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医院开设“夜间门诊” 患者大多不知--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Hospital set up"Night outpatient service"Is not what's new,Since the 1980 s,The national have hospital has started to carry out the measures for the convenience:Will clinic area extended two or three hours.However until today,"Night outpatient service"In the common people"awareness"Still is not very high.[Life times]A joint sina health channel to a survey,Half the people don't know how"Night outpatient service",95% of the people had never seen"Night outpatient service"."Night outpatient service"Can really bring you convenience?Recently, reporters for hospitals to carry on the investigation.


On November 7, 5 o 'clock in the afternoon,Reporters at the Beijing union medical college hospital see,see"Night outpatient service"Of the patients is not much,Waiting the hall is very quiet.Close to half past five,A lady just work to address,But staff said,Day night outpatient service number would have gone.A middle-aged woman waiting told reporters,If you want to hang the union medical college hospital"Night outpatient service"number,Must advance three days to queue.Nov. 7, no.,Is she on November 4 to 3 PM,Exhaust for three hours team to hang the.Indeed as expected,Night around 7:30,Reporters saw registry already have more than 20 people are beginning to line up.A lady told reporters,These people are in row 8 began to hang 13, and night special outpatient number.


however,Not all hospital"Night outpatient service"Number are such as union medical college hospital is as difficult as to hang.Reporter in the sino-japanese friendship hospital and Beijing university of Chinese medicine dongzhimen hospital found that,Queue hang"Night outpatient service"No person is not much,About 5 minutes can hang number,Waiting time is not long.Dongzhimen hospital in,Reporters from the queue to hang encephalopathy families"Night outpatient service"number,To finish see disease,It took a total of more than 20 minutes.


Reporter survey found,In addition to the registered,In the outpatient expenses/Open department and inspection project, etc,The same"Night outpatient service",In different hospitals have very different.


a/For most special number,Individual hospital has ordinary number.Beijing union medical college hospital/Tongren hospital/Beijing hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, etc"Night outpatient service"Are special number,But the,Beijing union medical college hospital"Night outpatient service"The special consultation clinic registration fee for the day price half.The sino-japanese friendship hospital and dongzhimen hospital both ordinary number,Also have ZhuanGuHao,But dongzhimen hospital of ordinary number only"Massage department"This department.


two/open"Night outpatient service"Department of different.The sino-japanese friendship hospital/Dongzhimen hospital opened and almost all of the department of outpatient service at night,But only Peking union medical college hospital opened endocrinology/Digestive department and li rheumatism lead, etc JiuZhenLiang long-term big department.


three/Some hospitals can do check.In the sino-japanese friendship hospital,In addition to fasting blood tests and examination need the second day to do outside,The night can outpatient service in the urine/Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/B to exceed/CT examination such as,Basically the day can take the results.Union medical college hospital are not checked,Patients need the second day take the doctor on the checklist to see a doctor again.


for"Night outpatient service"Situation of,Although the Beijing hospital of traditional Chinese medicine clinic director WeiXiaoLi said,"Opening night outpatient service less than a month,Accepts quantity has about 800 people,Popular is far more than imagination."But also some people worried about,The sino-japanese friendship hospital, vice President of the PengMingJiang was pointed out,The hospital MenZhenLiang every night to 400 people,Ability and more than 200 health workers in the same operating revenues and expenditures.Operation cost is too high/Pathogenic too little,Lead to the hospital"Night outpatient service"Set of different.

  很多患者不知道医院开设“夜间门诊”,是造成病源少的一个重要原因,医院对此也做了很多努力。东直门医院社会工作部于主任表示,他们医院曾采取把信息挂到网站上、在医院大厅公示等多种办法。目前,该院“夜间门诊”的出诊量在不断提升,已经占到全天门诊量的4%。(李 迪  曹 洋)

Many people don't know the hospital opened"Night outpatient service",Is a less pathogenic an important reason,The hospital has also made a lot of effort.Dongzhimen hospital, director of the department of social work has to say,They have taken to hospital information on the website/In the hospital hall public and so on the many kinds of measures.At present,hospital"Night outpatient service"The home visit quantity is rising,Has accounted for 4% of the MenZhenLiang all day.(Li di  Cao the)
