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  “男子就医遭拒 隐瞒‘艾滋’做手术”追踪 "The man doctor turned away to hide‘AIDS’surgery"tracking

  据卫生部网站消息 11月21日,有媒体报道携带艾滋病病毒的肺癌患者求医遭拒,私改病历隐瞒病情接受手术。中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强看到新闻报道后十分关心,立即专门给卫生部主要负责同志打电话,要求卫生部门采取切实措施,既要保障艾滋病病人接受医疗救治的权利,不得歧视,又要保障接触救治艾滋病病人的医务人员自身安全。

According to the health ministry's website reported on November 21,Media reports with HIV/AIDS of lung cancer patients healed rejected,SiGai medical records to hide the illness surgery.The central political bureau standing committee/Vice premier li keqiang after see news reports are very much concerned about,Immediately to the ministry of health in mainly responsible for comrades make a phone call,Request health departments to take effective measures,Should not only safeguard AIDS patient accept the right to medical treatment,Shall not discriminate against,And to ensure contact treatment of AIDS patients medical staff its own security.


On November 18, 2011,Li keqiang presided the state council working committee plenary meeting the prevention and control of AIDS,And to the Beijing investigation research prevention and control of HIV/AIDS situation.He stressed that,Want to insist to treat according to law/science/comprehensive/Orderly on prevention and treatment of AIDS,More care for HIV/AIDS patients,Take more active effective measures,Continue to play this tough sell and a protracted war.

  - 对话 - dialogue

  中国疾控中心性病艾滋病中心主任吴尊友 The Chinese CDC venereal disease AIDS center director wu zun friend

  “拒诊对感染者打击非常大” "Rejected blow to infections is very big"


According to the small peak conceal infected with HIV and the surgery,The Chinese CDC venereal disease AIDS center director wu zun friend yesterday when accepting a reporter to interview said,Various medical institutions should be people infected with HIV with equal suit medical services.


我国法规早明确不得拒诊 Our country regulations early clear shall not be rejected


The Beijing news:Our country people infected with HIV clinic difficult,Push by hospitals from,Is a common condition or case?


Wu zun friend:People infected with HIV clinic was rejected,In our country is not common.But this progression I blow still very large.


The Beijing news:Does the country have related laws and regulations?


Wu zun friend:In 2006, the state council promulgated the is[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control],Article 41 the clear:Medical institutions must not see a doctor because patients infected with the virus that causes AIDS or HIV/AIDS patients,Shuffle or refuse to the other disease treatment.


The Beijing news:Areas which/Which hospital push rejected the people infected with HIV situation is more serious?


Wu zun friend:(AIDS)Epidemic serious place,Medical institutions to infected more forgiving.Epidemic lighter place,The infectious disease hospital medical personnel to diagnosis and treatment of infection,There may be fear or pressure.In yunnan/guangxi(AIDS)Epidemic more serious place,The vast majority of medical institutions will provide equal for infections medical services.


The Beijing news:More infections in fixed-point hospital to solve all of your body disorders.Beijing in infectious disease hospital to general hospital development."Point treatment"Is unfavorable to eliminate discrimination against AIDS?


Wu zun friend:In what hospital treatment,First of all to give priority to with convenient patients.Fixed-point hospital not to the sick people infected with HIV in isolation.It is mainly for infections(patients)Provide antiviral therapy and resistance to opportunity infection therapy.


But people infected with HIV(patients)Also ordinary people,They will also suffer from other diseases,therefore,In the long run,Various medical institutions should be people infected with HIV with equal suit medical services.


医护人员压力非常大 Medical staff pressure is very big


The Beijing news:Many ordinary medical staff,Also it is difficult to equal treatment in patients with HIV/AIDS,why?


Wu zun friend:A lot of things,Is not one of them can't realize the"difficult".Clinical doctors and nurses to contact with blood/humoral,And sharp medical appliance,And the AIDS virus carriers contact,At higher risk of infection,Indeed many times greater than the ordinary industry.


Although I said,It is not a world in diagnosis and treatment process,Medical staff infection of HIV/AIDS situation.But our country takes place every year after diagnosis and treatment in cases of people infected with HIV during occupational exposures,Each case after the incident,(Were exposed)Medical personnel to physical and mental pressure,Is very big.They are within a few months,With his family to isolation,To take to prevent infection of drugs,Is only the side effects of the drug,Is the ordinary people it's hard to imagine.


Of course,As HIV/AIDS prevention and control workers,We hope that more medical institutions/Medical staff to a correct understanding of AIDS,For infections(patients)With equal service;At the same time also hope to infections(patients)To see a doctor said when his physical condition,Remind the medical staff do protection.
