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24岁女孩做饭时癫痫发作 一头扎进开水锅--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  “都怪我没有照顾好孩子。 ”看着躺在医院病床上,脸上涂满药膏的女儿,刘文科陷入深深的自责中。前不久,刘文科24岁的女儿小丽帮母亲做饭时,癫痫病突然发作,一头扎进开水锅中……

"All blame me not taking care of babies. "Look at lying in a hospital bed,Face covered with the daughter of ointment,LiuWenKe deep in the era.Not long ago,LiuWenKe 24 year old daughter xiaoli help mother was cooking,Epilepsy seizures,Plunge into the boiling water pot...


女孩一头扎进开水锅 The girl plunge into the boiling water pot


Yesterday afternoon,View in hospital in the fourth floor of a ward inside,Reporters saw is undergoing treatment of small beautiful.She lay quietly on the bed,face/neck/The chest is coated with a thick ointment.Because the wound from time to time have ichor outflow,Family need to constantly with cotton wipe,Accidentally run into the wound,All make small beautiful pain unceasingly.

  “医生说还得一段时间,她左脸被烫伤的部位一直恢复得不好,应该与伤口过深有关。”家住瓦房店市三台子乡的刘文科向记者介绍了小丽被烫伤的经过。 10月4日,刘文科外出打工,家里只有小丽和母亲周女士在家。一直以来,周女士的身体都不好,除了腿部肌肉萎缩外,还患有严重的白内障。当天晚上,小丽帮母亲做饭,她把水烧开后把玉米面放到锅里,之后用勺子搅拌时,突然癫痫病发作,小丽一头扎进了滚烫的锅里。

"The doctor said have a period of time,She left face singed parts have been recovery well,Should be a deep wound about."Wafangdian city in three stage LiuWenKe township introduces to the reporter the small beautiful singed through. On October 4,,LiuWenKe work out,There is only little li and mother weeks woman at home.Has been,Weeks lady body is bad,In addition to the leg muscle atrophy,Are still suffering from serious cataract.That night,Small beautiful help mother cooking,She put the water to boil after corn flour into the pot,After mixing with spoons when,Suddenly epileptic seizures,Small beautiful head into the hot pot.


Hear xiao li tore heart crack lung sounds,Ms weeks from the house out immediately,Quickly the small li ye up,The small beautiful have been very hot beyond recognition.


女孩烫伤面积达14% The girl scald area amounted to 14%


The small beautiful face/neck/The chest burns,Up full blisters.Weeks lady hurriedly will towel with cold water penetration,Help daughter cooling.But every time to wipe,Small cosmopolitan pain can not stand.then,Weeks lady to her husband to call,Let him to go home to send his daughter to go to the hospital.In response,LiuWenKe immediately returned home to his daughter, wafangdian city, a hospital,The doctor immediately to carry out treatment for small beautiful.Although the doctor for small beautiful singed parts apply the ointment,But the injury is still not optimistic."The next day,Be scalded place is swollen up,Even I could hardly keep my eyes open."LiuWenKe decided to small beautiful view sent to hospital for treatment.The doctor for small beautiful do a detailed inspection,Results show that,Small beautiful scald area amounted to 14%,Belong to three degrees of scald,facial/Neck particularly serious.


贫困家庭面临治病难 Poor families facing difficult to cure

  采访过程中,记者注意到,小丽右手几个指关节都有伤疤。“发病时被烧伤的。 ”刘文科说,“小丽从小就有癫痫病,时不时就犯病。今年正月时,小丽往灶膛添柴火时突然发病,结果右手多处被烧伤,幸亏发现及时,否则后果不堪设想。 ”

interview,Reporter noticed,Small beautiful right hand several knuckle have scars."The disease was burnt. "LiuWenKe said,"Small beautiful since the childhood have epilepsy,Are regularly to fall ill.This year when the,Xiao li went to add firewood said anything when he found when the onset is sudden,Results in the right hand burnt,Fortunately, finding and,Otherwise the consequence is unimaginable. "

  “孩子有这毛病,所以啥都不能干,可是没想到还是出事了。 ”刘文科说,由于小丽脖子烫伤严重,皮肉纠结在一起将来可能会抬不起头来。同时,烫伤部位大都集中在面部,将来要整容,可这笔钱家里肯定拿不出。一想到这些,刘文科就愁得不行。

"Children have this problem,So what all can't dry,But had not thought or had an accident. "LiuWenKe said,Due to the small beautiful neck serious burns,Flesh intertwined future may lift head.At the same time,Burns part mostly concentrated in the face,Will cosmetic,But the money home must take out.The thought of these,LiuWenKe will have no sorrow.

  记者了解到,由于刘文科后搬到三台子乡,因此家里并没有地,全家只靠他一人在外打工挣钱。“前一段时间得了阑尾炎,做了手术,今年几乎没怎么出去打工。 ”刘文科说,目前给小丽治病已花了10000多元,这笔钱大多都是向亲戚朋友借的。 “我女儿还没有对象,现在被烫成这样将来怎么办。 ”看着病床上深受伤痛折磨的女儿,刘文科心如刀割。( 半岛晨报 记者佟亮 )

The reporter understands,Because after LiuWenKe moved to the three stage township,So home and no land,Only a house by him out to work to make money."Some time ago got appendicitis,To do the surgery,This year almost didn't work out. "LiuWenKe said,At present to small beautiful cure has spent more than 10000 yuan,Most of the money to relatives and friends are borrowed. "My daughter is not the object,Now be hot like this in the future. "Look at bed by pain torment daughter,LiuWenKe him.( Peninsula morning paper reporter TongLiang )
