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云南昭通发生疑似食物中毒3人死亡 原因正调查--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


昭通镇雄发生疑似食物中毒3人死亡 原因正在调查中 Zhaotong city town male suspected food poisoning occurred killed three people cause is under investigation


introduction:Zhaotong city town male red water town wash white village river dike villager group 20 suspected food poisoning events happened at present were killed three people.Three of the dead were WangDing artful two daughters small qian and small embellish/The second daughter of WangDingZhen small end.WangDing coincidence and daughter XiaoMin although after the hospital treatment of night,Still coma,In critically ill in,Only WangDingZhen daughter XiaoPing sane,At present already out of danger.For poisoning reasons,The public security organ are stepping up their bodies for inspection,And that night the dead extracted by one eat food inspection.Be worth what carry is,After the accident,XiongXian town at all levels of various departments rapid rescue,Carry out careful human caring,Investigation and rehabilitation work is was done quickly and orderly.


中毒小女孩疼得遍地打滚 Poisoning the little girl hurt all wallow

  早上8时10分,镇雄县人民医院急诊科内冷清了许多,昨夜住在过道上的王定巧及女儿小敏已被转到了9号病房,和她们一起转到病房里的,是王定巧姐姐王定珍的女儿小萍。太阳光照到小萍的脸上,她用双手遮挡光线,不时用眼神朝旁边的王定巧看过来,她似乎知道了昨夜发生的一切。 “想起来很怕,特别是看到她们(死去的人)在地上打滚……”小萍擦了擦泪水,向记者讲述了事发时的情景:当天下午,小萍的妈妈王定珍上山割包谷草,舅舅王定巧来帮忙煮饭。7时20分左右饭煮好了,由于等王定珍,两家的人孩子们有的先吃,有的在看电视,有的在睡觉,等王定珍回来洗手准备吃饭时,就发现先吃饭的小倩、小敏、小润、小端出现中毒症状,遍地打滚,手脚蜷缩,口吐白沫,嘴里发出“呜呜”声音……同时,王定巧也感觉身体不适,心翻呕吐。小萍说她刚吃了一个,发现中毒了就放下筷子,尽管如此,20分钟后,她也感觉身体不适,开始呕吐。 “估计是吃了舅舅(王定巧)用面粉、鸡蛋、油渣等炸的粑粑出问题,当时我感觉有点苦!”小萍说。

At 8 in the morning 10 points,XiongXian town people's hospital emergency department within a lot of cold and cheerless,Last night, live in the aisle of the WangDing coincidence and daughter XiaoMin has been transferred to 9 ward,And together, they turn to the ward,Is WangDing qiao sister, the daughter of WangDingZhen XiaoPing.The sun light to XiaoPing face,She use both hands keep out the light,With their eyes from time to time in the next WangDing qiao see come over,She seems to know what happened last night. "Want to up very be afraid,Especially see them(dead)Rolled on the floor..."XiaoPing wiped to wipe tears,To the reporters about the scene when the incident:In the afternoon,XiaoPing mother WangDingZhen went up to the mountain cut straw bag,Uncle WangDing coincidence to help cook.7 when 20 minutes or rice cooked,Because WangDingZhen,Two people the children some to eat,Others are watching TV,Some in bed,And WangDingZhen back to wash your hands when having a meal,He found the have dinner first small qian/XiaoMin/Small embellish/Small end appear poisoning symptoms,Wallow in the land,Thumbs and curled up,Mouth foam,Mouth a"purr"Voice......At the same time,WangDing qiao also feel the body is unwell,Heart turn vomiting.XiaoPing said she just had a,Found poisoned to put down chopsticks,Even so,After 20 minutes,She also feel the body is unwell,Started vomiting. "Estimation is ate uncle(WangDing qiao)With flour/eggs/Oil and fry of the BaBa problems,At that time, I was feeling a little bitter!"XiaoPing said.


救援急诊科内的不眠之夜 The emergency rescue in the sleepless night

  王定巧和姐姐王定珍两家人吃晚饭中毒的消息几分钟内在村子里传开,有村民立即拨打120呼救,20多个好心邻居将中毒的6人轮换背在肩上往公路上跑,他们边跑边喊:“救命了,有人中毒了……” 正在洗白岗亭值班的交通民警王昌伟等人听到喊声后,立即冲过去要求将人放下,他们拦车送人!时间就是生命,王昌伟站在公路中间,很快拦下两辆出租车:“请帮忙把这些病人送到县医院,不要收家属的钱,回来我给你们!”打完招呼后,王昌伟和同事帮忙将患者及村民送上出租车。晚上8时许,6名病人被送到镇雄县人民医院急诊科,通过医生短暂诊断后,立即对所有患者进行导泄、利尿、洗胃,同时采取了保护心脏、肝脏措施。尽管30多名医生竭尽全能,但小倩、小润、小端还是于当晚9时许因抢救无效死亡。王定巧和女儿小敏的情况也让人担忧,她们的两嘴角有血痕,躺在病床上痛苦挣扎,多次挣脱输液的针头,嘴里不停发出呻吟,多名医生共同照顾,一刻也不敢离开病床。就在患者刚到医院十分钟,受镇雄县委书记冯学兰和县长翟玉龙安排,镇雄县委政法委书记兼公安局长胡波、宣传部长龚登会、副县长王剑竹相继来到急诊科,现场召开紧急会议,部署救治工作,成立领导小组,下设救治组、善后处理组,事故调查组,新闻宣传组等,各自开展工作。当晚,胡波带队赶赴事发地封锁现场,提取患者所吃食物,同时与家属坐谈,与村民交谈,了解事发经过。龚登会、王剑竹在医院指挥救治,同时安排赤水源镇政府及时做好善后事宜。当晚,赤水源镇政府安排到位5万元应急资金,用于救治和善后。卫生局长龙旅凤要求医院派出精兵强将20人,由院领导带领,彻夜抢救,轮流值班。同时,赤水源镇政府安排武旭副镇长带领洗白村和布丈村两委干部配合医院,轮流值班照顾。经过一个不眠之夜的抢救,小萍终于渡过了危险期,王定巧及小敏虽然还未苏醒,但生命体征逐渐平稳。值得一提的是,由于王定巧丈夫周训安和王定珍的丈夫宋德怀都在浙江打工,部分村民主动留在医院帮助照料,急诊科的一夜,谱写了一段感人壮歌!

WangDing coincidence and sister WangDingZhen two family dinner poisoning news within a few minutes in the village got around,Have the villagers immediately call 120 for help,More than 20 kind neighbor poisoning six people back on the shoulder rotation to run on the road,They shouted and ran:"Help the,Someone poisoning..." In the wash white box duty traffic police WangChangWei etc after heard the cry,Immediately rushed over requirements will people down,They pulled away!Time is life,WangChangWei stood in the middle road,Soon stopped two taxis:"Please help the patient to a county hospital,Don't accept family money,I'll give you back!"After called after,WangChangWei and colleagues will help patients and the villagers into a taxi.Night at about 8,Six patients were sent to the town XiongXian people's hospital emergency department,Through the doctor short after diagnosis,Immediately available for all patients guide drain/diuresis/Gastric lavage,At the same time taken to protect the heart/Liver measures.Although more than 30 doctors people do,But small qian/Small embellish/Small end or in that night at about 9 because of rescue invalid death.WangDing coincidence and daughter XiaoMin situation also alarming,Their two corners have blood stain,Lying in bed in agony,Multiple break infusion needles,His mouth constantly groaned,Many doctors common care,A moment also can't leave hospital bed.In patients to the hospital just ten minutes,Male county wei secretary FengXueLan by town and county magistrate ZhaiYuLong arrangement,Town of the county party committee secretary of the politics and law committee and HuBo public security bureau/The minister of propaganda kung's will/Assistant deputy county head WangJianZhu successively came to the emergency department,Site to hold an emergency meeting,Deployment treatment work,Leading group was established,Under the treatment group/Rehabilitation treatment group,Accident investigation team,News propaganda team, etc,Their work.That night,HuBo led to the site to blockade,Extraction by patients eat food,At the same time and the family sat talking about,And villagers to talk,Understand the incident.Kung climb will/WangJianZhu command in the hospital treatment,At the same time arrangement red water in the well for rehabilitation.That night,Red water township government put in place $50000 emergency fund,Used in treatment and rehabilitation.Health bureau long dragon brigade phoenix asks the hospital sent shengzuo software 20 people,The hospital leadership,Night rescue,Turn on each other.At the same time,The red water arrangement WuXu vice mayor led wash white village and cloth zhangs the village two committees with hospital cadres,Take turns on duty to take care of.After a sleepless night of the rescue,XiaoPing finally passed the crisis,WangDing coincidence and XiaoMin though not revive,But vital signs gradually stable.Be worth what carry is,Because WangDing qiao husband ZhouXunAn and WangDingZhen husband SongDe HuaiDou work in zhejiang province,Part of the villagers' active stay in the hospital to help take care of,Night emergency department,Wrote a touching ZhuangGe!


原因不排除食物中有毒素 Reason does not exclude food of toxin

  “我不相信是食物中毒!”死者小端的爷爷半夜三更从老家赶到医院,他声称食物中毒不会来得那么快:“祖祖辈辈都吃的灰面(面粉)鸡蛋,咋个他们一吃就出事,我怀疑食物有毒,希望公安机关调查!” 在送患者来医院之前,王定珍等人便将吃剩的部分“粑粑”倒在厕所里,部分倒在荒地中。当晚,公安机关已将荒地里的“粑粑”全部取走,正在对其进行检验,待确定成分后,才能知晓中毒原因。 21日,记者在王定珍老家采访时听一些村民讲,小端的爷爷曾在农村的乡场上卖过老鼠药,几年前去世了,有人怀疑是残留下来的老鼠药惹了祸!而王定珍的儿子小戬告诉记者,他家有一间屋子很潮湿,经常有老鼠作乱,王定珍曾买过一些工具来收拾老鼠,究竟买不买老鼠药,他弄不清楚! “别人投毒不可能,食物中毒也没这么厉害,估计是家中有老鼠药,不小心混在一起才出事!”村民胡某讲,以前小端的爷爷卖的药很多,难免会没收拾干净。针对众人对中毒原因的质疑,镇雄公安局作出回应称,等将所吃食物检验出成分后立即公布结果。目前,尸体检验和食物检验工作正在进行。

"I don't believe it is food poisoning!"The dead small end grandpa late at night from their hometown hurried to the hospital,He claimed that food poisoning won't come so fast:"Traditionally eat gray surface(flour)eggs,How they eat have an accident,I suspect food poisonous,Hope that the public security organ survey!" In the send to hospital patients before,WangDingZhen etc man put leftover part"BaBa"Fall in the toilet,Part of the fall in the wilderness.That night,The public security organ has in the wilderness"BaBa"All take,Are the inspection,Stay after defined,To know poisoning reasons. 21,In an interview with reporters WangDingZhen hometown to listen to some villagers speak,Small end grandpa was in rural township field sold rat poison,A few years ago died,Someone doubt is left over from the rat poison to provoke the disaster!And the sons of WangDingZhen small hoping told reporters,His family has a house very damp,Often have had mice,WangDingZhen had bought some tools to tidy up the mouse,Whether to buy it rat poison,He is not clear! "Poison another impossible,Food poisoning also didn't so severe,Estimation is home have rat poison,Don't be mixed together to have an accident!"The villagers HuMou speak,Before the small grandpa sell a lot of medicine,Hard to avoid can not clean up.According to the reasons of poisoning of the question,Town male public security bureau responded said,And will eat a food inspection components released immediately after the results.At present,Autopsy and food inspection work is for.


幸运五岁小孩子逃脱一劫 Lucky five years old child to escape the hook


Five years old child is WangDing artful little son,It is the only son,He was lucky to have survived the disaster.Children with childish tone told reporters:"My mother said that they are vivid dew(work)of,Want to eat first,We doll some to watching TV,And when they had eaten and then eat,I'm good,No noise!"Child said he is very obedient,A BaBa also didn't eat,So nothing.Heard two sister died,Child and four elder sister grain buds or shed the tears of sorrow!Grain buds told reporters,That night she was sleeping in his own house,Didn't go to WangDingZhen home,Have nothing to eat dinner,So also escaped the fire.Grain buds said she was in bed,See small qian WangDingZhen back from home after lying on the ground roll,She immediately ran to his mother WangDing qiao report,Who knows poisoning more than small qian one.And the child and as small qian,Sensible little hoping for, etc WangDingZhen mother back to have a meal again,The same escaped the disaster.


善后无微不致的人性关怀 Rehabilitation without micro from humanity care

  灾难无情人有情,除了妥善的救治工作以外,善后工作落在了赤水源党委政府的头上。事发不久,党委书记谢志朝率部分职工赶赴医院,配合医院救治。镇长冯勇军则率队前往事发地,首先控制好现场,等待公安机关到来。当晚,由于河坝组大部分村民都去了县城,留下了几个小孩子在家,被谢书记冯镇长看在眼里,他们立即安排工作人员前往王定巧的老家布丈村,将孩子的奶奶接来,陪小孩子过夜! 21日早上9时许,记者来到王定珍家,刚好看到冯镇长带领镇村干部前来抚慰家属,他们给家属带来了新的炊具,同时将旧炊具销毁埋在山头。记者看到,一些镇村干部正在王定珍家院坝里打扫卫生,封闭自来水管里的水源。正在赶回镇雄的王定巧丈夫周训安听家人谈到政府的救治工作,从中途打来电话感谢,并提出一个要求:希望尽力抢救王定巧,让她能活下来!目前,赤水源镇政府已安排3万元经费,用于处理3名死者后事,相关善后工作也在积极开展。(记者 徐弘毅)

Merciless disaster people love,In addition to properly treatment other than work,Rehabilitation work falls on the red water head of the party committees and governments.The soon,Secretary of the party committee XieZhiChao rate part worker rushed to the hospital,Fit hospitals.Mayor FengYongJun rate of the team to the ground,First of all control field,Waiting for the public security organ arrival.That night,Because river dike group most villagers went to the county town,Leaves several children at home,Be thank secretary von mayor see in the eye,They immediately arrange personnel to WangDing artful home cloth zhangs village,Will the child's grandmother fetch,Accompany children to spend the night! 21 at about nine in the morning,The reporter comes to WangDingZhen home,Just see von mayor led to ZhenCun cadres and families,They give family brought new cooker,At the same time will destroy old cooker buried in the hills.The reporter sees,Some ZhenCun cadres are WangDingZhen embanked courtyard house in cleaning,Closed water pipe in the water.Are back to town of male WangDing qiao family ZhouXunAn husband hear about the government's treatment work,From the midway called thank,And put forward a request:Hope to do their utmost to rescue the WangDing coincidence,Let her to live down!At present,The red water has arranged 30000 yuan funds,Used for processing the three things,Related rehabilitation work are also actively carry out.(Reporter XuHongYi)
