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待产“渐冻人”出现心肺功能不全 决定尽快手术--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

待产“渐冻人”出现心肺功能不全 决定尽快手术丈夫罗忠木为吕元芳量体温。昨日,由于吕元芳出现较重心肺功能不全,院方决定尽快手术。实习生 徐洋 摄 Husband LuoZhongMu for LvYuanFang temperature.yesterday,Because LvYuanFang appear heavier cardiopulmonary function is not complete,The hospital decided to operation as soon as possible.Interns XuYang perturbation


yesterday,Beijing aviation general hospital after for a pregnant woman/"Gradually freezing"LvYuanFang each inspection,Preliminary the caesarean operation is scheduled for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,And said will try our best to strive for LvYuanFang and fetal peace.


LvYuanFang 31,,Since the childhood with myelopathic type cervical muscle atrophy,Muscles gradually atrophic,As was gradually as frozen,When the respiratory muscle and swallowing muscle atrophy,Will lead to the end of life,So called"Gradually freezing".end,LvYuanFang from gansu province besides their hometown,Caesarean section to.Beijing aviation general hospital decided to free for LvYuanFang for caesarean operation.

  胎儿偏大但基本正常 Fetal partial big but the basic normal


Yesterday afternoon,In Beijing aviation general hospital in the maternity ward,In the LvYuanFang grid Johnny,Is her husband's help to eat.


LvYuanFang arm can barely lift,The only moving more agile only ten fingers.In order to convenient to eat his wife,LuoZhongMu rolling up the bed,Then one scoop of a spoon to feed LvYuanFang eating,LvYuanFang mother is on one side to hold the she.


At present,LvYuanFang pregnant has reached 35 weeks zero 3 days,The belly has high elevation.


LvYuanFang said,Fetal big,"Breathing up more and more difficult,Pant is especially difficult".


Hospital maternity a chief introduction,After the body of each indicator in the findings,LvYuanFang has appeared the heavier cardiopulmonary function is not complete,A severe restriction breathing air barrier."This was partly due to the chest fetus of extrusion,On the other hand is also LvYuanFang have gradually freezing disease,With the increase of the number of days of pregnancy,Add to the burden of the respiratory system.After caesarean operation,Difficulty breathing symptoms will greatly reduce".


A nursing researchers said,LvYuanFang at present state of mind is better,"After inspection,Fetal although size too large,But the basic normal,This is a good news".


 15万元一支药物防高热 150000 yuan a drug anti high fever


"Yesterday,Beijing aviation general hospital of anesthesia/maternity/breathing/Department of pediatrics, and other department experts to LvYuanFang again for consultation.Because LvYuanFang has appeared heavier cardiopulmonary function is not complete,The decision as soon as possible caesarean operation.


"For LvYuanFang surgery,At present the most difficult problem is anesthesia.Due to the patient's disease,The operation will use the way of general anesthesia,And the side effects of the drug to a minimum."Beijing aviation general hospital in critical anesthesia, director of the center for medical AnJianXiong said.


Dean GaoGuoLan said,The hospital has assemble the world's top breathing machine and other equipment,At the same time, considering the LvYuanFang possible problems such as malignant hyperthermia,Hospital prepare ahead of the 150000 yuan a imported drugs."Although the disease operation risk is very big,But we will try our best to strive for LvYuanFang and fetal peace."


■ 追访 S after visit

  吕元芳 出现不测愿捐出角膜 LvYuanFang accidents appear willing to donate the cornea


LvYuanFang difficulties after the mass media,Has been attracting wide attention from society.


yesterday,China central television to LvYuanFang as the theme,Recorded a period"Fight for you"The large-scale public welfare programs.China central television a director said,They will"For LvYuanFang and war",Hope for LvYuanFang raised after the birth of the baby, such as raising the cost of living.


Spinal muscular atrophy(sma)Patients mutual group"Home of the sma"Mr. MaBin administrator at the said,They group of some of the patients and families,Is for LvYuanFang strong move,They have launched a fundraiser,"At present already raised to ten thousand multivariate money,Recently by the Beijing will be a parent to the hospital to LvYuanFang I".


Because the operation risk,The hospital to LvYuanFang I and her husband and her mother had made good ideological work.


yesterday,LvYuanFang on hospital the matron said:"If one thousand surgical failures,I appear what accident,I hope to contribute my cornea to need,And I also hope to be able to save the child."(Reporter YiFangXing)
