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大雪节气宜“进补”养生 去寒保暖早睡迟起--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网12月7日电 今天是农历二十四节气中的“大雪”。由于近期冷空气的频繁侵袭,中国北方地区都经历了较明显的大风降温过程,多地气温比常年同期偏低。空气湿度低、早晚温差大是大雪时节的主要特点,应注意添加衣服,减少和避免呼吸系统疾病的发生,心脑血管病人更要时刻注意天气变化。从中医养生的角度看,大雪已到了“进补”的大好时节,可通过养精神、调饮食、练形体、慎房事、适温寒等综合调养达到强身益寿的目的。不过专家也同时提醒,进补要悠着点,防止补过了。

December 7, today is the lunar 24 solar terms"snow".Due to the recent cold air of frequent attacks,In the northern region of China have experienced more apparent wind cooling process,More than the same period the year low.Air humidity is low/Morning and evening temperature difference is the main characteristics of snow season,Should pay attention to add clothes,To reduce and avoid the occurrence of respiratory system disease,Cerebrovascular patients more constant attention the weather changes.From the view of the traditional Chinese medicine keeping in good health,Snow has reached"supplements"Big time,Through a spirit/Adjustment diet/Practice form/Sexual intercourse in/WenHan optimum comprehensive rehabilitation to achieve the purpose of life.But experts also remind,Supplements to take it easy,Prevent patched up the.

  起居生活:去寒保暖常通风 早睡迟起多喝水 living:To cold warm often ventilated early to bed late up drink more water


Snow season,Things hidden,Health also want to conform to the laws of nature.On the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine known as"Chun xia keep Yang,Qiu dong nourish "Yin"say,So winter belong to Yin,To protect the solid shade essence.Snow season is a year is the season of cheng Yin qi.At this time if the weather with the advantage of a female,It can adjust the body balance of Yin and Yang,Especially of Yin deficiency.So should pay attention to the wind evil and cold evil of intrusion,Especially the head and foot.


To cold warm protecting good neck shoulder chest:Winter belong to Yin,With solid protecting Yin fine for this,Should be few drain fluid.So winter should be"To cold temperature is",To prevent cold invasion is necessary.But they shouldn't be suddenly and violently warm,Especially avoid through the thick clothes,Baking be.Snow solar terms,The cold wind easily through the neck will bring the body,Thus cause have a sore throat/Inflammation, etc.Especially for cervical bad people,Winter clothes to wear a turtle neck/Go out wearing scarf is very important.In addition to the neck,shoulder/Chest back and feet to keep warm.


The old dress to sleep less:The elderly because the body is weak,So afraid of cold,Winter sleep like to wear more clothes,But it's not healthy.Because the person is in sleep central nervous system activity slowed,The beating of the heart rate decreases,Muscle tone abate.If this time strip and sleep,Can quickly eliminate fatigue,The body each organ is have a good rest.Wear thick clothes to sleep,Will interfere with the normal skin"breathing"And sweat evaporation,Will feel cold.Wear more clothes when sleeping,Will more sleep more cold.


Walk drugs to soak the foot massage:Must always keep feet clean and dry,Socks frequently wash change frequently,On every day in warm water for my feet,At the same time stimulate the acupuncture point massage and feet.More than half an hour on foot every day,Activities feet.In addition,Choose a pair of comfortable/Warm light/Hygroscopicity good shoes are very important.Especially the drug to soak the foot can make drug ingredients through the skin/mucosa/The meridians and collaterals inside play a role,For those who can't supplements cognition of medicine,The method of foot can help them WenTong limbs,And avoid the medicinal food eat bring fire symptoms.


Nourish "Yin" drink more water to drink water:Winter is perspiration micturition reduce,But the brain and body each organ cells still need moisture nourish,To ensure the normal metabolism.Snow season is a year is the season of cheng Yin qi,At this time if the weather with the advantage of a female,It can adjust the body balance of Yin and Yang.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks,Water is the Yin to Yin,So in the depth of winter,Drink more water can nourish "Yin".Generally speaking,There are three glasses of water a day is must drink.But water is also the method.First, don't a drink too much water,About 200 ml can;At the same time, best can guarantee a day of water quantity in more than 1800 ml.Remaining in your diet is enough.At the same time,After the movement,Don't drink cold water,In order to avoid because of the cold weather outside stimulation and cold water,Cause stress reaction.


Adjust mood ventilation brain:Winter easy make the human body and mind in a depressed state.The best way to change the depressed mood is activities,Such as jogging/dancing/skating/Play, etc,Is to eliminate all winter annoyed,Maintain the medicine of the spirit.Winter indoor air pollution than outdoor serious dozens of times,Should pay attention to often open door window ventilated take a breath,To clean air,Brain refreshing.


Early to bed and got up late exercise less:Temperature difference between morning and evening,Should be careful to daily life,Proper motion,Enhance the ability to adapt to climate change.This is because,Winter morning,Is often the most cold,freezing,Is not suitable to outdoor activities,and,Early in the morning is air oxygen content in the least amount of time,Wait until the sun came out,The plant will start on photosynthesis of air oxygen increased slowly.In addition,Winter morning,Is relatively easy to appear the fog weather.Small droplets suspended in the tiny particles,Aspirated into the lungs is very adverse to human body health.
