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PM2.5入侵气管黏膜 专家建议日开窗10至20分钟--亲稳舆论引导监测室
昨天,众多患者在北京儿童医院专门开辟的临时输液区输液。新华社发 yesterday,Many patients in Beijing children's hospital open special temporary infusion area infusion.The xinhua news agency hair
PM2.5 is how to break through the gates of human's health guard/Be harmful to human health and invisible killer??In the serious fog haze weather condition,People should how to do well the health protection work?Go out as long as wear the mask can effectively prevent respiratory disease?In the home should be closed doors and Windows?These problems,Let health experts to for you to answer.
■PM2.5进入人体过程及后果 S PM2.5 enter human body process and consequences
PM2.5 into the respiratory tract,Stimulus and destroy tracheal mucosa,Tracheal mucosa to kill the virus/Bacteria and resist them into the lung tissue function decline,Tracheal mucosa function that discharge of decline.
In this case,Originally healthy people may appear cough/Symptoms such as bronchitis.
With asthma/Chronic bronchitis/Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) and respiratory system disease groups can cause lung infection,Cause shortness of breath/Bosom frowsty/Asthma suppress and discomfort,Cases of acute aggravating reaction.
Patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases but also have greater destructive power,Such as will increase the heart of heart disease burden,Induce cerebral infarction, etc.
Particles suction volume increasing,And damage to the lungs,Damage respiratory system and other systems.
Patients with diabetes because of their weak resistance,Are more likely to catch a cold.
The capital medical university affiliated hospital of Beijing millennium monument respiratory medicine experts say,Fine particulate air pollutants such as PM2.5 is respiratory and cardiovascular disease of the important risk factors.
Expert introduction,Water vapor in the big fog,The air chemicals especially harmful gas,Such as so2/Nitrogen dioxide meet water vapor to form small particles,And accumulate together and then sink."These attached many microorganisms/bacteria/The virus enters the body of particulates after the respiratory tract,First will stimulate and destroy our tracheal mucosa."Tracheal mucosa of the human body basically has two kinds of effect,One is to destroy harmful viruses and bacteria and their resistance in lung tissue,The second is the poisonous and harmful material discharge in vitro,With the increase of the particles suction,To protect the human body the first hurdle of tracheal mucosa after damage,These particles will then damage the lungs,Lead to human respiratory system and other system disease.
Peking University environmental health research team in an authoritative international journals, the results show that,Air pollution may first cause respiratory local oxidative stress and inflammation,And then lead to systemic inflammation and oxidizing damage.In addition the results of the study show,Atmospheric fine particulate and gaseous pollutants exposure after several hours,Pollutant concentration increase and sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve function is lower and the rise of blood pressure has significant correlation,The whole body low inflammation level and obesity may be further aggravate pollutants acute exposure of cardiovascular function damage.
■链接·呼吸道疾病患者增多儿童医院 S link · respiratory disease increase the children's hospital
The children's hospital for nearly half a month MenZhenLiang maintain some 9000 people in every day,The highest breakthrough ten thousand people,The medical patients accounted for nearly half.And medical patients,Nearly 60% is respiratory tract infection.Millennium monument hospital
Respiratory medicine MenZhenLiang to average 200 to 300 people,Not only more than twice as high in summer,Also significantly more than the same period in previous years.120 emergency center
The first week of the New Year,Disease of heart head blood-vessel and respiratory system to help patients in 2148 cases,Year-on-year growth of around 300 cases.999 emergency center
Nearly two days of data statistics,A total of 51 patients with pick-up a lung infection/Five bronchitis and asthma patients/86 patients with cardiovascular disease.
- health tip
"The close to home with it,Remember to go out wearing a mask."Seeing the fog lock city will continue for many days,The municipal bureau of health, in its official micro bo in a health remind.In addition,Health experts have also move,Teach the residents in the fog haze weather how to do their own protection work.
>>外出 >>out
应尽量选择戴专业口罩 Should as far as possible choose professional wear masks
Air force general hospital infection control section head CaoJinGui Suggestions,In recent days the weather situation,People should decrease as far as possible to go out,Increase the basic disease prevention.If you go out,Should as far as possible choose professional wear masks,"Surgical mask is approved by the national standard,A license,The mask on the market,Citizen or a carefully choose and buy is good".
According to CaoJinGui introduced,Medical masks are divided into three categories,Respectively is medical protective mask/Surgical masks and N95/N99 mask.The three types of mask structure has three layer,The outer layer is the splash,Intermediate is filter,The inner is moistureproof.The surgical mask to prevent respiratory disease or effective,On the market and the cotton masks, with only dust effect.
It is understood,According to the current situation of influenza prevention and control,City each big hospital in prevention and control work has been"upgrade".Xuanwu hospital infection department chief physician jing wang said,Emergency department/Respiratory outpatient service/Infectious disease and influenza patients more key departments by the medical staff have all worn for N95 respirator,"But has not yet reached in 2009 when a flow level".
>>通风 >>ventilation
每天应开窗10至20分钟 Every day should be open the window for ten to twenty minutes
The capital medical university affiliated hospital of Beijing millennium monument breathing head of the medical department said,Many people believe that fog haze weather will lock door window is wrong.On the one hand,Everyone will go home with many microorganisms and bacteria,If not a window ventilated,The house of microbes and bacteria content will gradually accumulation,Even more than outdoor air;On the other hand,If the home have flu patients words,It need more daily to indoor air for ventilation/circulation,Otherwise closed environment flu virus can infect other members in the home.
"Sandstorm weather should not be a window ventilated,But not for fog haze weather,And even if don't open the window,Outdoor dust particles will enter to the room."To open the window of time,Expert advice every ten to twenty minutes.
>>饮食 >>diet
少吃刺激性食物多吃梨 Eat less irritating food eat pears
Beijing 120 emergency center the doctor advised a chronic disease of the patients,Avoid the mist in the morning is thick go out shopping/Take part in all kinds of outdoor activities,Drinking more,Pay attention to rest.If the body appear discomfort,Want to go to hospital as soon as possible.
Because of the fog weather pressure is low,Hypertension and coronary heart disease patients don't strenuous exercise,Avoid cause angina pectoris/Heart failure.Usually have morning exercise habit,The best of the outdoor exercise indoors.At the same time,Fog diet to try to light,Eat less irritating food,Drink more water;Can eat more Yin runfei pear/lily/loquat/Lotus seed/Radish, etc.
Millennium monument hospital expert advice,Because the garlic and onion has the function of killing bacteria in the body,Therefore fog haze weather and high flu season if every night a little garlic can be eaten raw,Can effectively prevent the flu.
□走出误区 - out of misunderstanding
Fog haze weather,Health became the most popular topic.But in the face of the micro bo and neighbors/All of the colleagues,Some people meet special condition will be hard to avoid mistakes in health.He is ill he'll go to hospital running?The fog day smoke can purify air in?Experts say these claims"No".
>>发烧 >>fever
孩子能吃能玩可暂不去医院 Children can eat can play can temporarily don't go to the hospital
Parents if preliminary diagnosis the child has a fever is caused by a cold,If children can eat can play/Mental reaction good/Symptoms not heavy,Can temporarily don't go to the hospital.If a fever accompanied by severe vomiting/diarrhea,Can't eat,Mental reaction difference,Children under the age of 2 a day above high fever is not retreated/Preschool and school-age children have a fever more than 38.5 ℃ when,Parents give children after oral antipyretic to bring children to the hospital.
>>吸烟 >>smoking
净化身体之说纯属无稽之谈 Purification of the body said utterly ridiculous
Micro blog someone said,Fog haze weather serious when a cigarette can purify the body gas.It is not credible.Tobacco itself to the human body including tracheal mucosa/Lung tissue, and other organs will cause damage,Smokers of tracheal mucosa has been destroyed,And in the heavy fog weather smoking,No doubt is of the trachea"Add insult to injury"harm,Will add to tracheal mucosa damage.At the same time,Because of the fog haze weather indoor a window ventilated time reduced,If smoke indoors,No doubt it will cause secondhand smoke to the influence of family members.The outdoor smoking words,The harmful material for air many,And plus car tail gas and so on all can't receive timely dissipation,The smoking is three kinds of poisonous gas enters the body.
Our reporter LiQiuMeng
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