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的哥送客途中猝死 昏厥前踩下刹车(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Yesterday morning eight about forty points,47, the taxi driver CuiDeXuan passenger step to chengdu consulate road near the embassy or consulate of the beauty,Suddenly collapse,But in the back seat,Began to twitch,After a few minutes sudden death.Faint before,He leans back against the instinct stepped on a foot brake,To avoid the taxi in the busy traffic jam is out of control.yesterday,Reporter in chengdu taxi drivers health status investigation.
正在路上开车司机突然昏厥 Is the way to drive the driver suddenly collapse
Yesterday morning about half past eight,Citizens in Mr. Zhao grinding son bridge took the CuiDeXuan taxi.In the busy traffic jam,Taxi low speed forward,Driving to the consulate way,CuiDeXuan suddenly a nasty cha foot.Mr. Zhao then shook violently,When he turned to look,CuiDeXuan already faint in the driver's seat,Body mild tic.
Mr. Zhao off to patrol for help,And yells stop in the taxi driver by ms. Zhang help call 120.Medical staff after 10 minutes when arrived on the scene,CuiDeXuan has no breath,Pupil diffusion.After half an hour to rescue,CuiDeXuan be condemned to death.
分析遗留现金也许通宵驾驶 From analysis of cash may drive all night
Mr Zhao says,Because of the sudden death of CuiDeXuan before the foot brake,Taxi did not cause any traffic accident.CuiDeXuan legacy is a purse/Driving license/A pad of bill.Id display,CuiDeXuan WuHouOu in chengdu,47 years old this year.
In the impression of colleagues,He is at rest love drinking,The body will be strong,Knees no child,Had divorced,Not long ago remarried.He left in 447 yuan in cash,There are 400 yuan are made by fifty yuan face value of the money,The change of cash for only $47.A colleague said,From the distribution of cash to watch,CuiDeXuan may have to pull a lot of guests,Maybe the drive all night.
早7点到晚7点2-3人轮流开车 7 PM 2-3 people take turns driving
At present,The police are prepared through autopsy to determine the cause of the CuiDeXuan sudden death.Yesterday afternoon,The reporter arrived before the the HongChuan taxi company to understand,The taxi driver to take shift,Usually have the night shift of the points.Day shift work time is 7 PM,Two or three people take turns to drive a car.But the system is very agile,Driving time between the partner free allocation.
In the taxi company,Open for more than ten years taxi Mr Yang said,Driving a taxi workload are vary from person to person.Some's to eat to live are in the car,The night tired stop in the side of the road have a nap,Wake up and open.
不良驾驶习惯威胁的哥健康 Bad driving habits threat's health
Although the cause of the CuiDeXuan sudden death had not been determined,But many doctors or expressed taxi driver state of health concerns.Doctors say,The taxi driver itself is not a high-risk profession,But some are formed in the taxi driver the bad driving habits but there are many hidden dangers.Long time for living in the car,Will cause the endocrine disorder,Body circulation,These habits and fatigue driving together induced myocardial infarction is a driver of the sudden death of the most main reason.
生前喜好喝酒或死于脑溢血 Before the be fond of drinking or died of cerebral haemorrhage
昨晚8点,记者来到崔德宣身份证上登记的住所,武侯区长寿路。此地早已出租,租房的人说,崔德宣一年多前离了婚,前妻也搬了。在邻居的印象中,崔德宣嗜酒如命,也正是因此离婚,之后性格变得十分孤僻,没日没夜开车。医生在检查崔德宣尸体时曾初步认定,他死于脑溢血,而过度饮酒恰是引发脑溢血的常见原因。(崔燃 实习生杨雪摄影刘陈平)
At eight last night,The reporter comes to CuiDeXuan id card registered residence,WuHouOu presence of.Here already rent,Renting a house said,More than a year ago CuiDeXuan divorced,Ex-wife also moved.In the neighborhood of the impression,CuiDeXuan drink like a fish,It is therefore a divorce,After personality become very withdrawn,No day and night driving.The doctor in check CuiDeXuan bodies had preliminary determination,He died of cerebral haemorrhage,And binge drinking just is a common cause of cerebral hemorrhage.(Cui combustion intern liu Chen ping Yang photography)
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