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北京大医院带社区渐成趋势 缓解三级医院住院难--亲稳网络舆情监控室


The city public hospital reform hierarchical diagnosis and treatment mode first pilot - Beijing chaoyang hospital medical alliance established yesterday.Chaoyang hospital, including 11 level 3/Level 2 and community hospitals,Through two-way referral etc gradually realize medical resources sharing and utilization as a whole.Union within the community hospital patients,In addition to the big hospitals outside the referral,Big hospital convalescence patients also can turn to alliance in secondary hospitals and community health service center.


整合床位 Integration beds


缓解三级医院住院难 Ease tertiary hospital difficult


This is the city for the first time ever launched hierarchical diagnosis and treatment mode.The main duties of the large hospital is critical to bear part of the disease diagnosis and treatment and the general difficulty of complex diseases diagnosis and treatment;Secondary hospital main attack generally difficult complex disease and common frequently occurring disease;Community health service center is responsible for the common multiple disease diagnosis and treatment and slow disease management/Rehabilitation therapy, etc.


The first medical alliance includes two tertiary hospital,Two secondary hospitals and 7 community health service center home.Chaoyang hospital within the alliance as the only a top big hospitals,The future will be in the league other hospital patients with the opening of the two-way referral green channel,Critically ill turn to chaoyang hospital,Slow disease management and rehabilitation period patients turn to secondary hospitals and community health service center continue treatment and rehabilitation.This not only is expected to solve the previous level 2 hospitals and community hospitals bed utilization rate is not high question,And can to a certain extent, ease the large hospital convalescence patients"export"Difficult and complicated critically ill patients in hospital the difficult question.


Chaoyang hospital executive director Chen yong is introduced,Medical league,Chaoyang hospital headquarters has 1400 beds,Within the coalition the other hospitals have beds 1200 copies.Members of a large number of bedspace,For common diseases/Frequently encountered disease and convalescence patients return to grassroots medical institutions to provide a broad space.


技术共享 Technology sharing


在大医院做检查可优先 In the big hospital inspection can be priority


Patients do not wish to see a doctor to the community a big reason is that a lot of inspection community can't do it,Chaoyang hospital in the future will be in the alliance of the medical institutions to open laboratory tests through train.


Some in the community health service center or secondary hospital can't do check/assay,if:Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMr)(Mr)/CT/Pathological and some special test,Community hospitals can acquisition of patients test specimens to the chaoyang hospital laboratory testing,Then the test results through the network back to the community.For those who have to patients to the hospital for examination,Community or secondary hospital send the ambulance and arrange special shuttle patients to chaoyang hospital,Chaoyang hospital will have the priority of the arrangement for its accept CT/Nuclear magnetic resonance examination,Inspection and test results with the aid of network transmission.


远程会诊 Remote consultation


大医院专家参与确诊治疗 Big hospital experts participate in diagnosis treatment


To attract community residents sick to the league first within the community health service center or secondary hospital,Chaoyang hospital will be in medical union building unified medical image information system platform,To realize the remote consultation in the league.Doctors can use this platform,Combined with some difficult critically ill patients with image inspection results,Exchange diagnosis/Therapy advice,Patients near his home in basic-level hospitals and community health service center can get from large hospital experts consultation opinion.


Chaoyang hospital will be to alliance inside the hospital for key support,Create different medical treatment and recovery characteristics.Chaoyang district, such as the second hospital main attack heart failure treatment,In the six chariot community service center set up breathing chronic disease treatment center,In the eight zhuang community service center to establish orthopaedic rehabilitation center.Chaoyang hospital experts will regularly to the league members in other units ward inspection/Home visit and consultation.Chaoyang hospital high qualification physician will also help grassroots medical institutions of medical personnel to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment;Some retired old experts will resident some community health center business guidance.


City formed hope that through the form of alliance,Let the ailment/Common diseases/Chronic diseases patients a return/Secondary hospitals and community health service center,Improve the technology level of the hospital and resources utilization;Let the big hospital in severe cases, the main difficulty rescue treatment/Professional team teaching training, etc.


大医院带社区渐成趋势 Big hospitals with community jiancheng trend


两家医院也将成立联盟 Two hospitals will also set up a league


Big hospital through the community/Medical alliance, as a form of community driven,In the city are forming trend.


The reporter understands,In addition to the chaoyang hospital,Beijing has chosen friendship hospital and millennium monument hospital as a hospital alliance of pilot units,At present the two hospitals have begun to and within the jurisdiction of 12 hospitals cooperation.For three pilot hospitals have established the medical alliance and obtained a certain after experience,This way to the promotion.


after,For individual hospital for a similar attempt.Last week,Haidian district people's hospital of Beijing university and establish medical network cooperative relationship,Multi-channel solve jurisdiction residents see a doctor difficult problem.In the future,Haidian district residents in the doorway community health service center can direct appointment to people's hospital in the next two weeks ZhuanGuHao/Ordinary number and all kinds of inspection,Premise is,Community first clinical doctors think patients is necessary to referral to people's hospital.


January will begin the ji shui tan hospital huilongguan fremantle hospital huilongguan area will also and eight community health service agencies,For these community medical personnel training/Provide expert consultation and critical referral service,Make a big hospitals and community together to do the new medical mode.


转诊可能遭遇两个瓶颈 Referral may encounter two bottleneck


社区零差率药品没大医院多 Community zero rate drug didn't big hospital more


Medical treatment is equivalent to the league in major hospitals and community room opened a two-way referral of the green channel,But the interview some old patient also worry that the concrete operation will have some details to be perfect.For example,Now chaoyang hospital is medicine separate pilot,More than 1400 kinds of partial drugs are zero sales rate,And community although zero rate policy carry out earlier,But zero rate drug kinds only more than 500.


Big hospital referral to community hospital rehabilitation of the patients use temporary not and community hospital drug cohesion,this,Medical union wants to the community hospital drug corresponding flash.


Social security department response to yesterday,Community area co., LTD.,,Pharmacy area is not too large,Therefore drug species do not like a big hospital so much,And at present community medicine catalogue basic covers all kinds of common diseases/Frequently encountered disease/Chronic disease,Just for a kind of disease drug kinds no big hospital more.


社区看病个人报销要先选定 Community doctor must first selected individuals to submit an expense account

  有患者担心转诊后的医保衔接问题。朝阳医院是医保A类定点医院,患者只要有医保卡就可以就诊,不需要事先选定,但一二级医疗机构却需要市民提前选择,办好手续才能报销。以一个心梗康复期的患者为例,在朝阳医院急救后如果需要转到社区继续住院康复,而他并没有事先选择这个社区卫生服务中心,那么费用将无法报销,这样,患者肯定不会同意转诊。而办理医保报销定点机构的选定或更改需要数天时间。对此,医疗联盟有关负责人透露,社保部门在医保报销政策等各方面将进行探索,给予朝阳医院医疗联盟支持,保证联盟内部转诊的顺畅。(记者 方芳)

After referral patients have worried about medical insurance connection.Chaoyang hospital medical insurance is A kind of fixed-point hospital,Patients as long as there is medical insurance card can see a doctor,Don't need prior selected,But it takes 12 medical institutions public choice in advance,Do good procedures can submit an expense account.With a heart attack and rehabilitation of the patients as an example,In chaoyang hospital emergency if need to turn to the community rehabilitation hospital stay,And he and without prior choose this community health service center,So fee will not be able to submit an expense account,this,Patients would never agree to referral.And to deal with medical insurance reimbursement orgnaization selected or change need a few days time.this,Medical union officials revealed,Social security department in medical insurance reimbursement policy and so on various aspects will be exploring,Give chaoyang hospital medical alliance support,Ensure that union internal referral smooth.(Reporter FangFang)
