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醋瓶中现白色异物 厂家称对人体无害--亲稳舆论引导监测室
People eat dumplings all like fall dish vinegar dip to eat,Can be found in the vinegar and a big white foreign body,You still have appetite to eat?
The day before yesterday evening,Live in zigong HuiDong area ying xiang auspicious garden "sir,Is a week ago from the supermarket to buy vinegar,Pour in the tray ready to eat dumplings dipped in.But just will bottle inside the vinegar to under the bottleneck,But found that there were a bottle of white of the thing.Immediately make ready to enjoy gourmet his appetite.
yesterday,Small "west China city to book reporters call,Hope to help find out the vinegar white foreign body what is,Any damage to the body.
事情起因第二次用醋发现瓶内有异物 It causes the second with vinegar bottle found a foreign body in it
11 o 'clock yesterday morning,The reporter comes to the English auspicious garden,See the vinegar bottle of foreign body.The foreign body round like cake,Diameter about 5 centimeters,Peripheral have a lot of fold,And a white.From the body of the tag to see,This bottle of vinegar production time:On March 19, 2012,For a period of 18 months.
Mr. "said,A week ago,He left home from near zigong everyone happy supermarket bought a bottle of 400 ml outfit"Too source well"Brand sun vinegar,That night when cooking,Use a little.The day before yesterday evening,He cooked some dumplings for dinner.Think of home and a bottle of sun vinegar,It can be used to eat dumplings dipped in,But found foreign body.
"Sir want to,May be vinegar of sediment,But immediately and no his ideas,"Vinegar of sediment should be black to".
In order to determine what is what,Mr. "will the rest of the big out empty vessels make most sound of noise.And the vinegar bottle to watch the light,This a look him more felt suspicious,"it(Foreign body)Like a‘mushroom’."Mr. "said.
"The first time I use after the,Cover the lid,Also didn't used.Zha President‘mushroom’??Besides the mushroom should not long in the vinegar it"?
质监部门无法检测但能确定不是沉淀物 Qualitative inspect branch cannot be detected but can make sure not sediment
At about 12 noon yesterday,Reporters came to Mr. "buy vinegar supermarket,In putting "sir purchased vinegar shelves,Reporters found more than to bottle of vinegar,In addition to bottle bottom some normal precipitation outside,Did not find foreign body.
then,Reporter with a foreign body vinegar bottle,Zigong to products/Goods quality supervision, inspection and.Precincts of deputy director/The chief engineer LiMingFei said after the check,Because vinegar has kaifeng,Cannot be detected.She says,She also don't know foreign body is what,But can make sure not sediment.
厂家回应对人体无害微生物发酵造成 Manufacturer no harm to human response caused by microbial fermentation
Yesterday afternoon 3 city hui,Reporter telephone connection to appear foreign vinegar production manufacturer - zigong mark condiment brewing co., LTD., a staff.
"the(Foreign body)Harmless to the body."The staff said,On June they also received a similar report together.They will be sent to the relevant foreign testing institutions detection,Test results are harmless to the human body.At the same time,She says,They also ask some other production vinegar manufacturer,And these manufacturers have said appeared this kind of situation.
"Produce foreign body because vinegar brewing was used in wheat bran and sugar,And wheat bran contains a lot of protein.Because in the fermentation,Fermentation incomplete,Lead to protein settling down.And in the fermentation process will produce some microorganisms,Microbial fermentation formed a foreign body again."The staff said.
(记者 梁鹏 摄影报道)
(Reporter LiangPeng photojournalism)
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