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“变态闹钟”只认拍照关闭 专家:不如窗帘留条缝--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


变态闹钟 只认拍照关闭 "abnormal"The alarm clock only recognize pictures close

  “叮叮叮叮”响起闹铃,从被子里懒洋洋扬起一只手,“啪”一下按下闹钟,翻个身继续睡。对于不少赖床人士而言,这样的场景几乎每天都要上演。但一款“杀伤力”极强的手机闹钟“Sleep If U Can”却让各种懒人们再也“无处可躲”。睡觉前要先拍一张照片,要关闭闹钟时,必须去拍一张一模一样的照片

"Ding-ding ding-ding"Ring alarm,From the quilt lackadaisical raise a hand,"pa"The press the alarm clock,Over body to continue to sleep.For many sleep personage,This scene is almost every day.But one"lethality"Strong and alarm clocks on cell phones"Sleep If U Can"But let all kinds of lazy people no longer"Have nowhere to hide".Go to bed before you take a photo,To close when the alarm clock,Must go to take a picture of the same pictures!


Sleep If U Can只认“拍照” Sleep If U Can only know"photos"

  根据网友的介绍,这款“Sleep If U Can”显然是高科技的杰作。IPHONE手机的自带闹钟还有一个“小睡”功能,闹钟响起时按下“小睡”,还能合上眼皮再眯个十来分钟。而“Sleep If U Can”显然连“小睡”都不允许。作为一款高科技的手机应用,“Sleep If U Can”对于使用者有着超高的要求,设定闹钟时就得拍下一张照片,而闹钟到点后,必须拍一张一模一样的照片来标记,手机读取图片认为是“相同”后,你才能顺利关闭闹钟。

According to the introduction of net friend,This kind of"Sleep If U Can"Apparently high-tech masterpiece.Mobile phone IPHONE take alarm clock and a"nap"function,The alarm clock rings press"nap",Can also closed eyelids narrow again ten minutes.and"Sleep If U Can"Apparently even"nap"Are not allowed.As a high-tech mobile phone application,"Sleep If U Can"For users with ultra high requirements,Set the alarm clock struck when next picture,And after the alarm clock to point,Must take a photograph of the same mark,Mobile phones to read picture considered"The same"after,You can make it shut down the alarm clock.

  “Sleep If U Can”一推出,不光成为网友心目中的“变态闹钟”,还是个“整人神器”。“看谁不顺眼,就推荐他使用Sleep If U Can吧!”对于这则倡议,很多人竟然在新浪微博上热烈进行了响应。

"Sleep If U Can"A launch,Not only become a net friend idea of"Abnormal alarm clock",Was a"Those trick artifact"."See who do not pleasing to the eye,It recommended him Sleep If U Can use it!"For this is initiative,A lot of people unexpectedly in sina micro bo on the warm response.


网友枚举各种“变态闹钟” Net friend enumerated various"Abnormal alarm clock"

  在“Sleep If U Can”的推荐微博中,网友吐槽“够狠”的评论满屏可见。“云麓白墙”说,这款闹钟是专门为各种迟到而设计的。而“AK鬼爆赫_DH”则想出了鬼点子,“拍照的时候用手指把镜头一堵,”这样即便猫在床上也能随时拍到照片了。“王豫翔”也说,“对着白板拍一张,毫无压力。”

in"Sleep If U Can"Recommendation in micro bo,Net friend vomit tank"Enough malicious"Comments full screen visible."Cloud foot white wall"said,This type of alarm clock is specially designed for a variety of late.and"AK ghost detonation Hector _DH"The trick is to come up with,"When taking the lens with your fingers a plug,"So even if a cat in bed also can at any time the picture."WangYuXiang"Also said,"To take a white board,There is no pressure."

  不光是“Sleep If U Can”,网友也在转发里罗列了自己见到或是DIY的“变态闹钟”。“乳糖可耐”表示“我曾经计划把普通闹钟和魔方连起来,机械结构都设计好了,材料也买了,就是懒而没有动工而已……”而“侯相沫”干脆列举了好几种“变态闹钟”:魔方式的,即必须调成一致颜色,才能停止。有一个小车一样的闹钟,启动后会在屋子里乱跑,经常跑到床底下。

Is not only"Sleep If U Can",Net friend also in the forward listing the saw, or the DIY"Abnormal alarm clock"."Lactose resistance"said"I have plans to make general alarm clock and connect rubik's cube,Mechanical structure is designed,Material also bought,Is lazy and didn't start just..."and"Hou phase foam"Simply enumerated several kind of"Abnormal alarm clock":Magic way,Namely must adjust into a consistent color,Can stop.There is a car as alarm clock,After the start will be in the house run about,Often run under the bed.


靠闹钟不如给窗帘留条缝 By the alarm clock is inferior to curtain leave slot


Morning is the alarm clock wake up,Reluctantly climb up.Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital psychological psychiatric director YuanYongGui think,Long time in"Be wake up with a start"State of,Do to normal working state and emotional impact.

  “变态闹钟”是自虐,那么怎样的叫醒方式才更加健康?专业医生建议,不妨在睡觉前给窗帘留条缝,让阳光成为最好的“闹钟”。当早上受到光线照射,血清素会使身体的代谢加快,伴随着生物钟同时提醒你,太阳“晒屁股”了,该起床了! 如果实在要用闹钟,建议使用音乐“渐强”的播放方式,同时尽量选择轻柔一些的音乐闹铃,减小起床压力。 (记者 杨甜子)

"Abnormal alarm clock"Is from the nue,So what's the way the wake up to more healthy?Professional advice,Might as well go to bed before the curtain leave slot,Let the sun to be the best"Alarm clock".When the morning is light irradiation,Serotonin can make the body's metabolism to speed up,With the biological clock at the same time remind you,The sun"Sun bottom"the,It's time to get up! If really need an alarm clock,Suggest using music"Gradually strong"Broadcast way of,At the same time try to choose some soft music alarm,Reduce up pressure. (Reporter Yang sweet fruit)
