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两人吃烧烤一氧化碳中毒昏倒路边(图)脱离危险后,中毒的两人表示目前仍感到身体乏力,需要继续做高压氧治疗。摄影记者张腾飞 Out of danger after,Poisoning two people said still feel the body is weak,Need to continue to do hyperbaric oxygen treatment.ZhangTengFei photographer


Two men and a woman in the roadside eating barbecue in the shed,Felt a little dizzy,Results fresh out of the door,One of the man and a woman will fall into a coma,It is carbon monoxide poisoning.After the rescue,Two people are out of danger,There is also began to worry.


路边吃烧烤取暖,装炭铁桶放桌边 The roadside eating barbecue heating,Loading carbon steel drum put table


Yesterday morning,Lying in the fourth people's hospital in dalian zhang bin and ms. Li,Although carbon monoxide poisoning situation good many,But still feel the body is very empty,Most of the time are lying in bed.


On December 4, a scene happened,Two people even say"fear",If inhaled carbon monoxide some more,There is a real chance to say goodbye to the world.


Zhang bin said,Six o 'clock that night,He and his friends to come to Mr. Qin xigang district even a flat street, go to eat,Go in the heats up a shed,Because the weather is cold,They sat in a corner of the shed in,In order to warm,The shopkeeper also bring a pack of carbon steel drum on the table.

  吃了一会儿,李女士也赶了过来,3个人一起小聚,边吃边聊。“吃饭的时候,就感到有点头疼,当时也没在意。 ”张斌说,到了晚上七点四十分左右,他们起身到外面结账,结果刚走出棚子,自己就一头栽倒,昏了过去。而李女士也跟着晕倒,只有秦先生好一点,但也感到头晕。

Eat for a while,Ms. Li also catch up,Three people chat together,Chat while we eat."eat,Just feel a little headache,At that time, didn't care. "Zhang bin said,In the evening about seven point four,They got up and to check out,The results have just walked out of the shed,His head is a fall,Blacked out.And ms. Li also follow faint,Mr Qin only a little bit better,But also feel dizzy.


The vendors, go after that,Immediately stopped a taxi,And Mr Qin together will faint two people near to the second people's hospital in dalian,In the hospital for emergency treatment,Two people will send 120 ambulance to the fourth people's hospital in dalian continue to rescue.


More than a week after the treatment,Zhang bin and ms. Li condition is stable,Out of danger,But two people said still feel the body is weak,Need to continue to do hyperbaric oxygen treatment,Otherwise it may fall sequela.

  但医疗费遇到了难题。“烧烤摊已经好几天不给医院打钱了,我们的治疗也无法继续下去,因为没钱,药都停了。 ”张斌说,他给烧烤摊摊主打过电话,对方让其先垫付,然后一起算,可他也是从普兰店来连打工的,也没有钱。

But medical treatment with the difficulties."It has already been several days not go to the hospital the collect cash from the viewers,Our treatment cannot continue,Because I have no money,Medicine stopped. "Zhang bin said,He go to the vendors called,Let the other payment first,Then we calculate,But he also from the PuLanDian came even to work,Also does not have the money.


 烧烤摊摊主:继续住院已经没必要 Vendors, go:Continue to hospital has no need to


this,Reporter yesterday with the vendors to contact Mr. Go,He says carbon monoxide poisoning things had never happened,He is suspected of carbon steel drum loading coal combustion is not full,Cause two people poisoning.That night in the shed a lot of people eat barbecue,But only two zhang bin began poisoning.


In Sir Said,Poisoning event occurs,He immediately stopped a taxi will be two people to the hospital,At present medical salvage and they have paid for a 10000 multivariate.


"They are not requires a hospital stay,My family of four depends on this, go for a living,It's not that I don't pay,But you can't always lying in a hospital it."Said Mr. In,He has to say to each other,Can continue to treatment,By spending bill come to him pay.

  于先生还透露一个情况,曾有一伙人晚上来烧烤摊要钱,影响了自己的生意,他已经录了像。“该花的钱,我绝对掏,但要花在该花的地方。实在有分歧,可以起诉我,法院判多少,我掏多少。 ”他说。( 半岛晨报 记者于志刚)

In Sir Also revealed a situation,Had a night to go to money,Affect the business of their own,He has been recorded as."Should spend the money,I definitely take,But to spend on this take place.Was divided,Can Sue me,The court sentenced to how many,I take much. "He said.( Peninsula morning paper reporter YuZhiGang)
