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卫生部:积极推进公立医院改革 取消以药补医机制--亲稳舆论引导监测室
中新网1月10日电 卫生部今日就2012年中国卫生十大新闻举行发布会,通报2013年全国卫生工作会议情况,卫生部新闻发言人、卫生部办公厅副主任邓海华表示,2013年,卫生部将积极推进公立医院改革,抓住取消“以药补医”机制关键环节,继续推进县级公立医院综合改革试点,试点要覆盖全国所有省(区、市),试点县达到全国县总数50%以上。
Beijing on October 1, 2012 the ministry of health today China health ten big news conference held,Bulletin 2013 national health work meeting situation,The ministry of health spokesman/The ministry of health, deputy director of the general office of DengHaiHua said,In 2013,,The health ministry will actively promote the reform of public hospitals,Catch cancel"In medicine for medical"Key link mechanism,Continue to promote public hospital comprehensive reform pilot at or above the county level,Pilot to cover all the provinces(area/city),ShiDianXian reached the national county total more than 50%.
DengHaiHua introduced,January 7 to 8,The 2013 national health work conference held in Beijing.The meeting session by the previous two days reduced to half a day,In the group discussion,The meeting special arrangement issues,Please for the health improvement work style comments Suggestions.Meeting for the first time in micro live,The prompt understanding the national health work meeting.
卫生部部长陈竺主持会议并做了题为《全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神 为提高人民健康水平而努力奋斗》的工作报告,总结了2012年卫生工作,要求推进医疗保障、医疗服务、公共卫生、药品供应和监管体制五个领域的综合改革。2013年要继续以深化医改为中心,扎实做好卫生工作。
The ministry of health minister Outlines the meeting and make the topic[Comprehensive implementation of the party's eighteen big spirit to improve people's health level and work hard]Work report,In 2012 was summarized, the health work,For promoting medical security/Medical service/Public health/Drug supply and regulatory system of the five areas of comprehensive reform.In 2013 to continue to deepen the reform as the center,Solid do health work.
DengHaiHua pointed out that,The ministry of health improve the new rural cooperative medical system,Improve security level.The national per capita financing will reach 340 yuan,At all levels of the government subsidies increase to 280 yuan per capita.Ginseng add up to rate to stay above 95%.Improve the actual reimbursement ratio,To save for the unit full implementation of end-stage renal disease/Lung cancer and kind of serious illness security work.Rural residents to major disease medical security and serious illness insurance effective cohesion.
DengHaiHua introduced,The ministry of health implement basic medical and health institutions of financial aid policy,And play of the compensation effect of the medical insurance payment.Perfect personnel distribution and the performance appraisal system.Improve grassroots medical health service ability,To speed up the standardization training of general practitioners,Improve the general practitioners salary,To carry out general country assistant practicing doctors' test,Continue to organize urban and rural hospital of support,Establish big hospitals and grassroots medical association.Consolidate the perfect and expand the national system for basic drugs,Provisions of the medical and health institutions at various levels and of various kinds of basic drug use ratio,To strengthen the medical institutions and medical personnel behavior of drug supervision.
In addition,DengHaiHua said,The ministry of health promoting public hospital reform,Maintenance public welfare.Catch cancel"In medicine for medical"Key link mechanism,Continue to promote public hospital comprehensive reform pilot at or above the county level,Pilot to cover all the provinces(area/city),ShiDianXian reached the national county total more than 50%.Strive to increase government input and medical insurance compensation strength.In the development of modern hospital management system construction,Ensure that public hospital public welfare and efficient sustainable operation.
DengHaiHua pointed out that,The ministry also strengthen the public health service system construction.Continue to carry out the state's basic public health services,This year will be the per capita funds standard increased to 30 yuan,Strive to will is scarcely populated remote areas per capita funds standard up to forty yuan.Implementation and expand the major public health services.Implement the major infectious diseases and chronic disease prevention and control planning,Effective control of AIDS/Major infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,Contain high blood pressure/Diabetes slow disease rapidly rising momentum.
The ministry of health strengthening food and drug/Medical services and public health supervision and management,Safeguard the people's lives and health and safety.Strengthening the government administrative supervision,In accordance with the JiaLie crack down on manufacturing products/Illegal medical practice, etc., which endanger the lives and health security and interests of the illegal behavior,Set up the health administrative law enforcement credibility.Play social supervision and industry association of professional supervision function.
DengHaiHua finally pointed out,The ministry of health will also continue to improve the financial aid/Service price/Such as medical insurance reimbursement policy incentives,To promote Chinese medicine service provision and use.The prosperity and development of the culture of TCM.More widely promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world.Increase health personnel and technology work dynamics,Improve health informationization level.
Perfect health personnel training and management policies,Accelerating the implementation of national health personnel security engineering,As soon as possible to solve the quantity is not enough,Structure and distribution problem is not reasonable.Promote health science and technology innovation system construction,Give full play to the leading role of science and technology and support,Promote the use of appropriate technology development,To strengthen the scientific research ethics review and research project supervision.To speed up the health informationization construction,Promote resource sharing.Further development"Merit YiManYi"activities,Carry forward the socialist core values reflect the medical and health professional spirit,Strengthen the construction of medical ethics and self-discipline,Establish good doctor-patient relationship,For medical personnel to provide a safe working environment.
The ministry of health:Perfect leprosy prevention departments coordination management mechanism
The ministry of health:Influenza activity more than historical peak level unlikely
卫生部:买卖献血证是违法行为 将严厉打击
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The ministry of health is introduced[The general principles of prepackaging food nutrition labels]implementation
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