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December 1st is a 25"World AIDS day",Propaganda theme is still"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS".yesterday,AIDS do anhui provincial government/Anhui province health department issued AIDS comprehensive prevention and control work.As of October 31,,The accumulated report of AIDS virus infection/patient 8352 examples,The 6014 cases of HIV/AIDS patients,Receiving death report 2187 cases.In recent years,The new report found that HIV infections in patients with/through sexual transmitted in the proportion of the fast rising trend,Infections mainly young give priority to.


“病情” "condition"


新患者多因“性”染病 New patient because"sex"disease

  “只要一伸胳膊,就能挣五十块钱”,这条卖血的“生财之路”曾让艾滋病毒悄然侵蚀着无数感染者的身体。 “我省自1994年底发现首例艾滋病病毒感染和艾滋病病人以来,截至2012年10月31日,全省累计报告HIV感染者/病人8352例,其中艾滋病病人6014例,收到死亡报告2187例。 ”据省卫生厅疾控局局长罗要武介绍,目前艾滋病疫情已涉及全省16个市,104个县(市、区),但总体上我省艾滋病仍呈低流行态势。

"As long as a stretched out arm,Can make fifty dollars",It sells blood"Brings wealth road"Once let the AIDS virus quietly erosion innumerable infected body. "Since the end of 1994 found in our province first AIDS virus infection and AIDS since the patient,By the end of 2012 on October 31,,The accumulated report HIV/patient 8352 examples,The 6014 cases of HIV/AIDS patients,Receiving death report 2187 cases. "According to the provincial health bureau for disease control director luo to WuJieShao,At present HIV/AIDS epidemic situation have been involved in the whole province 16 city,104 counties(city/area),But on the whole our province AIDS is still low popular trend.


Sexually transmitted/Blood spread and maternal transmission is the spread of HIV/AIDS three ways,7 to 10 years ago,Our province more than 80% of people infected with HIV/patient is through the blood spread the infection virus.Along with the advancement of free blood donation work,Blood transmission way has been controlled effectively.ROM. To wu said,At present the most main is sexually transmitted,Every year new cases of HIV/AIDS in our province,60% to 70% are through the sexually transmitted.


“预防针” "Flu shot"


70哨点监测高危人群 70 shao point monitoring high-risk groups


At present,The province has established AIDS corroboration center laboratory 1,Laboratory confirmed 17,AIDS screening center laboratory 17,AIDS screening laboratory 269,The province has voluntary counseling monitoring point 406,Has basically formed covering the whole province AIDS testing network.Statistics show,The first 10 months of this year,The accumulated report all kinds of the crowd detection number 2480870 people,The major for preoperative examination/Pregnant period inspection/Voluntary blood donation population/Venereal outpatient service and other voluntary testing carried out the test.In addition,Our province has also established a 70 AIDS shao point monitoring point,Observed respectively on/Male homosexuals/Drug users and other kind of AIDS high-risk groups and focus on the major populations who carry out monitoring.

  母婴传播是艾滋病毒传播的重要途径之一,对此,我省还扩大预防母婴传播覆盖面,有效减少新生儿感染。省卫生厅表示,今年1至9月,我省512305名孕产妇中, 467250人接受了HIV检测和咨询,检测率为91.21%。全省共计发现HIV阳性育龄妇女56例,其中孕产妇49例,终止妊娠12例,继续妊娠37例,继续妊娠的孕产妇中抗病毒药物应用 率为64.8%。继续妊娠的产妇共分娩活产儿23人,其中22人应用了抗病毒药物并人工喂养,抗病毒药物应用率和人工喂养率为95.65%。

Maternal transmission is the transmission of HIV is one of the most important ways,this,Our province also expand prevent mother-to-child transmission coverage,Effectively reduce neonatal infection.Province health department said,1 to September this year,Our province in 512305 the maternal, 467250 people accept the HIV testing and counselling,Detection rate was 91.21%.The total found that HIV positive women of child-bearing age 56 cases,Among them the maternal in 49 cases,Termination of pregnancy in 12 cases,Continue to 37 cases of pregnancy,Continue to maternal pregnancy in antiviral drugs application rate was 64.8%.Continue to pregnancy maternity common obstetric live births 23 people,The 22 people applied the antiviral drugs and artificial feeding,Antiviral drugs utility ratio and artificial feeding rate was 95.65%.


“疗效” "Curative effect"


9年间病死率下降5/6 9 years mortality decline 5/6


Since 2008,Our province CDC for four consecutive years won the Chinese issued by the centers for disease control and prevention"The AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient management quality prize"and"AIDS antiviral treatment work quality prize"Two of the awards,The AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient management work has been in the national front row.

  “目前我们在市、县、乡三级医疗机构已建立抗病毒治疗点120余个,通过不断完善家庭治疗和社区治疗服务网络,加强对感染者和病人的定期检测,为病人提供了及时、规范的治疗服务。 ”罗要武公布了这样一组统计数据:自2003年以来,截至今年10月底,全省累计接受抗病毒治疗的艾滋病病人5269人,正在接受治疗的病人为4301人。“我省艾滋病抗病毒治疗五年治疗存活率达到76%,病死率由开展抗病毒治疗之前的30/100人年下降并维持在4~5/100人年。通过免费抗病毒治疗有效地降低了我省HIV/AIDS的发病率和死亡率,延长了患者的生命,明显提高了他们的生活质量。 ”

"At present, we in the city/county/Township level 3 medical institutions established antiviral treatment more than 120 points,Through the perfect family therapy and community treatment service network,Strengthen the infection and the patient's regular testing,Provides patients with timely/Standard of care service. "ROM. To wu announced a group of such statistical data:Since 2003,By the end of October this year,The accumulated receive antiviral treatment of AIDS patient 5269 people,Is undergoing treatment for 4301 patients."Our province AIDS antiviral treatment five years of treatment in survival rate reached 76%,Mortality in antiviral treatment by 30/100 of the people before the year down and maintain in 4 ~ 5/100 year.Through the free arv treatment to effectively reduce the recent HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality,Extended the life of the patients,Obviously improved their quality of life. "


新闻附件 News attachment


我国去年因“艾”致死2.8万人 Last year in China because of"ai"Killed 28000 people

  中国CDC估计,截至2011年底,我国存活HIV携带者及艾滋病患者约78万人,全年新发感染者4.8万人,死亡2.8万人;疫情已覆盖全国所有省、自治区、直辖市。(安徽商报 郑慧)

China CDC estimates,By the end of 2011,Our country live HIV carriers and AIDS patients of about 780000 people,The new hair infected 48000 people,28000 people were killed;Epidemic has covered all the provinces/Autonomous region/Municipality directly under the.(Anhui business newspaper ZhengHui)
