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探访国内首家出生缺陷监测中心 陆续发现致病基因--亲稳网络舆情监测室


挑战“缺陷” 探访国内首家出生缺陷监测中心 challenge"defect" Visit the first domestic birth defects monitoring center


The incidence of birth defects in our country is about 5.6%,New Year birth defects number about 900000 cases,Which were born clinical the obvious birth defects about 250000 cases.


中心档案 Center files

  1988年 1月14日,中国出生缺陷监测领域唯一的国家级技术中心——中国出生缺陷监测中心在四川成都华西第二医院成立。创建人肖坤则教授担纲第一任主任。

On January 14, 1988,China's birth defects monitoring field the only state-level technology center - China's birth defects monitoring center in chengdu in sichuan province, west China hospital established the second.Founder XiaoKunZe professor play the first director.

  9月12日,卫生部发布 《中国出生缺陷防治报告(2012)》。

On September 12,,The ministry of health issued [China's birth defects prevention report(2012)].


This is the foundation to the country for the first time issued birth defects"White paper",The data come from west China the second hospital Chinese birth defects monitoring center.The report condensed the center 3 generation of expert more than 20 years of painstaking effort.


recently,Tianfu morning paper reporter visits the relationship with thousands of households yet little-known birth defects monitoring center.


Our biggest wish is to,The future of China no longer has a defect and sick child was born,China is no longer be such children drag poor family."


-- China's birth defects monitoring anchorman, director of the center


盲点 30年前无人能“答题” Blind spot 30 years ago, no one can"answer"


In 1981,,Former huanan west medical university is engaged in medical genetics research XiaoKunZe professor accidentally discovered a hand with fins(Medical says"And refers to")Family - the family of three generations of 10,There are 7 individual fingers with fins.Professor xiao is confirmed,This is typical of genetic diseases.


Witness the family life distress, but no money but healing,She initiation of the group genetic research ideas.Soon afterwards,A national work conference on women,A leading asked:"Every year in our country how many deformity children was born?"The presence of all the experts unexpectedly has no one to answer,This strengthened the idea of XiaoKunZe professor:China's birth defects monitoring system urgently need to establish.


In XiaoKunZe experts such as the driving and efforts,On January 14, 1988,The approval of the ministry of health,China's birth defects monitoring field the only state-level technology center - China's birth defects monitoring center in west China the second hospital was established,Founder XiaoKunZe professor play the first director.


建档 20余年艰辛填补空白 Filing more than 20 years hard to fill in the blanks


In the second, west China hospital scientific research building corner on the fifth floor,Through a not long corridor,China's birth defects monitoring center quietly located at the end of the corridor,Hanging on the wall on both sides of the various academic communication and leadership inspection the photos,At the gate hanging the sign:China's birth defects monitoring center.


This is a nearly 100 square meter big office,So big office only a few people,Was extraordinarily open."Most people are down,No matter when and where,As long as received from below a birth defect information,Our people start at any time."China's birth defects monitoring center incumbent director professor anchorman told reporters.


Office against the wall slip away the table,In apple-pie order thickly dotted layer after layer to full file bag:zhejiang/heilongjiang/henan/anhui/jiangsu/guangxi/Hunan...Each side of the file bag,All have copperplate handwritten place name,"These are only part of the file,Most of the file in the warehouse."Specific how many volume,Professor anchorman cannot accurately describe,Only know,Between 5 more than 20 square meters warehouse has piled up full to the brim.


For more than 20 years time,The center, more than 20 experienced professionals engaged in hard foundation work.East to the zhejiang fenghua,West to xinjiang shule,South to hainan sanya,North to heilongjiang five dalian pool,Footprints all over the country,Write out the domestic first part[China's birth defect map],Fill in the blank of birth defects diagnosis historical data.


采样 3万余份样本中找基因 More than 30000 samples of sampling find gene


In China's birth defects central laboratory,Has a set of the present domestic most advanced specimen reserves management system.8 sets of thermostatic controlled by computer in the refrigerator,In store for precious blood and specimen,Divided into core family(Parents and children disease)/Pathological control(Normal subjects and patients)/Everyone is.Staff as long as the input samples bar code,Can a blood sample from more than 30000 specimens and find target sample.


In the more than 30000 copies of blood and the specimen,The 150 copies of all system blood specimens of center it is more precious."Everybody system is China's unique resources,From your system for genetic disease cure genetic chance to big many,As long as the research out of the cause,Can find out the preventive measures."Said professor anchorman:But now everybody system is gradually diminishing,Protect everyone in the department of blood and specimen becomes the urgent matter of the center.


Engaged in basic research DengYing doctor told reporters,Her job is in these samples for birth defects of the cure gene,Over the years,"We have been found some pathogenic gene."


Some lead to birth defects factors then get effective intervention - 2012 start,New farmers close gradually will hemophilia/Cleft lip and palate, etc into major disease security pilot range;In 2012,,In guangxi/hainan/Yunnan and other regions Mediterranean anemia high-risk situation,The ministry of health start implementing the Mediterranean anemia prevention and control pilot project,Promoting pregnant screening/Prenatal diagnosis and comprehensive prevention and control measures...


特写>>> feature>>>


千里奔波采血样守着冰箱不敢睡觉 The blood travels by keep the refrigerator can't sleep


More than 30 years to DengYing blood specimen collection of hard favorite memories.


In 2007, just after the Spring Festival,China's birth defects from henan center a hospital doctor telephone call,Say received a more than 50 years old of the patients,All over abscess,Cut and long,Constantly repeated,The patient told the doctor,Home and others have the same symptoms.The local doctors diagnosed with multiple sebaceous glands cyst,This is a genetic disease,Inheritance is one of birth defects.


DengYing and 20 years of age, LiMingRong was ordered to set out immediately,The two girls with can hold 80 a blood sample portable refrigerator/Ice packs/Disposable syringe/vacutainer/Questionnaires and a lot of work equipment,10 o 'clock in the morning to zhengzhou,Then sit pak-china to hebi city,Patients and their relatives on a car DengYing since they call out the name of four-wheel trucks received them,11 points to the XianShang,The patient's home is in the countryside,Truck can not open the past,And transfer tractor,1 PM after finally turbulence to patients at home."Only to know that this family has more than 50 people,This blood samples for us is too dear!Such collective pathogenetic everybody system has rarely!"Two girls too late to rest immediately start collecting blood samples,Have been busy until 5 p.m. over.Some people tell their,The family have a more than 30 year old brother didn't come,He for the same disease has been serious infection can't the earth."Blood must try to complete collection."DengYing and LiMingRong and take their equipment,To climb up the tractor,8 PM finally jolt to patient's home,Immediately the dim light collected blood samples.

  晚上11点过,两个女孩抱着血样住进村上的小旅馆,小冰箱接上电源才发现,这里的电压极不稳定,随时跳闸,而冰箱的温度必须保持恒温。邓莹和李明蓉不敢睡觉了,两人守着冰箱,一跳闸就跑到门外拉闸……“研究和临床不一样,带有探索性,很曲折,很漫长。”邓莹说,自己感到骄傲的是,实验室已经根据采集到的血样和标本,发现了一些出生缺陷的致病基因。(记者 杨丹 摄影 方炜)

After 11 PM,Two girls hold blood into the village to live in a small hotel,Small refrigerator connected to the power source discovered,The voltage is unstable,Always trip,And refrigerator temperature must be kept constant temperature.DengYing and LiMingRong dare not sleep,Two people keep the refrigerator,A trip is run to the outside of the door switch out..."Research and clinical is not the same,With exploratory,Very twists and turns,A long."DengYing said,Feel very proud of myself is,The laboratory has according to the collected blood samples and specimen,Found some birth defects of virulence genes.(Reporter Yang photography FangHui)


出生缺陷 Birth defects

  出生缺陷通常包括先天畸形、染色体异常、遗传代谢性疾病、功能异常如盲、聋和智力障碍等。目前已知的至 少 有 8000-10000种,先天性心脏病、多指(趾)、唇裂伴或不伴腭裂、神经管缺陷、先天性脑积水等10类疾病是我国围产儿前10位的高发畸形。

Birth defects often include congenital malformation/Chromosome abnormality/Genetic metabolic disease/Dysfunction such as blind/Deafness and mental retardation, etc.At present known to have less 8000-10000,Congenital heart disease/Many refers to(toe)/Cleft lip with or not with cleft palate/Neural tube defects/Congenital hydrocephalus, and other 10 diseases is our country perinatal infants dead before ten high-risk deformity.


出生缺陷监测 Birth defects monitoring


Refers to the long-term/continuous/System to collect a crowd of birth defects related material,And the collection of data sorting/analysis/Feedback and use process.Through the monitoring,Can obtain countries or regions birth defects of the disease level/Timely recognition birth defect prevalence of abnormal changes/Provide the distribution features of the birth defects and the relevant risk factors clues,For related health policies/Medical and health resources allocation to provide basis.(Yang)
