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  没时间缺场地 民调显示仅26.8%受访者经常运动 Don't have time to lack of site polls show that only 26.8% of respondents were regular exercise

  专家指出,全民健身事关国家兴衰,必须从国家战略高度加以重视 Experts point out that,National fitness for the country's rise and decline,From the national strategic height must be taken seriously

  “国人特别是青少年远离运动、身体素质下降,主要原因在于当前教育观念的偏离。” 华南师范大学体育科学学院教授谭建湘指出,现在全社会只关心青少年的学习成绩、升学率,很少关心孩子的运动。这种观念不改变,我们的体质只会一代不如一代。

"People, especially the young people away from movement/Physical quality decline,The main reason is that the current education idea deviation." South China normal university sports science college professor TanJianXiang pointed out,Now the whole society only care about teenagers study result/Graduation rates,Little concern for children's sports.This kind of idea don't change,Our bodies will only generation as a generation.


According to media reports,Central China university of science and technology held this year autumn sports meeting,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m two project is missing.Officials said,These two projects on students' physical demand is higher,Cancel they are in order to avoid the injured students.More than is central China university of science and technology,Search the web for it is not hard to find,In the national many colleges and primary and middle schools,Long distance running and physical strength consumption projects has been quietly cancel.The news caused the whole society again for adolescents constitution the high attention.


Nowadays the students lack of exercise more.The ministry of health issued August this year["China's 2020 health"Strategy research report]display,Our country residents aged 18 years or over 83.8% never participate in exercise,Often exercise(Take exercise every week 3 times or more,At least 10 minutes each time)Only 11.9% of the people.this,Many people confused,What factors make compatriots from motion more and more far?


Last week,The China youth daily social survey center through the public opinion China and sina,对2050人进行of一项在线Investigation shows that,仅26.8%of受访者表示自己经常movement,60.5%of受访者表示偶尔movement,11.1%of受访者表示从不movement.



  刚入职场的年轻人、中年人与中小学生是最缺乏运动的三大群体 刚入职场of年轻人/中年人and中小学生是最缺乏movementof三大群体






大病初愈,方先生对于锻炼有了全新认识.现在,他每天早上都会跑步,每周也会抽时间和朋友打打羽毛球.可谈到还在上幼儿园of儿子时,他又是一脸惆怅,"现在of小孩整天待在家里备受呵护,身体越来越弱.我也想过带他出去爬树/玩泥巴/Catch dragonflies,But find it is difficult to find out can play around the place.Really worry about their generation body quality worse and worse!"


For now, students' physique difference,In shandong LeLing a junior middle school teacher miss guo emotionally.He told reporters,Now a in the winter,A class as long as there is a two people catch a cold,A few days later will have a dozen or more students were infected,More than half of the students ask for leave,Class on can't.But this kind of situation in five or six years ago almost rarely appears.


"Students' constitution worse and worse,Largely because they are lack of physical exercise."Miss guo said,In their school,Physical education is just outside the literacy class"Snort class",Sports facilities difference/Sports teacher is not enough,A lot of physical education is completely"Sheep type"of,Students don't have professional guidance and system training."Even so,It in the schedule is also rare.month/There is only one lesson a week students,45 minutes,Grade students at no."

  56.8%的受访者坦言身边没有方便使用的体育运动设施 56.8% of respondents said there were no convenient use of sports facilities


What make compatriots from motion more and more far?Investigation shows that,Was the highest rate of the two reasons are respectively"Work or study nervous,Don't have time for exercise"(76.1%)and"Sports place less"(66.4%).The other reason is in turn:"Exercise place fees are high"(59.0%),"movement/Fitness facilities not perfect"(58.8%),"Lack of exercise consciousness"(50.3%),"Parents of teenagers lack of exercise habit training"(45.1%),"Lack of exercise partner"(32.3%)等.


Beijing normal university physical education and sports, dean of the college of MaoZhenMing think,Now people, especially the young people to participate in physical exercise less and less,There are three major reasons:First of all,Modern way of life itself will make many people stay away from sports.For example for children,computer/Mobile phone appeal is too big,They find it hard to mention to sports interest.secondly,Many parents dote on children,Always worry to participate in physical activities will hurt the children.There is even some parents claim,Would rather let children have been sitting,Also can't let children sports injury.finally,Many of the physical education class at school are lack of interest,As a filter,Will most children are filtered to don't like sports that side.

  “国人特别是青少年远离运动、身体素质下降,主要原因在于当前教育观念的偏离。” 华南师范大学体育科学学院教授谭建湘指出,现在全社会只关心青少年的学习成绩、升学率,很少关心孩子的运动。这种观念不改变,我们的体质只会一代不如一代。

"People, especially the young people away from movement/Physical quality decline,The main reason is that the current education idea deviation." South China normal university sports science college professor TanJianXiang pointed out,Now the whole society only care about teenagers study result/Graduation rates,Little concern for children's sports.This kind of idea don't change,Our bodies will only generation as a generation.


It is important to note that,Many respondents will exercise less due to the lack of sports venues and facilities.56.8% of respondents said,There were no for their ease of use of sports facilities.


"We are not lack of sports venues,But the existing site has not been fully used."MaoZhenMing told reporters,China can be said to be the world sports training facilities in one of the best conditions.However, we in the construction of sports venues/Facilities of,Often only pursues big,All across the country want to build the bird's nest/Water cube,For mass/The public sports facilities construction investment is insufficient.Many large venues built after good rather than the waste,Don't open to the public.This will lead to many public feeling side not suitable for their own sports facilities.

  74.7%的人表示全民健身推进成果应该作为考核体育行政管理部门的最重要标准 74.7% said the national fitness propulsion results should be an examination of the administrative department of sports is the most important standard


"National fitness can not only pay attention to form,Should and common people's education/Combining way of life."TanJianXiang pointed out that,The current some places in the implementation of the national fitness,There is a very bad tendency,Always like to organize some gingerbread large mass sports activities,How busy with activity/How many hair suit/Organized many people play taijiquan and puzzling index,To measure the fitness promotion results.

  “要让国人积极参与到体育锻炼中,除了要改变当前以应试教育为主的教育观念,还应该将全民健身落到实处,给老百姓提供方便参与的体育锻炼机会、方便使用的体育运动设施。” 谭建湘说。

"To make Chinese people participate in the physical training,In addition to change the current examination-oriented education to give priority to the education idea,Should also will follwing the national fitness,To provide convenient people to participate in physical exercise opportunity/Ease of use of sports facilities." TanJianXiang said.


"People generally lack of exercise the reality of the situation has produced evil consequence."MaoZhenMing pointed out that,Many organizations detection are reflected,Now China's young generation physical deterioration is very serious,National conscription work in medical percent of pass is to drop year by year."National fitness for the country's rise and decline,From the national strategic height must be taken seriously,Let not the playgame."


He suggested that,For the national fitness,Should not stay in the call level,Should formulate the national level strategic,And with strong implementation.For example,Should the national fitness will be the actual effect/Adolescents constitution change level objective standard,As evaluation related department's first rigid index,To change the current sports development performance evaluation model.

  调查显示,毛振明的建议得到了大多数受访者的认同。74.7%的受访者表示,全民健身的推进成果应该作为考核体育行政管理部门的最重要标准。本报记者 向楠

Investigation shows that,MaoZhenMing proposal got most of the respondents were recognized.74.7% of respondents said,The advancement of the national fitness results should be an examination of the administrative department of sports is the most important standard.Our newspaper reporter to nan
