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This city to establish medical quality and safety warning system of conversation,Appear six types error accident or hidden danger will be"Warned conversation".


The municipal bureau of health, today is strictly strengthen medical quality safety management,issued[The Shanghai medical quality and safety warning conversation detailed rules for the implementation of the system]Reported to the media,Says the of all kinds of medical institutions at all levels in case of the following six kinds of circumstances shall,According to the law in accordance with the gauge is investigated at the same time,The principal person in charge of the hospital will be forced to attend"Warned conversation"--

  ■ 发生一级、二级医疗事故并承担完全责任的;

S happened level/Secondary medical accident and take full responsibility;

  ■ 发生错报或漏报辅助检查结果、擅离职守等情况,并造成相当于二级以上医疗事故负主要责任的;

S happened misstatement or omission of auxiliary examination results/Absent without leave, etc,And cause is equivalent to level 2 above medical accident should bear the primary responsibility;

  ■ 发生造成3人以上死亡或残疾、器官组织损伤或其他人身损害后果的;

S happening causes more than three people death or disability/Organ tissue damage or other damage consequences;

  ■ 发生校验期为1年的医疗机构,其不良执业行为记分累积超过10分的;校验期为3年的医疗机构, 其不良执业行为3年记分累积超过30分的;

S happened check period for one year of medical institutions,The bad practice behavior score accumulated more than 10 points;Check period for 3 years of medical institutions, The bad practice behavior 3 years scoring accumulated more than 30 points;

  ■ 发生造成较大社会不良影响医疗质量安全事件的;

S happening causes greater social bad influence medical quality and safety of the event;

  ■ 发生存在严重医疗质量安全隐患的。

S happened there is serious medical quality hidden trouble.

  市卫生局强调,凡谈话对象无故不参加告诫谈话的,卫生行政部门要予以通报批评,且3年内不得受理该医疗机构等级评审和各项评优申请。医疗机构经告诫谈话后未及时进行整改或整改措施不到位的,负责告诫谈话的卫生行政部门要予以批评教育并督促改正。(记者 施捷 特约通讯员 宋国梵)

Emphasizes the municipal bureau of health,All the talking object for no reason not to talk to,The public health administrative departments should be criticized,And three years shall not accept the medical institution level evaluation and various assessment application.Medical institutions to the conversation not after it timely corrective actions or incomplete,Responsible for talking to the administrative department of health education to be criticism and supervise the correction.(Reporter ShiJie stringer song brahman)
