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Small Yi in training the sweat profusely,Stab sword as clever as grass snake,He has an enviable sports talent,Just 14 years old already grow up to one meter 82.Who have not found the malignant tumor slipped into small Yi right leg.Next year Yi had little hope appeared in liaoning province sports arena,But he fell in the life the first pass,Disease crushed his fencing dream.A year and a half ago,ShiHua from children do the colon cancer surgery,Before the children she choose to be strong.After a year and a half Yi son fell ill,A family of four two cancer,ShiHua once again faced with a choice.In refused to treat kindly sign of that moment,ShiHua very clear she wants to put raw opportunities to son.


他原本有希望在明年参加省运动会 He used to have hope in the next year to save games


Three years ago,Small Yi also read in primary school,A fencing coach to school when choose seedlings at a glance took a fancy to him.From a professional point of view,Small Yi figure is almost born for fencing,This year has just turned 14 years old has grown to 182 cm,More rare is his arm that show up to 185 cm.


Small Yi for 3 years of fencing training,It is on the team the number three main."The child special sensible,honest,We all like him."JiJianDui meng guide told reporters,Small Yi is foil group of players,There are about more than ten teammates,He is the team training the most hard one of the children,Every day thousands of times step by step/Splitting the sword and large amount of exercise practice,Three years has never stopped.

  如果一切顺利,小轶也许会成为一名专业运动员,他的身体还在发育,谁也无法预测他未来会走多远。“我们是大连唯一一支有资格参加省级比赛的队伍。 ”孟导说,击剑队明年将参加辽宁省运动会,在这个平台上,孩子们将受到更专业的考查,面临着晋升到省队甚至国家预备队的机会。

If all goes well,Small Yi may become a professional athlete,His body is still in development,No one can predict how far he will be in the future."We are the only team dalian provincial competitions are eligible to participate in the team. "Meng guide said,JiJianDui will take part in the sports meeting next year in liaoning province,In this platform,The children will be more professional testing,Facing the promotion to ShengDui even national reserve opportunities.

  为了练剑,小轶付出了很多同龄孩子所无法体会的辛苦。“儿子平时在学校学习,每周五到队里训练,周末就住在队上。 ”石华说,儿子很要强,很少和她抱怨,今年5月发病时,腿肿得走路都一瘸一拐了,还咬牙坚持训练。

In order to practice sword,Small Yi pay a lot of age child is unable to realize of hard."Son at ordinary times in the school,Every Friday to the team training,The weekend will dwell in the team. "ShiHua said,Son is very strong,Little and she complained,In may this year when disease,Leg swollen have to walk all the limping,Also grind adhere to the training.


想起儿子忍剧痛练习妈妈心如刀绞 Remember son endure pain practice XinRuDaoJiao mother

  今年5月开始,小轶感觉右腿膝盖附近疼痛难忍,石华带儿子检查过却没有发现异常,她以为孩子腿上的肿块是训练造成的肌肉拉伤,带儿子四处做按摩和理疗。“那时疼得晚上睡不着觉,他都不说,我还以为他晚上偷看小说没睡好。 ”石华不敢回想儿子的样子,她心如刀绞。

In may this year began to,Small Yi feel near the right knee is so painful,ShiHua belt son checked but found no exception,She thought the child on the leg bump is training cause muscle strain,Take my son around do massage and therapy."Then it hurt so much to sleep at night,He did not say,I thought he night peek novel didn't sleep well. "ShiHua can't recall the appearance of the son,She XinRuDaoJiao.

  今年暑假,她为此事还训了儿子一顿。“那天早上他拉着我的手,哭得眼睛通红,央求我说不去训练。 ”石华当时却以为儿子偷懒,狠狠地训了小轶,最后小轶爸爸从工地回来,硬把孩子送到队上。

This summer,She is still on the matter son a lesson."That morning he took my hand,Cry eyes red,Begged me not to training. "ShiHua was thought son lazy,Tied into small Yi,Finally, little Yi dad came back from the construction site,Hard to send their child to team.


Until September 25 ShiHua do check colon cancer surgery,By the way to the small Yi checked.The doctor in consultation 3 hours later told the results,Small Yi right leg femur is suspected malignant tumor.Only think ShiHua blacked out,Nearly collapsed on the ground.then,Both the husband and wife and the children go to Beijing ji shui tan hospital inspection,The results confirmed that the little Yi had"Right femoral bone sarcoma".

  “他不但要承受疼痛,平时我们俩和教练也对他要求很严,他心理压力特别大。”提起这些事,石华泪如雨下,“腿不那么疼时,他还说要好好训练,给我们拿一块金牌。”石华一直无法原谅自己,“他从来不抱怨,到现在也不说,他越是这样,我心里越难受。 ”

"He not only to endure pain,Normally the two of us and the manager also are very strict to him,He psychological pressure particularly big."Mention these things,ShiHua a rain of tears,"Not so painful leg when,He also said to have a good training,We have a gold medal."ShiHua has been unable to forgive yourself,"He never complained,To now also don't say,The more he tried so,My heart is sad. "


一家四口两人患癌面临最难的生命抉择 A family of four two cancer face the most difficult life choices

  “我儿子的大腿骨几乎都酥了,如果不小心,一下就会折断,那样就一点希望都没有了。 ”石华说。

"My son's femur almost all the cake,If you don't care,It will break,It is even a little hope all have no. "ShiHua said.


From October to now have done three times chemotherapy,The doctor said the cancer cells has not been developed to the lungs,If the operation is the removal of diseased femur,And the hope of live.ShiHua said,My husband was in Beijing with his son to see a doctor,Just more than two months has spent 160000 yuan,The husband can only in the hospital on the floor to son,Usually eat small Yi leftovers leftovers,More is noodles mixed soy sauce on.

  不久前,石华从北京回来筹集钱款,可相熟的亲友都借遍了,她实在找不到出路。“一家四口人,两个得了癌症。 ”石华说,去年她查出了结肠癌,手术治疗就花掉20万积蓄,连刚上大学的女儿也申请了助学贷款,平时勤工俭学帮衬家里。如今家里已无力承担小轶和她的治疗。妈妈还是儿子,家人面临着一次生命抉择。

Not long ago,ShiHua back from Beijing to raise money,But familiar friends have borrowed time,She can find a way out."A four mouth people,The two had cancer. "ShiHua said,Last year, she found out the colon cancer,Surgery will cost 200000 savings,Even just the university's daughter also apply for a student loan,Usually part-work and part-study system that home.Now home has not been able to take small Yi and her treatment.Mother or son,The family is faced to a life choice.


妈妈拒绝治疗即使只有一年生命也没犹豫 Mother refused to treat even if only one year life also didn't hesitate

  去年2月,刚过完春节,石华被确诊为结肠溃疡型低分化腺癌并黏膜腺癌,她瞒着儿子偷偷做了手术,懂事的小轶发现了妈妈的秘密。一天,小轶挽着妈妈的手,试探地问石华为何总去医院打针。“我糊弄他没啥事,可他注意到我胳膊上做化疗下的导管。 ”石华说,儿子一声不吭进屋了,“我还以为骗过去了,谁知他是上网查资料去了。 ”过了一会儿,儿子回来紧挨着妈妈坐下,突然眼圈发红,哭着嘱咐妈妈多吃些薏米,有助于结肠癌治疗。石华心里又发酸又欣慰,心疼地搂着儿子。

Last February,Just after the Spring Festival,ShiHua was diagnosed with colon ulcer type poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and mucous membrane gland carcinoma,Her son from secretly to do the surgery,Sensible little Yi discovered the secret of the mother.One day,Small Yi in the mother's hand,Tempted to ask ShiHua why always went to the hospital to give or take an injection."I deceive he didn't what matter,But he noticed on my arm for chemotherapy of catheter. "ShiHua said,Son entered the room without a word,"I thought the cheat in the past,But he is to check the Internet. "After a while,Son come back next to my mother to sit down,Suddenly red eye,Crying charged mother eat more YiMi,Help to colon cancer treatment.ShiHua heart and sour and gratified,Love to hug son.

  在儿子面前,石华选择坚强,她不愿让儿子担心她的病。“小轶得病后,我们一直瞒着他。 ”石华说,其实孩子已经察觉出来了,“他特别单纯,还以为切除肿瘤就会好起来。 ”石华说,医生表示,小轶的膝盖和股骨都需要更换,如果严重还可能会截肢,而手术的费用仍需几十万。

The sons,ShiHua choose strong,She doesn't want to let the son concerned about her illness."Small Yi after they get the disease,We have been from him. "ShiHua said,In fact the child have perceived out,"He was particularly simple,Thought to remove the tumor will be better. "ShiHua said,Doctors say,Small Yi knee and femoral need replacement,If serious may amputation,And the cost of the operation still need hundreds of thousands of.


After he comes back from Beijing,ShiHua first thing is to go to a hospital in refused to treat kindly sign,She has been late colon cancer,The doctor remind her if the disease is sustainable development,She may be only a year of life,But she did not hesitate.

  如果您愿意帮助石华母子,请拨打15566842903与石华联系。(半岛晨报 首席记者王博文实习生赵晓璐)

If you are willing to help ShiHua mother and child,Please call 15566842903 and ShiHua contact.(Peninsula morning chief reporter WangBoWen ZhaoXiaoLu interns)
