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  中新网1月8日电 据国家食品药品监管局网站消息,截至目前,全国各省局食品药品监管部门与相关部门密切合作,共监测发现违法发布药品信息和销售药品的网站671 家,其中境内违法网站499家,境外违法网站172家。

Beijing on January 8, according to the state food and drug supervision bureau website,Up to now,The provincial food and drug supervision bureau department of close cooperation with related departments,For monitoring found illegal release pharmaceutical information and sales of 671 sites,The territory 499 illegal website,172 overseas illegal website.


In order to ensure public safety,In February, 2012,State food and drug supervision bureau in the whole system, the organization carries out"Strengthen the supervision and administration of pharmaceutical information service and the Internet trading service severely crack down on illegal drug release false information selling drugs"The special action,Over the past year,According to the overall planning of the GuoGuJu around,Earnest organization,Positive action,Campaign has achieved fruitful results.

  在此次专项行动中,国家食品药品监管局将全部通过审批的网站列为重点检查对象。全系统共检查互联网药品信息服务网站3685家、互联网药品交易服务网站118家,受检率达100%。在检查中,对发现的问题责令企业立即纠正,拒不改正的一律依法处理。专项行动期间,共对263家存在问题的企业下达了责令整改通知,注销互联网药品信息服务资格证书102个,撤销互联网药品信息服务资格证书70个 ,关闭网站 82个,立案查处10件。

In the special action,State food and drug supervision bureau will all through the examination and approval of the site listed as key inspection object.The system check 3685 Internet drug information service website/118 the drug trading services web site,Client rate was 100%.During the inspection,To the problems found shall order the enterprise to correct immediately,Refused to correct shall be treated in accordance with the law.During the campaign,Total of 263 existing problems of the enterprises issued a notice shall be ordered to make corrections,Cancellation of the drug information service qualification certificate in 102,Revocation of the drug information service qualification certificate in 70 ,Shut down web site 82,Inspected and 10 pieces.

  同时,国家食品药品监管局把加强互联网动态监测,依法查处违法发布药品信息网站列为专项行动的重点。国家局监测发现违法网站655家,责成省局核查违法网站 234家次,移送工信部查处违法网站36家,发布《互联网购药安全警示公告》4期,对42个严重违法网站进行曝光,向美国FDA驻华办公室移送处理服务器设在美国的非法网站175个并已关闭16个,责成搜索引擎公司停止对29家违法网站提供搜索服务。

At the same time,State food and drug supervision bureau to strengthen the Internet dynamic monitoring,Issued in accordance with the law, investigate and deal with illegal drug information web site as the focus of the campaign.655 GuoGuJu monitoring found illegal website,Instruct ShengJu check illegal website 234 times,To work letter of illegal website and home,Issued by the[Internet buy drug safety warning notice]4,Exposure to 42 serious illegal website,The FDA's office of embassy to the United States to deal with illegal web server is located in the United States in 175 and closed in 16,Instruct the search engine company to 29 illegal web search service.

  自开展专项行动以来,全国各省局食品药品监管部门按照国家食品药品监管局的部署和要求,结合本单位实际情况,制定了实施方案,将专项行动工作落到实处。截至目前,全国各省局食品药品监管部门与相关部门密切合作,共监测发现违法发布药品信息和销售药品的网站 671 家,其中境内违法网站 499家,境外违法网站172家。移送通信管理部门关闭 167家,利用各种宣传平台发布互联网购药安全警示公告86期,移送有关部门屏蔽167家,立案查处36件,移送公安机关追究刑事责任 42 件,破获利用互联网非法销售药品重大案件13起,抓捕犯罪嫌疑人74名,有效打击了犯罪份子的气焰。

Since the special effort,The provincial food and drug supervision bureau department according to the state food and drug supervision bureau of deployment and requirements,Combination with the practical situation of this unit,Make the implementation plan,Will work special action into effect.Up to now,The provincial food and drug supervision bureau department of close cooperation with related departments,For monitoring found illegal release pharmaceutical information and sales of 671 sites,The territory 499 illegal website,172 overseas illegal website.To communications administrative departments of the close of 167,Use all sorts of promotion platform release Internet buy drug safety warning bulletin 86,Transferred to the relevant departments of the shielding 167,Inspected and 36 pieces,42 transferred to public security organs shall be investigated for criminal responsibility,Uncovered a major case 13 cases use the Internet to sell drugs illegally,Catch the criminal suspect 74,The flames of effectively cracking down on crimes of the part.
