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重病女婴转院因大雾受阻 警车开道送往医院(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

重病女婴转院因大雾受阻 警车开道送往医院(图)                             提前打开收费站的栏杆。                              Toll station opened ahead of the rail.重病女婴转院因大雾受阻 警车开道送往医院(图)                        交警高速出口焦急地等待宁宁的到来。                         The traffic police on the export anxiously waiting for the arrival of she.


Yesterday at about 9,Fog diffuse,A car license plate for hebei AS7260 taxi,In deep ze to shijiazhuang road streams.This is a car locked love car,Blockade of the high speed access to open it,High-speed traffic police car and protect it forward,The police went through a red light for one it,Hospital open a green channel for it...The car has a newborn baby girl 46 days,Because of the sudden acute disease need capital to the rescue.So in one and a half hours,In deep ze to shijiazhuang nearly 80 kilometers on ice and snow,Slit a life channel.


 时间:1月20日晚 time:1 month and day night

  地点:深泽县平安医院 site:ShenZeXian peace hospital

  女婴转院因大雾受阻 Baby girl to a hospital for the fog hindered


The taxi protected baby girl that she(alias),Just was born 46 days.Mother FanQiaoLing is deep ze people,Father is urumqi people.Because her husband work too busy,A few months ago,FanQiaoLing return from urumqi production.On January 2, late,She suddenly have a fever and cough with convulsions,Was sent to ShenZeXian peace hospital treatment.


January 21, at about twenty,She began to severe spasm,Children hospital advice to a hospital as soon as possible,Anxious families at a loss,The nurse BaiLing offer escort infants to shijiazhuang."Parents don't understand first aid,If your child on the road in a crisis,I may help."BaiLing said,the,She family looking for a car to go to save the children's hospital.


however,The fog stop their steps,The car is not open ShenZeXian city,Can't continue to go.BaiLing see their children in the car of suffocation face red,Worry about the children on the road again tic,Advise parents to return to the hospital.


The whole night,The hospital three medical staff always be she side.The BaiLing 5-year-old son settle in the hospital after the lounge,Also she side around from.


 时间:1月22日9时许 time:On January 22nd at about 9

  地点:深泽县平安医院门口 site:ShenZeXian peace at the door of the hospital

  出租车载婴儿冲入雾中 Taxi load baby into the fog


Night come finally survived.


On January 22nd at about 6,Xiao ning ning appear again tic,"Can't wait long!"Medical staff in the rescue at the same time,BaiLing began to help the hospital to flag down a taxi.Because at this time,The hospital two ambulance are home visit to save the patient.however,A few cars because of the fog tactful brush-off.At this time,BaiLing call the driving a taxi husband LiuGuang.


LiuGuang quickly drive to the front of the hospital.then,Grandma embrace she/The nurse BaiLing and a colleague on the car,She mother and uncle is open to follow another car.Fog diffuse/Snow back route slippery/High speed closed...Many problems in front.county,Visibility and fifty meters,Out of the city,The mist is at hand.


do?go,A car risk,Don't go,Baby girl be at the point of death.For the children,A car people chose resolutely forward.Running all the way to shijiazhuang,The two nurses in March to baby oxygen therapy.


 时间:1月22日9时40分 time:On January 22, and the forty points

  地点:石黄高速 site:Stone yellow high speed

  高速开辟专用通道 High speed open access


Babies need rescue ah!Go national highway to go 3 hours,Delayed to do?"To the media's help!"Often listen to the radio LiuGuang proposal.9 when the ten points make,BaiLing dialed hebei traffic radio FM992 telephone,Introduces the encounter difficulties.


Telephone directly cut to direct broadcasting room,Station in"Everybody to help"Show the things she live,Appealed to the driver teacher for she take taxi way.Go high speed,Is a shortcut,But high speed has fog closed.Radio contact with high-speed traffic police,For she get more practical help.


Provincial highway traffic police corps after receiving help,Indicating corps command center immediately with a line traffic police brigade contact,She arranged on the taxi high speed,And motorcades.


FanQiaoLing heard broadcast these,Hold the brother moved to cry.


9 when the forty points,Received instruction of high-speed traffic police brigade gaocheng,Decorate the rescue work immediately,She take a taxi from the nearest police on duty have a ZhanKou distance,In order to save the time of treatment,Gaocheng brigade quickly contact stone yellow highway administration,In the distance she take taxi recent stone yellow high speed JinZhou mouth opened love channel.At the same time,High-speed traffic police brigade gaocheng arrange driving in stone yellow high-speed chengdong chaff mouth and she take taxi rendezvous.


 时间:1月22日10时许 time:On January 22nd at about ten

  地点:石黄高速藁城东口 site:Stone yellow high-speed chengdong chaff mouth

  多辆警车护送前行 Many police car escorted forward


9 at make,She take taxi coming,Four or five police cars"surrounded"The taxi forward.Have motorcades,Taxi speed obviously came up,Up to 80 kilometers per hour.Only in this way,The car that young life will be guaranteed.


 时间:1月22日10时28分 time:On January 22nd 10 and points

  地点:京港澳高速裕华路口 site:The Hong Kong and Macao high-speed yuhua road

  市区车辆让出一条路 Urban vehicle make a way

  “我们到了石黄转京港澳处。”“我们到了京港澳高速西兆通服务区” ……对讲机的另一头,是京港澳高速裕华路口,高速交警及市交管局交警早已赶到,将出口处的档杆升起来。

"We came to stone yellow turn Beijing in Hong Kong and Macao.""We came to the Hong Kong and Macao high-speed west times pass service area" ...The other side of the radio,Is the Hong Kong and Macao high-speed yuhua road,High-speed traffic police and city traffic police participated already arrived,The exit will shift lever up.


10 and points,She take the taxi,The traffic police immediately launch vehicle,Beep broke the silence,Two police car one ahead,"The patient is in urgent need treatment,Please to give way,Please to give way."Along the YuHuaLu,She take a taxi to save the children's hospital.The road vehicle turns a corner/And word and word,To make room for a life channel.


时间:10时38分许 time:10 and points make

  地点:省儿童医院 site:Province children's hospital

  宁宁直接进了急诊室 She directly into the emergency room


About 90 minutes,She take taxi ran about 80 kilometers.10 and points make,To save the children's hospital.This is a long 90 minutes,This is the long 80 km,Is moved 90 minutes,Is moved 80 miles (kilometers).


Save the children's hospital medical staff went early to keep at the door,Seen here is a taxi,Immediately ran past she took,Sent to the emergency room.Clinical laboratory/Radiology department, etc are ready.


The children have been crying,Red in the face.The doctors settle to careful check,Soon she was to make the condition assessment and emergency inspection.


At about 11,She SunSuZhen out of the emergency room doctor,In the face of your concern,For everyone to eat this planet:"Children now stable vital signs,Preliminary identified as bronchitis/Pneumonia and,But tic reason to make further checks."


SunSuZhen introduced,Baby tic can cause serious complications,Mortality rates as high as twenty percent.Tic more than five minutes,The influence of brain cells do not expected.She's a doctor process changes every moment to fight with death,She as a doctor,SunSuZhen regrets ground say:"All of the open green channel,Everyone is she smooth relay,Is she the rescue for the precious time."


FanQiaoLing moved to cry to say:"I think this is just some things on TV,Didn't think this really happened in my body.Thank you,Thank you for all the help we mother and daughter/We all pay attention to/About our good intention,I believe that my daughter won't disappoint you,She would get up and healthy growth."


 新闻延伸 News extension

  护士白玲 The nurse BaiLing

  与出租车司机刘广是夫妻 With the taxi driver LiuGuang are husband and wife

  在省儿童医院院子的一处旮旯,记者找到了出租车司机刘广,他正一身轻松地吸烟。他说,安全抵达医院后,“我的心情像大雾散了一样!” 而在路上他可是颇受折磨。雾大、路滑,他必须保持足够冷静开车,绝不能被孩子的哭闹影响。事实上,来不来石他也矛盾过,不过想到孩子那么小,真是可怜,一咬牙就启动了车子。

In the province children's hospital in a corner of the courtyard,Reporters found the taxi driver LiuGuang,He is a smoking easily.He said,Arrived safely at the hospital,"My mood like the fog dispersed the same!" And on the way he's quite suffering.Fog big/slippery,He must keep calm enough to drive,Never can be the child's crying influence.In fact,Come not stone he also have contradictions,But think of the children so small,Is really poor,A grind will start the car.


LiuGuang when eight years soldiers,After retiring like vivid soldiers.


Comrade in arms SongJingHui memories,LiuGuang is an introverted person,Usually don't love talk,But in the public good friends."Others truly special,Usually also eager to help others."Perhaps is the experience of a soldier,Let him from the skin has a healthy atmosphere.


11 at reporter dialed the nurse BaiLing cell phone.She said,She has to sit on LiuGuang taxi,Ready to return to the deep jersey,"My 5 years old children in our hospital waiting for me?."BaiLing said,In the morning she worried send to stone,Her son in the entrusted to the colleagues,I don't know son have go to school on time.

  采访中,白玲才透露,她跟刘广是夫妻。(首席记者 谢鑫名 实习生 齐京 杨宏泽 于洋 岳傲 首席记者 李青)

interview,BaiLing to reveal,She told LiuGuang are husband and wife.(Chief reporter XieXin name intern together YangHongZe regards the YueAo chief reporter dubost)
