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详解医疗联盟破解看病难 双向转诊便于患者挂号--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Beijing's first hospital diagnosis classification model pilot Beijing chaoyang hospital medical alliance 7, formally established.This means that the chaoyang hospital will respectively with the home 1 tertiary hospital/Two secondary hospitals and seven home social health service center executes medical treatment two-way referral cooperation system.Why to set up medical alliance?Medical alliance for common people to see a doctor bring which is convenient?Xinhuanet reporter is net friend concern exclusive interview the Beijing chaoyang hospital executive director Chen yong.

  双向转诊便于患者挂号、化验和康复治疗 Two-way referral facilitate patients registered/Laboratory testing and rehabilitation therapy


Composition medical alliance organization in addition to the Beijing chaoyang hospital outside,Also includes 1 home tertiary hospital of Beijing armed police corps hospital/Two secondary hospital the second chaoyang district hospital/Chaoyang district hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and gaobeidian/Six in tuen/In the eight zhuang/sanlitun/TuanJieHu/ShiBaLiDian and eight zhuang in 7 home social health service center.Medical alliance hierarchical diagnosis and treatment mode is mainly to bear part of the third class hospitals in critical disease and the general difficulty of complex diseases diagnosis and treatment;Secondary hospital take general difficult complex disease and common frequently occurring disease diagnosis;Community health service center are mainly responsible for common disease diagnosis and treatment/Slow disease management/Rehabilitation therapy, etc.


Netizens care,After a two-way referral,Incurable diseases patients or critically ill patients to community after the hospital can turn to tertiary hospital?In large hospitals after treatment whether the patient need to get back to the community hospital rehabilitation?


Chen yong introduces,Two-way referral patterns including alliance unit help patients in chaoyang hospital make an appointment;Some union unit can not carry out inspection/assay,Such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMr)(Mr)/Pathological and some special test,Can be collected specimens sent to the chaoyang hospital;From the alliance member unit of the patients,Chaoyang hospital will have the priority of the arrangement for its accept such as CT examination,Alliance unit send the ambulance and arrange special shuttle patients to chaoyang hospital inspection,Inspection and test results with the aid of network transmission;Community hospitals in the future will also establish personal health information archives,Record history of patients,In addition,Chaoyang hospital each department have experts and alliance unit butt,Discuss the fixed to a community hospital every day of visit a patient at home experts,And organize community hospital doctor training.


In gaobeidian community health service center,The reporter sees community hospitals radiology department of facilities and some large hospital equipment and no two,The hospital inspection section outdoor,There are three to four patients waiting for medical treatment.


It is understood,Chaoyang hospital has been in 2004 with the hospital/Community health service center for trial implementation two-way referral patterns.Data display,Five years two-way referral and more than 5000 people/For the community to provide make an appointment with more than 10000 people,Provide laboratory/Check the green channel of more than 3000 people.

  让老百姓愿意到社区医院看病 Let people willing to to community hospital


Big hospital difficult has been net friend about the topic of.Advanced technology and talent quality resources mostly concentrated in the big hospitals,Make a lot of people form only to the hospital just trust of habit.How to make people trust community hospital,To solve this"See a doctor difficult"One of the keys to.


Chen yong said,As to the construction of medical basic-level hospitals,Now Beijing each community hospital hardware facilities have improved greatly,But also don't avoid the common people on the secondary hospitals and community hospitals trust problem,This is also the hospital need to improve software.


"In order to let the community residents have sense of trust,Also let referral to a primary hospital rehabilitation of patients feel treatment continuity,Now 3 armour hospital experts will be to community hospital regular fixed point regular extraction inspecting room."Chen yong said,"We hope that through medical alliance build up confidence of patients,Guide the patients to see a doctor classification,This is to avoid the large hospital quality resource is scarce also waste awkward,Also reduced the patients suffering on the run,For patients with incurable diseases for registered more easily."


Chaoyang hospital medical alliance after the establishment of a total bedspace about 3100 copies,the,Chaoyang hospital headquarters has 1400 beds,And in the other hospitals have beds league 1200 copies(Tertiary hospital 500 copies/Secondary hospital 450 copies/Community center 270 copies).In Chen yong seems,These hardware facilities for tertiary hospital smooth referral to provide security,Ease tertiary hospital convalescence patients"export"Difficult problem.


"Now patients can referral to community hospitals,Chaoyang hospital day in hospital is expected to reduce,Discharge of the patients will increase,Will also improve hospital diagnosis efficiency,Hospital difficult problem will also ease."Chen yong said.


Chen yong think,In the public hospital reform process,Hospital benefit mechanism in change,Big hospital advantage resources and share the basic-level hospitals,Medical institutions at all levels play to their advantage,According to their respective patients required hierarchical diagnosis and treatment,This will in a certain extent, ease the eyes of the common people to see a doctor difficult question.

  医疗联盟内有望同享医保结算待遇 Medical alliance is expected to share in the medical insurance settlement treatment


Establish the medical union,Fixed-point hospital medical diagnosis and treatment in patients with classification is generated when medical insurance fee how to settlement?Have net friend put forward,Chaoyang hospital has implemented a reform of the medical separate,But hierarchical diagnosis and treatment of the secondary hospital and part of the community hospital and did not carry out drug zero addition,Back to the community hospital after treatment some drugs and tariffs,These will be no give patients inconvenience to see a doctor?


Chen yong said,Chaoyang hospital and Beijing people club bureau have already had communication,Beijing people club bureau in principle promised to transfer into the members of the alliance unit and chaoyang class A fixed-point hospital medical insurance settlement as enjoy treatment,In the process of alliance will be solved step by step involves various problems.


"Believe that after several years construction,Through the large hospital in various hospital medical technology and medical service support,Finally set up community hospital self development capability."Chen yong said.


According to another Beijing hospital authority seal countries born revealed,Chaoyang hospital medical alliance with the formal operation,Beijing friendship hospital and millennium monument hospital are also actively promote medical alliance commissioning,Is expected to begin in 2013.LiYing
