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- acute pulpitis(Acute apical periarthritis)/Acute periodontal abscess/Acute coronary periarthritis/Tooth hidden crack and oral ulcer is the most common 5 kinds of oral acute inflammation


- during the festival,In addition to avoid eating extreme cold/heat/acid/hot/Sweet and irritant food and eat and drink too much outside,Must pay attention to the law of life less stay up late,And to do"Sooner or later, brushing/Rinse your mouth after meals"Oral cavity clean care


Spring Festival,It is friends party chow down/The wine to show affection,Each food take turns on,Mouth often stop to do not come down.On this special day,A lot of people lifestyle and diet often don't rule,Oral care and thus be interrupted,Bacteria will decide.Toothache up eat what is sad,Even pay New Year call also have"Secret sorrow".


How to do"Tooth good health"?The expert reminds,Whether it is the Spring Festival or at ordinary times,Bad eating habits and irregular life will be oral health threat.During the festival,In addition to avoid eating extreme cold/heat/acid/hot/Sweet and irritant food and eat and drink too much outside,Must pay attention to the law of life less stay up late,And to do"Sooner or later, brushing/Rinse your mouth after meals"Oral cavity clean care.

  生活饮食不规律 Life irregular diet

  口腔疾病来作祟 Oral diseases to haunt


"During the Spring Festival,Dental emergency patients often have increasing trend."Guangdong stomatological hospital dean/The oral medical association, vice chairman of ZhangJinCai professor said,The most common 5 kinds of oral acute inflammation,Including acute pulpitis(Acute apical periarthritis)/Acute periodontal abscess/Acute coronary periarthritis/Teeth trauma(Tooth hidden crack/Teeth fracture)And oral ulcer,A crowd is adult children see more.


"In fact,Usually oral lesions did not deal with,In the Spring Festival is easy to acute attack."ZhangJinCai said,The Spring Festival the onset of incentive,On the one hand is the Chinese New Year everyone love to go out to eat,The weather was cold like to eat hot/Spicy food and irritation,Cause oral cavity ulcer/Gingival abscess disease increase;In addition,Bite walnut/Sucked bones and other"Test tooth force"action,Easy to cause the tooth hidden crack.On the other hand,The long journey diet irregular work and rest/Life turned night into day/Have a meal not timing easy to ignore oral cavity clean;Smoking a lot/drinking/Stay up all night activities such as easy to cause the resistance drop,Cause periodontal tissue inflammation;When the mood is bad/Mental strain/Sleep deprivation,Oral cavity ulcer disease also increases the risk of.

  健康利市: Health LiShi:

  护牙三部曲——早晚刷牙、饭后漱口、及时看牙 Tooth trilogy, sooner or later, brushing/Rinse your mouth after meals/Timely the dentist


ZhangJinCai says,Teeth clean,No dental caries;Gum color normal,Without inflammation,No bleeding;In alignment,Is the standard of oral health.In addition to routine at ordinary times/Outside a balanced diet,He also to our readers to send three"Health LiShi":


1. Sooner or later, brushing.


The tooth brush clean,Choose the hair soft brush head little toothbrush,Not only to do no damage to the teeth,And brush to"trying"."Key parts of brushing your teeth in the boundary of the gums and teeth,That is the place where bacteria take root.Toothbrush and teeth into a 45 degree Angle,Brush MaoYingShen to drain ditch inside."He stressed that,Brushing your teeth should be local/Short distance to"tremor",Not long to brush my teeth pulled.Should every day sooner or later, brushing twice,Brush your teeth before going to bed is particularly important,Brush your teeth every time 2 ~ 3 minutes.On the road if unable to brush my teeth,Can use mouthwash.


2. Rinse your mouth after meals.


Objective is to product hidden in the oral cavity clean food residue.Even without mouthwash,Use tap water can also sort out the residue.On the road try to eat less cookies/cake/Candy and high starch content/Easy to stick on the teeth of food,apple/banana/Peanut is good choice.


3. Timely the dentist.


Once a year check teeth(cleaning),Can not only on oral cleaning and care,And still can let the doctor found that oral problems in time.He mentioned,Cleaning is the first step of periodontal disease prevention and control,Developed countries each year for cleaning a citizen.If periodontal disease worse appear pulpitis/Root tip periarthritis need for root canal treatment or tooth crown restoration,Cost of one thousand yuan of above,If you need to tooth and dental implant for the repair cost as high as ten thousand yuan of above.

  专家提醒: The expert reminds:

  春节5种急性炎症最爱“捣乱” The Spring Festival 5 kinds of acute inflammation love"trouble"


ZhangJinCai introduced,During the Spring Festival 5 kinds of oral acute inflammation love out"trouble":


Acute pulpitis/Acute apical periarthritis:


Usually cavities buried an apple of discord


"As the saying goes‘Toothache is not a disease,Pain up to life’,Say is pulpitis.Pulpitis and apical periarthritis are dental caries(Tooth decay)cause.Pulpitis is bacteria or poison invasion is located in the center of the tooth pulp cause inflammation.Pulpitis continue to deteriorate is root periarthritis."ZhangJinCai said,If usually have pulpitis and apical periarthritis,The attack is scout,In fatigue resistance drops,Are more likely to attack.


To avoid pulpitis/Root periarthritis,The key lies in peacetime to prevent tooth decay.He mentioned,Acute pulpitis/Acute apical periarthritis attack is not general pain,Prompt medical attention should be.A doctor in the former can take painkillers pain,But eat anti-inflammatory drugs is useless.


Acute periodontal abscess:


Weekdays periodontitis ignore treatment


"Usually if there is no treatment and periodontal disease,Vacation if life is not law,Resistance drop,Acute periodontal abscess, would come out to haunt."Periodontitis is involving the gums/Periodontal membrane/Alveolar bone and teeth bone of chronic infectious diseases.ZhangJinCai also laid special emphasis on,Now for diabetes has increased trend,In diabetics are easy to periodontal disease."High blood sugar can cause the body resistance drop,Periodontal easy to inflammation."Especially those who don't know what they have diabetes people,If you find yourself periodontal abscess,Will check whether suffering from diabetes.He mentioned,In the periodontal abscess patients,A check is 20% ~ 30% of people with diabetes.


Acute coronary periarthritis:


Wisdom teeth are to blame


ZhangJinCai introduced,Crown periarthritis attack reason is impacted wisdom teeth after,Between the teeth and gums"Blind bag"Easy to be harbouring food residue/Seepage content and bacterial natural place,Once the body resistance is low,Can cause"Blind bag"Position inflammation.ZhangJinCai remind,A wisdom tooth but not pulled out of the people,After dinner must clean food residue,Lest because"Shelter evil people and practices"And let the wisdom teeth in front of the healthy teeth rot away.ZhangJinCai mentioned,Acute coronary periarthritis and acute periodontal abscess attack,In the holiday failed to timely treatment cases,Can use metronidazole/Spiramycin for anti-inflammatory analgesic.


Tooth hidden crack:


A bit hard things,Teeth is cracking


Some people are chewing hard food suddenly feel pain teeth,But can't see anything unusual teeth,So he didn't care about,In fact is very likely tooth hidden crack.These cracks are very fine,Along with the crack deepen,Chewing teeth appear when hard pain or discomfort."General to eat big bone does not cause tooth hidden crack,It is to eat little bones or food mixed small stones,easy‘Come back’.Once in the same position a few times more bite,It is possible to split teeth,Cracked teeth would maintain the arrangement."


ZhangJinCai remind,Dinner should be chewed,See food have small objects should be eliminated out,Don't use teeth of walnut or beer bottle cap,But eat peanut and melon seeds is not a problem.He stressed that,Once found that tooth hidden crack,Don't use a tooth bite,Should be timely medical treatment.


Oral ulcer:


Heavy female light male,A week or so can self healing

  章锦才说,吃了刺激性的食物,睡眠不好甚至失眠、疲劳、紧张、水果蔬菜等纤维素摄入不足、便秘等因素都有可能招致口腔溃疡。此外,口腔溃疡女性比男性高发,特别是进入更年期的女性,由于激素水平改变,更容易得病。章锦才还提到,抽烟喝酒的人士不容易得口腔溃疡,这是因为烟酒平时大量刺激口腔黏膜,导致黏膜“脸皮厚”而不易得溃疡。“但口腔黏膜角化过度,容易出现黏膜白斑。”他提到,口腔溃疡一般1周左右能自愈。预防口腔溃疡,一要生活规律,二要平衡饮食。(文/记者莫冠婷 通讯员胡飞)

ZhangJinCai said,Eat pungent food,Sleep even insomnia/fatigue/nervous/Fruits and vegetables, such as inadequate intake of cellulose/Constipation factors are likely to incur oral ulcer.In addition,Women with a high incidence of oral ulcer than men,Especially in the menopausal women,Due to hormonal changes,More susceptible to illness.ZhangJinCai said,Smoking and drinking are not always easy oral ulcer,This is because the sin of the oral mucosa stimulation at ordinary times,Lead to mucosa"Have a thick skin"And not easy to ulcer."But the oral mucosa hyperkeratosis,Prone to mucosa vitiligo."He mentioned,Oral ulcer general 1 weeks or so can self healing.Prevention of oral ulcer,A law to life,Secondly, to a balanced diet.(Wen/reporter MoGuanTing HuFei correspondent)
