Acuities 30 人均基本公共卫生服务经费标准(元) Per capita basic public health services funds standard(yuan) ≥40 Was 40
