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重庆巫山县愈4成村医超60岁 无保障不敢退休--亲稳舆论引导监测室


On January 9,,In the home to square township public health center on the meeting,The two village doctor met - one who is 71 years old/Walk already some staggering WangChangPei,One who is 46 years old/Riding a motorcycle WangEnLong.


"Teacher wang,Recently, the body has good beauty?"WangEnLong warmly greeting.


"Is not so good.Have no way,old,Go soon tired,I couldn't stay up at night.But not have no income,Can adhere to the.Or are you better,High income,Have no pressure,I also bought a motorcycle."WangChangPei some envy.


The same for the square township village doctor,Two personal circumstances why not?

  同一个乡,两名村医收入相差近一倍 The same township,Two village doctor income are nearly doubled


According to relevant policy,Village doctor, at present the main source of income is made up of two parts composition - medical services and financial subsidies.Financial subsidies,Every name village doctor can obtain 400 yuan every month in addition to the special allowance,As an important part of its income drug price differentials subsidies/Public health service fee,The village as a unit for transfer.


If a village only a village doctor,So he got the drug price differentials subsidies/The public health service project cost is higher;If a village have two or three village doctor,Subsidies and project cost can divide by head.


The right WangEnLong hair WangChangPei village and the five cypress village,area/Basically the same population;Is different,Right hair village only a village doctor,And five cypress village two.


400 yuan every month of the village doctor subsidies/300 yuan of public health service fee,Combined with general fee,And every year 10000 yuan drug zero spread subsidies,WangEnLong average every month income can reach 2000 yuan."An apple two points",WangChangPei income natural less a lot,Only about half of the WangEnLong.

  想退休却不敢退 Want to retire but can't return


And in the prime of life than WangEnLong,In addition to the income gap,WangChangPei also has a layer of trouble.


On call,Go township string door,Of wind and rain,Village doctor work very hard.Even so,In WangChangPei still remain at the posts.


"I also think that city residents‘retirement’oh,But can't,To life!."WangChangPei said,"City residents have retired retirement wage,I retired can penny money also have no."


The original,According to the present policy,The identity of the rural doctors still is a farmer,There is no medical security after retirement/Old-age security,Only farming support himself,It also makes the most of the village doctor had passed sixty dare not small talk retirement.


"I do not know when I will have its oh?"WangChangPei face full of helpless.

  年龄超60岁村医占40%以上 Age over sixty years old village doctor, accounting for more than 40%


"WangChangPei situation is not the case."According to the square of ZhangXingPing township public health center is introduced,There are ten square township village and a neighborhood committee,There are 23 village doctor,Some shang have three village doctor,Their income is not as good as WangChangPei.


And from the age of the village doctor to see,Slant generally large,Sixty years old of above of eight people."After the reform,,People see a doctor difficult/The doctor your problem has been a marked improvement,But the village doctor, income inequality and lack of old-age security,Is a not allow to ignore/And common problems."

  据统计,在巫山县总共628名乡村医生中,年龄超过60岁有300多人,占总数的40%以上。(记者 韩成栋)

According to the statistics,Rising in a total of 628 rural doctors,More than sixty years old age more than 300 people,More than 40% of the total.(Reporter HanCheng building)
