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业绩持续性难经受考验 私募想说爱你不容易--亲稳网络舆情监测室
特点一:风水一年一转 Features a:Geomantic turn a year
Good buy fund research center statistics from 2008 to 2012 years of unstructured sunshine private first ten(Because the 2012 private equity not completely finished update,After ten remain fine possibility),Is not difficult to find,A year before the first ten almost rarely appears in the second year of the list.This is the people often said"Champion spell".
The so-called sunshine of private equity"Champion spell",Refers to the last year's champion product next year it is difficult to continue to maintain its good performance,If the spell to widen the scope of the concept,Last year's top ten list rarely appeared in the next repeat.Good buy statistics from 2008 to 2012 of the top ten private,Can continuous appeared in the forefront of private rare breed.In 2011, appeared in the top ten list of gold and energy and JingLiang respectively in 2008 and 2009 in the first ten sunshine private list,And in 2012 appears on the list of German source Ann strategic growth 1 and 1) in red respectively in 2010 and 2011 into the top ten list.And if the list from time to see's words,In addition to the red 1 period is for two years into the top ten list outside,The rest of the coincidence product is after 1 year or 2 years again into the list.
Champion spell in a variety of reasons,Some are in the market of style transformation,The company's investment style can't adapt to the change of style,Even if adjust the position,Still need some time to make up for the loss of the party and continue to benefit.Also some are due to the successful after's list,The attention of investors greatly increased,The company for asset management level can't keep up with the expansion of the speed,Also led to the decline of the performance.
特点二:规模一大就玩不转 Features two:A large scale is WanBuZhuan
XuFuYi in the study also found,With private product of the rapid expansion of the scale,Private product performance also falling sharply.
Due to the size of the sun private products less disclosure,So we only to release the product quantity to as a measure of the general standard.Good buy statistics the sun private issue than the number of structured products,And the products are calculated in the first ten largest circulation and its average accumulated earnings.Product release the largest number of top ten private rosefinch, respectively/Freshwater spring/New value/Star stone/Is the/Flood peak/wudang/calmly/In close, silver and John letter,The largest number of product release in the five were released 30/and/and/26 and 25 only unstructured sunshine private products.
For some in private,In its expansion because after the management level is limited to the management of the above before the scale,Often can cause some performance decline,The most typical new value,In the released and only after the products,Plus market style of flashbacks,Average accumulated earnings for - 43.12%.
Of course,There are also some private in the expansion also maintained a steady growth in the performance,Yunnan model of flood peak with its Chinese dragon series products of excellent performance,And only the whole product has got 65.65% of the average accumulated earnings.The same steady expansion and star stone/, close in silver/Fresh water springs and rosefinch,Got 18.63% respectively/11.96%/8.83% and 5.91% of the average accumulated earnings,but,The fresh water springs in a few years ago had very gloomy day.
特点三:同门不同命 Features three:Biconditional gate different life
With the scale expansion bring performance declining strange phenomenon,And the sun of private equity"Biconditional gate different life"phenomenon.In addition to outside flagship products,Other products are all performance.
Which is the typical have show red,The red in 1) get 36.90% of the annualised income at the same time,The rest of the 7 only products appear different degree of loss.The essence of the pure hee hee 1 period in get 28.28% of the annualised income at the same time,The rest of the product performance annualised earnings are below 5%,Some appear even negative change in income,All the products in turn income variance is 13.08%.Six grass its six grass glory years 1 issue of the annualised rate of return is 15.25%,But the rest of the product performance is not good,All the products in turn income variance is 61.93%,Annualised income the best products and the worst between products range is 99.25%.
The same private fund company's various private product difference,The main or because fund manager system of the cause.The fund manager personal energy co., LTD., after all,The scale after apace,Not all products into consideration,But many fund managers of different relative operation style and is easy to cause the difference of performance.Or have the fund manager will be out of diversification of risk consideration for the management of the different product adopt different investment strategy or management mode.
but,Also some private will take replication strategy,Such as star stone and only products,Overall income stable performance,Only three products appeared negative income,And losses are controlled within 5%.
Because of the above characteristics,Make investors long-term tracking a private product measures is difficult to get the ideal rate of return,Is really"Want to say love you not easy".
By the end of 2012,Domestic sunshine private products have been more than 2000 only,If only look at absolute performance figures,A large number of private backbone is easy to be ignored.Such a state,Actually not conducive to the development of the private equity industry progress.Follow the lead of public offering fund classification model,Refining private performance ranking has become the urgent matter.
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